10:20 | 15/02/2025

What are the poems on the beauty of life? When do 5th-grade students in Vietnam achieve academic results assessed as excellent completion?

What are the poems on the beauty of life for 5th-grade students in Vietnam?

What are the poems on the beauty of life?

The poems on the beauty of life embody dedication to work; love and care within the family and community, etc.

Students may refer to the following poems on the beauty of life:

Poems on the beauty of life

1. "Vội Vàng" – Xuan Dieu

I want to turn off the sunlight

So colors won't fade away;

I want to tie the wind

So scents won't drift away.

Meaning: The poem reflects a passionate love for life, nature, and the beautiful things around. Xuan Dieu likens life to a splendid flower garden, but time passes quickly, so people must live fully, enjoying every moment.

2. "Đoàn Thuyền Đánh Cá" – Huy Can

The sun descends into the sea like a ball of fire,

Waves have latched, the night closes its door.

The fishing fleet sets out again,

The song fills sails with the offshore wind.


Singing: silver fish in the calm East Sea,

Mackerel of the East Sea like the shuttle

Weave the sea day and night with streams of light.

To weave the net, oh school of fish!


Our boat steering with wind and moon sails

Glides amid high clouds and flat sea,

Anchoring far off to probe the sea's depth,

Array the net casting battle line.


Croaker fish and turbot with pomfret,

Beaming black-pink torchlights,

Your golden-bright tails swish the moon.

Night breathes: stars steer Ha Long waters.


We sing a song to call fish in,

The boat taps rhythm with high moon.

The sea gives us fish like a mother's heart

Nurtures our life since time unknown.


Faded stars, haul in nets before daybreak

We haul with twisted hands silver-spangled harvest.

Silver scales, golden tails gleam at dawn,

Nets folded, sails rise to greet the rosy sun.


The song fills sails with the offshore wind,

The boats race together with the sun.

The sun liberated by the sea brings new hues.

Fish eyes radiant in the sun's conquest.

Meaning: Huy Can paints the picture of fishermen with a spirit of enthusiastic labor, harmonizing with vast nature. The sea is not only a means of livelihood but also a magnificent space full of life.

3. "Quê Hương" – Te Hanh

My village's trade is ancient, fishing on the tidal,

Waters enclosing, half a day from the sea by river.

When skies are clear, wind gentle, early morning ruby,

The able men row boats to fish:


The light vessel dashes like a gallant steed

Strong oars tirelessly cross the riverway.

The sail unfurls, big like a village spirit's part

Extending white body, gathering wind whole...


The next day, noisy at the landing stage

The whole village welcomes returning boats.

"Thanks to heaven, calm seas, full boatloads of fish,"

Fresh fine fish with silver scales white bright.


Fishermen with skin sun-browned,

Their bodies bear the distant salty scent;

The resting silent boat returns to the dock

Feeling the salt seep slowly into its seams.


Now parted, my heart always remembers

Blue waters, silver fish, pale sails,

The swift boat slicing waves to the sea,

I miss the pungent salty scent so much!

Meaning: Te Hanh brings us to the beloved image of a fishing village, where people are intimately connected with the sea. Through every verse, we feel a deep love for homeland, for the beautiful childhood memories.

4. "Mùa Xuân Nho Nhỏ" – Thanh Hai

Growing in the green river

A purple bloom bright

Oh, skylark

Singing what makes the sky resound

Each sparkling drop falls

I extend my hand to catch.


Springtime, people bear arms

Buds tucked full at their backs

Springtime, people in the fields

Buds spread over nurseries

All seem hurried

All seem bustling...


The country four thousand years

Hardship and strife

The country like a star

Keep moving forward.


Make me a singing bird

Make me a flower branch

Let me join the harmony

A deep note tinged with longing.


A small spring

Quietly dedicated to life

Whether in one's twenties

Or when hair turns gray,


Springtime - I ask to sing

Nam ai, Nam binh tunes

Rivers, landscapes our own

Rivers, landscapes with deep love

Rhythm of prelude from Hue land.

Meaning: The poem is a tribute to the natural spring and also expresses a wish to live usefully, contributing good things to life. A simple but noble philosophy of life – living as a "small spring" within the grand spring of the nation.

Compilation of Poems Reflecting the Beauty of Life? When Are 5th Graders Evaluated as Outstanding?

What are the poems on the beauty of life? When do 5th-grade students in Vietnam achieve academic results assessed as excellent completion? (Image from the Internet)

When do 5th-grade students in Vietnam achieve academic results assessed as excellent completion?

Under Clause 2, Article 9 of the Regulation on Assessment of Primary School Students issued together with Circular 27/2020/TT-BGDDT, 5th-grade students in Vietnam achieve academic results assessed as excellent completion when:

- Achieve excellent scores in assessment results of subjects and academic activities;

- Achieve good in traits and capacities;

- Achieve at least 9 scores in periodic final exams of subjects

Will 5th-grade students take mid-term tests in Vietnamese language?

Under point b, clause 1, Article 7 of the Regulations on Assessment of Primary School Students issued with Circular 27/2020/TT-BGDDT, the following provisions on periodic assessment of 5th-grade students are as follows:

Periodic assessment

1. Periodic assessment for academic contents of subjects and academic activities.

a) In the middle of the first semester, at the end of the first semester, in the middle of the second semester and at the end of a school year, subject specialist teachers rely on regular assessment, requirements to be achieved, specific display of capacities of each subject and academic activities to assess students in each subject and academic activity as follows: 

- Good completion: excellently achieve academic requirements and regularly display specific capacities of subjects or academic activities;

- Completion: achieve academic requirements and display specific capacities of subjects or academic activities;

- Incompletion: fail to achieve any academic requirement or fail to display specific capacities of subjects or academic activities;

b) At the end of the first semester and at the end of a school year, organize periodic examination for compulsory subjects: Vietnamese literature, Mathematics, Foreign language 1, History and Geography, Computer and Technology;

For students in 3rd grade or 5th grade, organize additional periodic examination for Vietnamese literature and Mathematics in between the first semester and the second semester.

c) Periodic exam questions must conform to requirements to be achieved and specific display of capacities of subjects and consist of questions and exercises designed in levels as follows:

- Level 1: Recognize, repeat or describe learned contents and adopt to deal with several familiar situations and issues in learning;

- Level 2: Connect and arrange learned contents to deal with similar issues;

- Level 3: Apply learned contents to deal with new issues or provide reasonable responses in learning and life.


Thus, 5th-grade students will take mid-term tests in Vietnamese language each semester.

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