Are children of public preschools within disadvantaged areas in Vietnam required to be members of poor or near-poor households to receive lunch allowances?

Are children of public preschools within disadvantaged areas in Vietnam required to be members of poor or near-poor households to receive lunch allowances?

Are children of public preschools within disadvantaged areas in Vietnam required to be members of poor or near-poor households to receive lunch allowances?

Under Clause 1, Article 7 of Decree 105/2020/ND-CP on lunch allowances for preschool children:

Lunch allowances for preschool children

1. Persons eligible for allowances

Preschool-aged children (excluding children of ethnic minorities with sparse population provided for in the Government’s Decree No. 57/2017/ND-CP dated May 09, 2017 on admission priority and learning assistance policies for preschool children and students of ethnic minorities with sparse population) who are enrolled in senior kindergarten classes of preschool institutions and meet one of the following conditions:

a) Permanent residence of the child’s father or mother or the child is located in a village with exceptional difficulties, a commune with exceptional socio-economic difficulties or a coastal commune with exceptional difficulties or on an island stipulated by the Prime Minister.

b) The child has no caregiver as provided for in Clause 1 Article 5 of the Government’s Decree No. 136/2013/ND-CP dated October 21, 2013 on social allowancess for beneficiaries.

c) The child is a part of a poor or near-poor household stipulated by the Prime Minister.

d) The child's parent is a revolutionary war martyr, Hero of the People’s Armed Forces, war invalid, person entitled to allowancess offered to war invalids, or sick soldier; or another type of beneficiary provided for in the Ordinance on allowancess offered to people with meritorious services to revolutions (if any).

dd) The child has a physical disability and is receiving inclusive education.


Therefore, preschool-aged children attending classes at preschool educational institutions must meet one of the above conditions to receive lunch allowances. It is not required to be members of poor or near-poor households stipulated by the Prime Minister of Vietnam.

Are Children in Public Preschools in Difficult Areas Required to be from Poor or Near-Poor Households to Receive Lunch Support?

Are children of public preschools within disadvantaged areas in Vietnam required to be members of poor or near-poor households to receive lunch allowances (Image from Internet)

Will lunch allowances for preschool children in Vietnam cover all months in a year?

Under Clause 2, Article 7 of Decree 105/2020/ND-CP stipulating lunch allowances for preschool children:

Lunch allowances for preschool children


2. Allowance

A child meeting the conditions stated in Clause 1 herein is entitled to VND 160.000 of lunch money each month. The child may receive this amount for every month in which they are enrolled in school but no more than 9 months/academic year.

Thus, according to the regulations, lunch allowances for preschool children in Vietnam will not cover all months in a year. Instead, lunch allowances will be 160,000 VND/child/month.

The payment period is calculated according to the actual months of study, but not exceeding 9 months/academic year.

What are the procedures and time for implementing lunch allowance policies for preschool children in Vietnam?

Under Clause 4, Article 7 of Decree 105/2020/ND-CP stipulating the procedures and time for implementing lunch allowances policies for preschool children in Vietnam:

In August of every year, each preschool institution shall provide parents or caregivers of children entitled to the allowance with information and guidelines concerning application for the allowance;

Within 15 working days starting from the date on which the preschool institution provides the information, parents or caregivers of the qualified children shall submit 01 application in person or by post or online, which shall contain the documents provided for in Clause 3 herein, to the preschool institution. Only 01 application is required for the whole time during which the child is enrolled at the preschool institution. For the children meeting the condition stated in Point c Clause 1 herein, the poor or near-poor household certificate shall be resubmitted for each academic year;

The preschool institution shall receive and review each application’s components. If an application contains a copy not yet certified by the competent authority, the person receiving the application shall compare the copy with the authentic copy and countersign it to add it to the application, and request any document missing or against requirements from the applicant. After receiving the valid application, the preschool institution shall provide the applicant with a written confirmation of such receipt. For applications sent by posts or online and against requirements, within 05 working days, the preschool institution shall send a notification of application rejection and the reason for such rejection to the applicant;

Within 10 working days after the application deadline, the preschool institution shall draw up a list of children eligible for the lunch assistance allowance (using Form No. 01 in Appendix enclosed therewith) and send it together with the applications prepared in accordance with regulations in Clause 3 herein to the supervisory bureau of education and training for consideration and consolidation;

Within 07 working days after the date on which the applications from the preschool institution are received, the bureau of education and training shall appraise the applications, draw up a list of children eligible for the lunch assistance allowance (using Form No. 02 in Appendix enclosed therewith) and send it to the finance authority at the same level, which shall propose it to the district-level People’s Committee for approval according to regulations of the Law on State Budget;

Within 07 working days after the date on which the documents from the bureau of education and training are received, the district-level People’s Committee shall approve of the list of children eligible for the lunch assistance allowance and notify the preschool institution of the result;

After the list of children eligible for the lunch assistance allowance is approved by the competent authority, the preschool institution shall announce the list and pay the allowance.

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