What are the 02 sample 2nd mid-semester question papers for 8th-grade Mathematics in Vietnam? What are the characteristics of the Mathematics subject?
What are the 02 sample 2nd mid-semester question papers for 8th-grade Mathematics in Vietnam?
Below are 02 sample 2nd mid-semester question papers for 8th-grade Mathematics in Vietnam:
2nd mid-semester question papers for 8th-grade Mathematics in the 2023 – 2024 academic year of Cu Khoi Lower Secondary School, Hanoi download
2nd mid-semester question papers for 8th-grade Mathematics in the 2023 – 2024 academic year of Bac Giang City Department of Education and Training download
Note: The 02 sample 2nd mid-semester question papers for 8th-grade Mathematics are for reference only!
What are the 02 sample 2nd mid-semester question papers for 8th-grade Mathematics in Vietnam? What are the characteristics of the Mathematics subject?
What are the characteristics of the Mathematics subject?
In the General Education Program for Mathematics issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:
Mathematics increasingly has more applications in life, and basic math knowledge and skills have helped people systematically and accurately solve real-life problems, contributing to societal development.
Math at secondary schools contributes to forming and developing essential qualities, general competencies, and mathematical competencies for students; it develops key knowledge and skills and creates opportunities for students to experience and apply mathematics in practical situations; it establishes connections between mathematical ideas, between Mathematics and reality, between Mathematics and other subjects and educational activities, especially with Science, Natural Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology, and Informatics to implement STEM education.
Mathematics inherently has logical, abstract, and general properties. Therefore, to understand and learn Mathematics, the secondary school Math program needs to ensure a balance between "learning" the knowledge and "applying" the knowledge to solve specific problems.
During the learning and application of mathematics, students always have the opportunity to use technological tools, modern teaching aids, especially electronic calculators and handheld calculators to support the representation, exploration, and discovery of knowledge, as well as the solving of mathematical problems.
In the general education program, Mathematics is a compulsory subject from grade 1 to grade 12. The mathematics education content is divided into two phases:
- Basic education phase: Mathematics helps students systematically understand the most essential mathematical concepts, principles, and rules necessary for everyone, laying the foundation for further academic study or daily life usage.
- Career-oriented education phase: Mathematics provides students with a relatively comprehensive view of Mathematics, understanding its roles and applications in practical situations, and professions related to Mathematics, enabling students to have a basis for career orientation and the ability to independently explore mathematics-related issues throughout their life.
Besides the core educational content, each academic year, students (especially those oriented towards natural sciences and technology) can choose to study certain learning topics.
These topics aim to enhance mathematical knowledge, the ability to apply math knowledge to practice, meeting students' preferences, needs, and career orientations.
The Mathematics curriculum in both educational phases has a linear structure combined with "concentric spiral" (concentric, expand, and progressively escalate), revolving around and integrating three strands of knowledge: Numbers, Algebra and some elements of Calculus; Geometry and Measurement; Statistics and Probability.
What do Mathematics curricula at the lower secondary level in Vietnam help students?
In the General Education Program for Mathematics issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, Mathematics curricula at the lower secondary level in Vietnam help students:
- Contribute to forming and developing mathematical competence with the required achievements:
+ Be able to pose and answer questions when reasoning, solve problems, perform reasonable reasoning in solving problems, and prove mathematical propositions not too complex;
+ Be able to use mathematical models (mathematical formulas, algebraic equations, graphical representations,...) to describe situations encountered in some not too complex practical problems;
+ Be able to use mathematical language combined with ordinary language to express mathematical content and show evidence, methods, and reasoning results;
+ Present ideas and use tools and means of learning mathematics to perform a learning task or describe mathematical reasoning or proof.
- Possess basic mathematical knowledge and skills in:
+ Numbers and Algebra: Number systems (from natural numbers to real numbers); computation and use of computing tools; language and algebraic symbols; transforming algebraic expressions, equations, systems of equations, inequalities; using functional language to describe (model) some processes and phenomena in practice.
+ Geometry and Measurement: The content of Geometry and Measurement at this educational level includes Visual Geometry and Plane Geometry. Visual Geometry continues to provide language, symbols, descriptions (at an intuitive level) of practical objects (plane and solid shapes); establish some common geometric models; calculate some geometric elements; develop spatial imagination; solve some simple practical problems associated with Geometry and Measurement. Plane Geometry provides knowledge and skills (at the level of logical reasoning) about geometric relationships and some common plane figures (point, line, ray, segment, angle, two parallel lines, triangle, quadrilateral, circle).
+ Statistics and Probability: Collecting, classifying, representing, analyzing, and processing statistical data; analyzing statistical data through frequency, relative frequency; recognizing some simple statistical laws in practice; using statistics to understand basic concepts about the empirical probability of an event and the probability of an event; recognizing the significance of probability in practice.
- Contribute to providing students with initial understanding of fields related to Math; raising awareness of career orientation based on capacity and preferences, personal conditions and circumstances; orienting students after lower secondary school (continuing education, vocational training, or entering working life).

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