10:17 | 14/08/2024

Evaluation and Classification Form for the Quality of Public Preschool Teachers for the School Year 2024 - 2025 in Vietnam

Which is the current latest evaluation form for assessing the quality of newly hired public employee teachers in Vietnam?

Evaluation and Classification Form for the Quality of Public Preschool Teachers for the School Year 2024 - 2025 in Vietnam

The assessment form for the quality rating of public employee teachers for the school year 2024 - 2025 is Form No. 03 at Decree 90/2020/ND-CP.

Download the latest assessment form for the quality rating of public employee teachers for the school year 2024 - 2025 here: Here

Assessment Form for the Quality Rating of Public Employee Teachers for the School Year 2024 - 2025?

Evaluation and Classification Form for the Quality of Public Preschool Teachers for the School Year 2024 - 2025 in Vietnam​ (Image from the Internet)

What are principles of evaluation and quality rating of public employee teachers in Vietnam?

According to Article 2 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP, the principles for evaluating and rating the quality of teachers who are public employees are as follows:

- Ensuring objectivity, fairness, and accuracy; avoiding bias, reprisals, favoritism, and formality; ensuring proper authority for management and evaluation of teachers.

- The evaluation and quality rating must be based on the assigned responsibilities, duties, and the results of task performance, reflected through specific work and products; for teachers in leadership and management roles, it must be linked to the task performance results of the agencies, organizations, units they manage and are responsible for.

- Teachers who have worked less than 06 months in a year are not required to undergo evaluation and quality rating but must still review their working time in the year, except in cases of maternity leave policies.

Teachers who are on statutory leave from work for 03 months to less than 06 months in a year will still be evaluated but will not be rated at the level of "Good performance of duties" or higher.

Teachers on maternity leave according to legal regulations will have their quality rating results for the year based on their actual working time for that year.

- The evaluation and quality rating results of teachers according to Decree 90/2020/ND-CP are used as a basis for cross-referencing in the evaluation and quality rating of party members.

What are general criteria for evaluating and rating the quality of teachers in Vietnam?

According to Article 3 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP, the general criteria for evaluating and rating the quality of teachers are as follows:

(1). Political Ideology

- Compliance with the guidelines and policies of the Communist Party, laws of the State, and the principles of the Party organization, discipline of the Party, especially the principle of democratic centralism, self-criticism, and criticism;

- Firm political viewpoints and stands; steadfastness; not wavering in the face of difficulties and challenges;

- Putting the interests of the Party, nation, state, people, and collective above personal interests;

- Conscious studying, learning, and applying Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought, Party resolutions, directives, decisions, and documents.

(2). Ethics and Lifestyle

- Not embezzling, corrupting, acting negatively, wasting resources, being bureaucratic, opportunistic, self-seeking, arrogant, or authoritarian; not showing signs of moral degradation, lifestyle, self-transformation, or self-evolution;

- Living honestly, modestly, sincerely, transparently, and simply;

- Having a spirit of solidarity, building a clean and strong agency, organization, and unit;

- Not allowing relatives or acquaintances to exploit their position and power for profit.

(3). Work Style and Methods

- Being responsible for work; dynamic, creative, daring to think and act, flexible in task performance;

- Having a scientific, democratic working method adhering to principles;

- Having a spirit of responsibility and cooperation in performing duties;

- Having proper attitudes and behavior, working style, and conforming to civil service cultural standards.

(4). Discipline Awareness

- Complying with organizational assignments;

- Following the regulations, rules, and internal regulations of the agency, organization, and unit;

- Declaring and publicly disclosing assets and income as prescribed;

- Accurately and objectively reporting fully and providing information regarding their assigned responsibilities and activities to higher authorities upon request.

(5). Task Performance Results

- For teachers who are public employees in leadership and management roles:

+ Implementing, institutionalizing, and executing the Party's guidelines and policies, and the State's laws in their agencies, organizations, and units;

+ Maintaining discipline and order within the agency, organization, and unit; preventing any incidents of disciplinary or legal violations needing processing, prolonged complaints, or denunciations; combating corruption and waste within the agency, organization, and unit;

+ Leading, directing, organizing inspections, auditing, monitoring, and resolving complaints and denunciations within their authority; directing and implementing administrative reforms and policies reforms for public officials in the agency, organization, and unit;

+ Developing annual programs and operational plans for the agency, organization, and unit they manage and are responsible for, clearly defining the results of task performance quantified by specific products.

- For teachers who are public employees not in leadership or management roles:

+ Task performance results as specified by law, according to the proposed plan or specific assigned tasks; volume, progress, and quality of task performance;

+ Attitude serving the people and businesses, especially for positions directly interacting with or resolving matters for citizens and enterprises.

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