15:31 | 07/02/2025

What are the guidelines for assessing and grading communist party members in Vietnam under Regulation 124 of 2024?

What are the guidelines for assessing and grading communist party members in Vietnam under Regulation 124 of 2024? What are the guidelines for writing a self-review by communist party members in Vietnam?

What are the guidelines for assessing and grading communist party members in Vietnam under 4 levels specified in Regulation 124 of 2024?

Under Article 12 of Regulation 124-QD/TW 2023, 4 levels for grading communist party members at the end of 2024 as follows:

* Grading communist party members for Collectives

Level Grading Criteria
Excellent Completion of Tasks Collectives with significant achievements; serve as examples for others; all assessment criteria achieved "Good" or higher. Criteria for task performance results for the year (for collectives) must be rated "Excellent" with specific products.

No organizations under them or members of their leadership have been disciplined.

The competent authority will consider and decide that the number of collectives graded as "Excellent Completion of Tasks" does not exceed 20% of those graded as "Good Completion of Tasks" within each group with similar roles, functions, and responsibilities.
Good Completion of Tasks Collectives with criteria rated "Average" or higher, with task performance results for the year (for collectives) and individual performance over the year are rated "Good" or higher with specific products.

No organizations under them or members of their leadership have been disciplined (except in cases of self-discovery and rectification of consequences).
Completion of Tasks Collectives with basic criteria rated "Average" or higher with specific products.

No organizations under them or members of their leadership have been disciplined (except in cases of self-discovery and rectification of consequences).
Non-Completion of Tasks Collectives with criteria rated "Poor" or involved in any of the following cases:

- For organizations, agencies, and units:

+ A subordinate unit has incidents of corruption, waste, negativities, or other violations subject to disciplinary action per Communist Party, State law (except in cases of self-discovery and rectification of consequences).

+ Completed less than 50% of targets and tasks as per approved programs and plans and key targets unmet (except force majeure cases).

+ Leadership has been disciplined, or over 20% of subordinate units were disciplined.

- For leadership collectives:

+ Recognized by the authority as having internal division; with members with political ideology degradation, unethical behaviors, and "self-transformation".

+ Regions and organizations managed are under 50% target completion as designated (except force majeure cases).

+ Subject to discipline or member discipline (except self-discovery and rectification).

Cases with shortcomings from the previous year yet disciplined in the assessment year will consider the nature, consequence, and specific conditions for re-assessment at the time of violation.

* Grading communist party members for Individuals

Level Grading Criteria
Excellent Completion of Tasks Individuals with Excellent achievements; serve as examples for others; assessment criteria achieved "Good" or higher, with task performance personally rated "Excellent" with specific products.

Complete 100% of targets or work, with at least 50% exceeding expectations.

The competent authority considers those graded as "Excellent Completion of Tasks" not exceeding 20% of "Good Completion of Tasks" in similarly positioned groups.
Good Completion of Tasks Individuals with criteria rated "Average" or higher, with task performance for the year (for collectives), and personal task performance rated "Good" with specific products.

Complete 100% of targets per plan or work assignments, ensuring progress, quality, and effectiveness.
Completion of Tasks Individuals with basic criteria rated "Average" or higher with specific products.

All assigned tasks completed, with no more than 20% criteria not meeting quality, progress.
Non-Completion of Tasks Individuals with criteria rated "Poor" or involved in any of these situations:

- Concluded by authority as having political ideology degradation, unethical behaviors, and "self-transformation".

- Over 50% of criteria for yearly performance evaluated as uncompleted.

- Over 50% of low confidence votes in assessment sessions for that year.

- Subject to disciplinary action (except self-discovery and rectification).

Individuals with violations at a previous unit were assessed under the former unit (not affecting the new unit). If violations occur at both, assessments of violation instances occur for each unit.

Discipline imposed in the year evaluated will consider specific violations for decision-making at the incident time.

* Grading communist party members for leading or managerial staff:

Level Grading Criteria
Excellent Completion of Tasks Besides general standards, must exemplify political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, work style; the region, field managed completes all tasks with at least 50% exceeding targets; 100% of subordinate agencies rated as completing tasks, 70% rated as "Good Completion of Tasks" or higher.
Good Completion of Tasks Must exemplify political ideology, ethics, work style; the managed region completes all tasks, with 80% on time and quality assurance; 100% of subordinate agencies rated as completing tasks.
Completion of Tasks Must exemplify political ideology, ethics, work style; the managed region completes over 70% of targets, with at least 70% of subordinate agencies rated as completing tasks.
Non-Completion of Tasks - Recognized by authority as having internal division; with members with ideology/beliefs degradation.

- Regions managed complete under 50% targets as designated (except force majeure cases).

- Subject to discipline or member discipline (except self-discovery and rectification).

- Managed region under 70% target completion or agencies involved in corruption resulting in disciplinary action (except self-discovery and rectification).

Assessment and Classification of Communist Party Members Following Regulation 124 of 2024

What are the guidelines for assessing and grading communist party members in Vietnam under 4 levels specified in Regulation 124 of 2024? (Image from the Internet)

What are the guidelines for writing a self-review by communist party members in Vietnam?

Below are detailed guidelines for writing a self-review by communist party members:

Form 02A: For communist party members not holding leading or managerial positions

Form 02A: For Communist Party Members not Holding Leadership or Management Positions

Form 02A....Download

For communist party members not holding leading or managerial positions refer to form 02A as follows:

- Fill in basic information:

Include: Full name, Date of birth, Unit of work, Party cell

- Self-review content

(1) Strengths and Achievements

- Political qualities, ethics, lifestyle; unity and consensus within the organization; discipline awareness, responsibility of setting an example; adhering to things party members should not do; work style etc. Evaluate degradation signs: "self-transformation".

Self-assess on levels: Excellent > Good > Average > Poor

Consider the following aspects:

- Political stance

+ Loyalty to Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, and Communist Party renewal directions.

+ Actively participate in classes, conferences on Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thoughts; Communist Party resolutions and directives, applying learned knowledge in practice.

+ Actively promote and mobilize family, friends, and the people to adhere to Communist Party guidelines, State policies, and laws.

(2) Learning and Enhancing Political Mettle

- Proactively engage in political activities to enhance revolutionary mettle, fulfil tasks effectively.

- Annually, participate in all political activities, update on Communist Party's resolutions, directives, especially Party congress resolutions and new policies.

- Ethical qualities, lifestyle

+ Results of learning from Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, ethics, style

+ Emulate Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, ethics, style in actions, lifestyle, work.

+ Uphold public service ethics, set examples in personal life and work, ensure confidence from peers and the public.

+ Preserve ethical integrity, promote pioneering, exemplary conduct.

+ Maintain ethical conduct, simple, close to the people, proactive against bureaucracy, corruption, waste, and negativity in units.

+ Contribute to local, unit development, uphold team spirit.

+ Partake in activities to strengthen work environment, ensure transparency, unity, support among colleagues.

- Fulfill tasks, responsibilities, and deliver results for targets assigned annually.

+ self-review levels: Excellent > Good > Average > Poor

+ Officials/employees complete tasks, responsibilities per Party, State, unions' guidelines, fulfill assignments from superiors on schedule and quality.

+ Good adherence to discipline, regulations by agency/organization; responsibility in work completion and goal achievement.

- Showcase innovation, creativity in problem-solving. Actively propose solutions for process improvement and effective workflow. Demonstrate a high level of personal accountability.

- Receive positive assessments from superiors and peers during assessments, no negative feedback on work ethics, capacity, or attitude.

(3) Compliance in annual commitment to self-improvement, striving.

II. Limitations, Shortcomings, and Causes

- Limitations, shortcomings

+ Analyze limitations, shortcomings based on strengths and achievements identified.

- Causes of limitations, shortcomings

+ Self-identify causes of mentioned limitations and shortcomings.

+ Clearly review limitations, shortcomings (resolved; in-progress, resolved, unresolved); any obstacles, difficulties; personal responsibility.

(4) Explanation for suggested points for reassessment (if any)

Explain each suggested reassessment point, state causes, and clarify personal responsibility for each point assessed.

(5) Clarify personal responsibility regarding the collective's shortcomings (if any)

(6) Direction, measures to rectify limitations, shortcomings

(7) self-review rating

- Self-assess quality rating in 4 levels:

+ Excellent Completion of Tasks

+ Good Completion of Tasks

+ Completion of Tasks

+ Non-Completion of Tasks

Form 02B for communist party members holding leading or managerial positions

Form 02B for Communist Party Members Holding Leadership, Management Positions

Form 02B for communist party members holding leading or managerial positions Download

Following Form 02A with the additional contents:

- Results of leadership, management, execution of responsibilities; completion of targets by managed organizations; ability to gather, and build internal solidarity.

- Responsibility at work; dynamic, innovative spirit, accountability; addressing difficult, complex, sensitive matters in task execution.

- Personal and familial leadership responsibility; anti-corruption, waste, negative acts; trustworthiness among officers, party members.

Communist party members self-assess on levels: Excellent > Good > Average > Poor.

Note: Information is for reference only.

Is a teacher who is a new communist party member in Vietnam required to make a self-review?

Under Article 5 of Regulation 124-QD/TW in 2023, entities required to make a self-review are specified as follows:

Entities required to make a self-review

1. Collective


2. Individual

2.1. Communist party members in the entire Communist Party of Vietnam (except for members who are exempt from duties and CPV meetings; members suspended from CPV meetings; newly admitted members for less than 6 months).

2.2. Leaders and managers at all levels.

Thus, a teacher who is a communist party member is not required to make a self-review if he/she has been admitted for less than 6 months.

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