08:54 | 23/01/2025

What are the contents of the 1st-end-of-semester parent-teacher conference for lower secondary education in Vietnam? What is the assessment of the training and learning results of lower secondary school students in Vietnam?

What are the contents of the 1st-end-of-semester parent-teacher conference for lower secondary education in Vietnam? What is the assessment of the training and learning results of lower secondary school students in Vietnam?

What are the contents of the 1st-end-of-semester parent-teacher conference for lower secondary education in Vietnam?

Teachers may refer to the following contents of the 1st-end-of-semester parent-teacher conference for lower secondary education in Vietnam:

Contents of the 1st-end-of-semester parent-teacher conference for lower secondary education

I. Introduction

Welcome: The homeroom teacher welcomes parents to the conference.

Introduction: Introduce attendees: representatives of the parent committee, subject teachers, exemplary students.

Announce contents: Briefly announce the main contents of the conference.

Appreciation: Express gratitude for the parents' interest in their children's studies.

II. Report on learning and Training Results:

Overview of results: General report on the entire class's learning results, strengths, and weaknesses.

Results of each subject: Detailed reports on results of each subject, students who have made progress, and those needing more attention.

Training results: Report on extracurricular activities, life skills, students' attitudes.

Teacher's assessment: Overall assessment of students’ efforts and parents' cooperation.

III. Information on Study Plans for Semester 2:

learning goals: Present the goals to be achieved in the second semester.

Program content: Briefly introduce the study program for the second semester.

Teaching methods: Announce new teaching methods to be applied.

Extracurricular activities: Inform about planned extracurricular activities.

IV. Discussion:

Invite parents to ask questions: Encourage parents to ask questions related to their children's education.

Address concerns: Teachers address parents' concerns.

Discuss home study methods: Discuss effective home study methods with parents.

Discuss other issues: If any, discuss other class-related issues.

V. Conclusion:

Summarize main contents: Summarize the main contents discussed.

Express thanks: Thank parents for their contributions and suggestions.

Call for cooperation: Urge parents to continue collaborating closely with the school to help their children study better.


Note: Information is for reference only./.

Contents of the End-of-Semester 1 Parent-Teacher Meeting for Secondary Schools? Evaluate students’ training and academic results in secondary schools

What are the contents of the 1st-end-of-semester parent-teacher conference for lower secondary education in Vietnam? What is the assessment of the training and learning results of lower secondary school students in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)

What is the assessment of the training and learning results of lower secondary school students in Vietnam?

Under Clause 1, Article 2 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT, the regulations on assessment of the training and learning results of lower secondary school students in Vietnam are as follows:

- “Assessment of training and learning results of students” refers to the acts of collecting, analyzing, and processing information via monitoring, supervising, exchanging, examining, and providing feedback regarding training and learning processes of students in all mandatory subjects, optional subjects, local education contents (hereinafter referred to as “subjects”) within formal education program; advising, guiding, and motivating students; verifying achieved results of students; providing feedback to students and teachers to adjust teaching and education processes (hereinafter referred to as “teaching”).

What are the assessment forms for lower secondary school students in Vietnam according to Circular 22?

Under Article 5 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT, the assessment forms for lower secondary school students in Vietnam according to Circular 22 are as follows:

- Conduct assessment via feedback

+ Teachers shall, in either spoken form or written form, provide feedback on implementation of training and learning tasks of students; provide feedback on improvement, advantages, and disadvantages of students during training and learning processes; provide feedback on training and learning results of students.

+ Students shall, in either spoken form or written form, provide feedback on their implementation of training and learning tasks, improvement, advantages, and disadvantages.

+ Parents of students, agencies, and organizations participating in education of students shall provide feedback on implementation of training and learning tasks of students.

+ Assessment conducted based on providing feedback on training and learning results of students shall be used in regular assessment and periodic assessment via examination and assessment regarding implementation of training and learning tasks of students depending on subject’s characteristics.

- Conduct assessment via scores

+ Teachers shall use scores to assess training and learning results of students.

+ Assessment conducted based on scores shall be used in regular assessment and periodic assessment via examination and assessment regarding implementation of training and learning tasks of students depending on subject’s characteristics.

- Assessment methods for subjects

+ Conduct assessment for: Physical education (PE), Art, Music, Fine Arts, local education subjects, experience learning activities, and career counseling; learning results of subjects shall be categorized as “Đạt” (Qualified) or “Chưa đạt” (Unqualified).

+ Conduct assessment based on both feedback and scores for subjects in formal education program, except for those under Point a of this Clause; subject-based learning results shall be given in a total of 10 scores, any other form of scores must be converted to 10-score model. Assessment score must be an integer or a decimal number rounded to the nearest tenths.

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