Vietnam: What are the guidelines for registration for the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" on hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn?
What are the guidelines for registration for the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year on hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn?
Note: This is not the website for registration for the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh". To participate in the contest, candidates must access the following link: |
Students can refer to the following guidelines for registration for the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year on hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn:
The online contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" is organized by the Ministry of Education and Training along with relevant units, with the purpose of further promoting the movement of studying and following Ho Chi Minh's moral thought and style according to the Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW dated May 18, 2021, of the XIII Politburo on continuing to implement Directive No. 05-CT/TW of the Politburo.
In the Rules of the online contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year promulgated with Decision 3891/QD-BGDĐT in 2024 Download, the guidelines for registration for the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year on hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn are as follows:
Step 1: Candidates access the contest website at the following link from 09:00 on December 16, 2024:
*Note: Each candidate registers and uses one account to participate in the contest.
- Trial period: From 09:00 on December 16, 2024, to 22:00 on December 22, 2024.
Step 2: Fill in detailed information according to the instructions:
After registering an account, candidates can take a trial online contest on the contest website.
- Official contest information on the website:,,; Contest Fanpage and
What are the guidelines for registration for the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year on hocvalamtheobac mobiedu vn? (Image from the Internet)
Is there an age limit for secondary school students applying for re-enrollment in Vietnam?
Under clause 2, Article 4 of the Regulations on transferring schools and admitting students to study at lower and upper secondary schools issued with Decision 51/2002/QD-BGDDT:
Eligibility for school transfer and re-enrollment.
1. School transfer:
a) Student transferring residence with his/her parent or guardian.
b) Student in particularly difficult family circumstances or has a compelling reason to transfer schools.
2. Re-enrollment:
Student applying for re-enrollment after leave is still within the prescribed age of each education level.
Simultaneously, according to the regulation in Article 33 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school, and multi-level school charter issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT on the age of secondary school students:
Secondary school age
1. Children shall start the sixth grade at the age of 11 and the tenth grade at the age of 15. For students skipping a grade or over-age students, the sixth grade and tenth grade starting ages shall be adjusted based on the age at which these students graduate from the previous education level.
2. For ethnic minority students, students with disabilities, disadvantaged students and students returning to Vietnam from abroad, maximum secondary school starting age shall be 03 years older than the compulsory starting age.
3. At an education level, students may not repeat a grade more than 03 times.
4. Students with good physical capacity and early intelligence development may enter the sixth or tenth grade before the compulsory starting age or skip to the next grade within the same education level. Consideration shall be given on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with the following procedures:
a) The student’s parent or guardian submits an application to the school.
b) The school principal establishes a survey and advisory council with the following main members: representatives of school leaders and parent committee of the school; and teachers teaching the student's class.
c) The school principal considers and makes a decision based on the result of the survey conducted by the survey and advisory council.
5. Students at an appropriate age returning to Vietnam from abroad and children of foreigners working in Vietnam may enroll in local or non-local secondary schools capable of receiving them. Consideration shall be given on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with the following procedures:
a) The student’s parent or guardian submits an application to the school.
b) The school principal organizes an assessment of the student’s capacity and places them in a suitable class.
Thus, according to the above regulations, there is an age limit for secondary school students applying for re-enrollment (secondary school students include both lower and upper secondary school students).
What does the application for re-enrollment by secondary school students in Vietnam include?
Under clause 1, Article 6 of the regulations issued with Decision 51/2002/QD-BGDDT, the application for re-enrollment by secondary school students in Vietnam includes:
Thus, secondary school students wishing to re-enroll need to prepare the following documents:
- Application form for re-enrollment signed by the student.
- Academic record of the grade or level attended (original).
- Diploma of the lower education level (certified true copy).
- Confirmation from the local authority of residence regarding the observance of state policies and laws.