English irregular verbs list
English irregular verbs list
The list of irregular verbs is one of the contents that students need to grasp when learning English. The irregular verbs list below will help students learn tenses and participles in English:
Verb in Base Form (V1) |
Past Form (V2) |
Past Participle (V3) |
abide | abode/abided | abode/abided |
arise | arose | arisen |
awake | awoke | awoken |
be | was/were | been |
bear | bore | borne |
become | became | become |
befall | befell | befallen |
begin | began | begun |
behold | beheld | beheld |
bend | bent | bent |
beset | beset | beset |
bespeak | bespoke | bespoken |
bid | bid | bid |
bind | bound | bound |
bleed | bled | bled |
blow | blew | blown |
break | broke | broken |
breed | bred | bred |
bring | brought | brought |
broadcast | broadcast | broadcast |
build | built | built |
burn | burnt/burned | burnt/burned |
buy | bought | bought |
cast | cast | cast |
catch | caught | caught |
chide | chid/chided | chid/chidden/chided |
choose | chose | chosen |
cleave | clove/cleft/cleaved | cloven/cleft/cleaved |
cleave | clave | cleaved |
come | came | come |
cost | cost | cost |
crow | crew/crewed | crowed |
cut | cut | cut |
deal | dealt | dealt |
dig | dug | dug |
dive | dove/dived | dived |
draw | drew | drawn |
dream | dreamt/dreamed | dreamt/dreamed |
drink | drank | drunk |
drive | drove | driven |
dwell | dwelt | dwelt |
eat | ate | eaten |
fall | fell | fallen |
feed | fed | fed |
feel | felt | felt |
fight | fought | fought |
find | found | found |
flee | fled | fled |
fling | flung | flung |
fly | flew | flown |
forbear | forbore | forborne |
forbid | forbade/forbad | forbidden |
forecast | forecast/forecasted | forecast/forecasted |
foresee | foresaw | forseen |
foretell | foretold | foretold |
forget | forgot | forgotten |
forgive | forgave | forgiven |
forsake | forsook | forsaken |
freeze | froze | frozen |
get | got | got/gotten |
gild | gilt/gilded | gilt/gilded |
gird | girt/girded | girt/girded |
give | gave | given |
go | went | gone |
grind | ground | ground |
grow | grew | grown |
hang | hung | hung |
hear | heard | heard |
heave | hove/heaved | hove/heaved |
hide | hid | hidden |
hit | hit | hit |
hurt | hurt | hurt |
inlay | inlaid | inlaid |
input | input | input |
inset | inset | inset |
keep | kept | kept |
kneel | knelt/kneeled | knelt/kneeled |
knit | knit/knitted | knit/knitted |
know | knew | known |
lay | laid | laid |
lead | led | led |
leap | leapt | leapt |
learn | learnt/learned | learnt/learned |
leave | left | left |
lend | lent | lent |
let | let | let |
lie | lay | lain |
light | lit/lighted | lit/lighted |
lose | lost | lost |
make | made | made |
mean | meant | meant |
meet | met | met |
mislay | mislaid | mislaid |
misread | misread | misread |
misspell | misspelt | misspelt |
mistake | mistook | mistaken |
misunderstand | misunderstood | misunderstood |
mow | mowed | mown/mowed |
outbid | outbid | outbid |
outdo | outdid | outdone |
outgrow | outgrew | outgrown |
output | output | output |
outrun | outran | outrun |
outsell | outsold | outsold |
overcome | overcame | overcome |
overeat | overate | overeaten |
overfly | overflew | overflown |
overhang | overhung | overhung |
overhear | overheard | overheard |
overlay | overlaid | overlaid |
overpay | overpaid | overpaid |
overrun | overran | overrun |
oversee | oversaw | overseen |
overshoot | overshot | overshot |
oversleep | overslept | overslept |
overtake | overtook | overtaken |
overthrow | overthrew | overthrown |
pay | paid | paid |
prove | proved | proven/proved |
put | put | put |
read /riːd/ | read /red/ | read /red/ |
rebuild | rebuilt | rebuilt |
redo | redid | redone |
remake | remade | remade |
rend | rent | rent |
repay | repaid | repaid |
resell | resold | resold |
retake | retook | retaken |
rewrite | rewrote | rewritten |
rid | rid | rid |
ride | rode | ridden |
ring | rang | rung |
rise | rose | risen |
run | ran | run |
saw | sawed | sawn |
say | said | said |
see | saw | seen |
seek | sought | sought |
sell | sold | sold |
send | sent | sent |
sew | sewed | sewn/sewed |
shake | shook | shaken |
shear /ʃɪə(r); ʃɪr/ | sheared | shorn /ʃɔːn/ or /ʃɔːrn/ |
shed | shed | shed |
shine | shone | shone |
shoot | shot | shot |
show | showed | shown/showed |
shrink | shrank | shrunk |
shut | shut | shut |
sing | sang | sung |
sink | sank | sunk |
sit | sat | sat |
slay | slew | slain |
sleep | slept | slept |
slide | slid | slid |
sling | slung | slung |
slink | slunk | slunk |
smell | smelt | smelt |
smite | smote | smitten |
sow | sowed | sown/sewed |
speak | spoke | spoken |
speed | sped/speeded | sped/speeded |
spell | spelt/spelled | spelt/spelled |
spend | spent | spent |
spill | spilt/spilled | spilt/spilled |
spin | spun/span | spun |
spit | spat | spat |
spoil | spoilt/spoiled | spoilt/spoiled |
spread | spread | spread |
spring | sprang | sprung |
stand | stood | stood |
stave | stove/staved | stove/staved |
steal | stole | stolen |
stick | stuck | stuck |
sting | stung | stung |
stink | stunk/stank | stunk |
strew | strewed | strewn/strewed |
stride | strode | stridden |
strike | struck | struck |
string | strung | strung |
strive | strove | striven |
swear | swore | sworn |
sweep | swept | swept |
swell | swelled | swollen/swelled |
swim | swam | swum |
swing | swung | swung |
take | took | taken |
teach | taught | taught |
tear | tore | torn |
tell | told | told |
think | thought | thought |
throw | threw | thrown |
thrust | thrust | thrust |
tread | trod | trodden/trod |
unbend | unbent | unbent |
undercut | undercut | undercut |
undergo | underwent | undergone |
underlie | underlay | underlain |
underpay | undercut | undercut |
undersell | undersold | undersold |
understand | understood | understood |
undertake | undertook | undertaken |
underwrite | underwrote | underwritten |
undo | undid | undone |
unfreeze | unfroze | unfrozen |
unwind | unwound | unwound |
uphold | upheld | upheld |
upset | upset | upset |
wake | woke/waked | woken/waked |
waylay | waylaid | waylaid |
wear | wore | worn |
weave | wove/weaved | woven/weaved |
wed | wed/wedded | wed/wedded |
weep | wept | wept |
wet | wet/wetted | wet/wetted |
win | won | won |
wind | wound | wound |
withdraw | withdrew | withdrawn |
withhold | withheld | withheld |
withstand | withstood | withstood |
work | worked | worked |
wring | wrung | wrung |
write | wrote | written |
Note: The list of English irregular verbs is for reference only!
English irregular verbs list (Image from Internet)
Can a person with a college degree work as an English teacher in a public upper secondary school in Vietnam?
Article 30 of the Regulations for middle schools, upper secondary schools, and schools with multiple levels issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:
Standard training level, professional teaching standards for teachers and staff
- The standard training level for teachers is regulated as follows:
a) Teachers of upper secondary schools must have a bachelor's degree in teacher training (or a bachelor’s degree in education) or a bachelor’s degree in a relevant major and a certificate in pedagogical training as prescribed by law.
b) Schools and educational management agencies shall facilitate training and development for teachers who have not yet met the required training standards in accordance with the law.
- Professional teaching standards:
upper secondary school teachers must meet professional teaching standards corresponding to the level they are teaching and conduct evaluations based on the professional standards for teachers in general education as stipulated by the Ministry of Education and Training.
- upper secondary school staff must meet training standards based on the professional title standards for each job position as regulated by law.
Therefore, to become an English teacher at a public upper secondary school, one must have a bachelor's degree in teacher training (or a bachelor’s degree in education) or a bachelor’s degree in a relevant major.
Thus, having just a college degree is not sufficient to become an English teacher at a public upper secondary school.
Vietnam: How should a public upper secondary school English teacher behave and dress?
According to Article 31 of the Regulations for middle schools, upper secondary schools, and schools with multiple levels issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, public upper secondary school English teachers must observe the following behavior and dress code:
- Teachers must not do the following:
+ Offend the honor and dignity or physically harm students and colleagues.
+ Cheat in exams, testing, admissions; cheat in evaluating the academic and conduct results of students; abandon classes, arbitrarily cut down on teaching and educational content.
+ Distort the teaching content, knowledge, and educational perspective of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of Vietnam.
+ Coerce students into extra classes for a fee; misuse sponsorships or donations for educational purposes to force contributions in cash or kind.
+ Smoke, drink alcohol, or use other stimulants while participating in teaching or educational activities.
+ Obstruct or create difficulties in supporting and serving teaching and educating students and other tasks.
- Teachers' language and behavior must ensure pedagogy, be appropriate, and have an educational impact on students.
- Teachers' attire must be neat, appropriate for pedagogical activities, and in accordance with the Government of Vietnam's regulations on public employee attire.
- Teachers must not violate other prohibited acts as stipulated by law.
- What are the 10+ brief and meaningful wishes for the Lunar New Year 2025? What are the rights of students in Vietnam?
- What is the link to take the semifinal round of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh"?
- What are the guidelines for summarizing the story "The Termite and the Ant"? How many lessons does the 7th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam have?
- What are the guidelines for preparing the shortest lesson "Dục Thúy Sơn"? What are the required outcomes regarding literary texts for 10th-grade students in Vietnam under the Literature curriculum?
- What is the link to view the preliminary round results of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh"?
- Vietnam: What are the 6+ sample paragraphs showing opinions about the topic "Students should respect and be grateful to workers"?
- What is the weather of Hanoi during the Lunar New Year 2025? Will outdoor activities not be organized for students in Hanoi during severe cold days?
- What are the answers for the 3rd examination of the "Learn about the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the History of the CPV Committee of Quang Ninh Province" contest?
- What is the sample analysis essay on the soldier's image in the poem "Tây Tiến"? What are the 04 assessment levels for the training results in each semester of continuing education students at the upper secondary level in Vietnam?
- What are the sample six-eight poems about mothers? What literary knowledge does the 6th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam include?