Is the third exam subject in the 10th-grade entrance exam in Hanoi officially announced?

What is the third exam subject in the 10th-grade entrance exam in Hanoi as announce by the Hanoi Department of Education and Training?

Is the third exam subject in the 10th-grade entrance exam in Hanoi officially announced?

On February 26, 2025, the Department of Education and Training of Hanoi City issued Official Dispatch 548/SGDDT-QLT in 2025 regarding the announcement of the third exam subject in the 10th-grade entrance exam to public non-specialized upper secondary schools for the 2025-2026 school year.

Hanoi has confirmed that the third exam subject in the 10th-grade entrance exam in Hanoi is Foreign Language.

Candidates must register for one of the following languages: English, French, German, Japanese, or Korean (candidates may register for a language different from the foreign language they are studying in lower secondary school).

Regarding the exam format: The Foreign Language paper will be an objective multiple-choice paper, to be completed in 60 minutes; there will be multiple question paper codes within a single exam room to ensure the principle: no two adjacent candidates receive the same set of questions; candidates will complete their papers on an answer sheet, and the results will be graded using computer software.

The question paper will include questions that align with the requirements and objectives of lower secondary education under the general education program 20218, primarily from the 9th-grade curriculum.

Detailed information on the third exam subject in the 10th-grade entrance exam in Hanoi may be found in Official Dispatch 548/SGDDT-QLT in 2025 (download).

Confirmation of the Third Exam Subject for Admission to Grade 10 in Hanoi?

Is the third exam subject in the 10th-grade entrance exam in Hanoi officially announced? (Image from the Internet)

In 2025, what are the methods of enrollment to 10th grade in Vietnam?

Under Article 9 of the Regulation on enrollment for lower and upper secondary education issued with Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT, the methods of enrollment to 10th grade in Vietnam in 2025 are as follows:

- Annually, the enrollment for upper secondary education is organized once.

- The enrollment for upper secondary education is conducted using 01 (one) of the 03 (three) methods: admission, entrance exam, and combination of entrance exam and admission.

+ Admission: The admission criteria are the training and academic results across the years of the lower secondary education or the continuing education at the lower secondary level of the candidates, if repeating any class, the results of the repeated year are considered.

+ Entrance exam: according to the regulations in Article 13 of Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT.

+ Combination of entrance exam and admission: a combination of the above 02 methods.

Which subjects may be chosen as the third exam subject in the 10th-grade entrance exam in Vietnam?

Article 13 of the Regulation issued alongside Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT contains the following provisions:

Organizing the Entrance Exam

1. Exam subjects and papers

a) The number of exam subjects and papers includes: Mathematics, Literature, and 01 (one) third subject or paper selected by the Department of Education and Training from one of the following 02 (two) options:

- The third subject is selected from the subjects assessed via scores in the lower secondary education program, ensuring not to select the same third subject for more than three consecutive years;

- The third paper is a combination of some subjects selected from those assessed via scores in the lower secondary education program.

For upper secondary schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, parent universities, universities, and research institutes with separate entrance exams, the third paper is directly managed and selected by these institutions.

b) The third subject or paper is announced after the end of the first semester but no later than March 31 each year.

c) Duration: Literature: 120 minutes, Mathematics: 90 minutes or 120 minutes; the third subject: 60 minutes or 90 minutes; the third test: 90 minutes or 120 minutes.


Thus, the third exam subject in the 10th-grade entrance exam is selected from the subjects assessed via scores in the lower secondary education program, ensuring that the same third subject is not selected for more than three consecutive years.

Clause 3, Article 5 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT includes the following regulations:

Form of assessment


3. Assessment methods for subjects

a) Conduct assessment for: Physical education (PE), Art, Music, Fine Arts, local education subjects, experience learning activities, and career counseling; learning results of subjects shall be categorized as “Đạt” (Qualified) or “Chưa đạt” (Unqualified).

b) Conduct assessment based on both feedback and scores for subjects in formal education program, except for those under Point a of this Clause; subject-based learning results shall be given in a total of 10 scores, any other form of scores must be converted to 10-score model. Assessment score must be an integer or a decimal number rounded to the nearest tenths.

Thus, with the exception of Physical education (PE), Art, Music, Fine Arts, local education subjects, experience learning activities, and career counseling, which are assessed via feedback, all other subjects can be selected as the third exam subject in the 10th-grade entrance exam, including: Foreign Language 1, Civics Education, Natural Sciences, History and Geography, Technology, Information Technology.

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