Commemorative Medals for Educational Service: Are They Awarded to Organizations?
Is the Commemorative Medal for the Cause of Education given to organizations?
Based on Article 8 of Circular 29/2023/TT-BGDDT which stipulates the Commemorative Medal for the Cause of Education as follows:
Commemorative Medal for the Cause of Education
The Commemorative Medal for the Cause of Education (hereinafter referred to as the Commemorative Medal) is a form of recognition by the Minister of Education and Training, awarded once to individuals both within and outside the education sector who meet one of the following criteria:
- Individuals within the education sector
a) Educators, management staff at educational institutions and educational management agencies (including officials and public employees, specialized staff in educational management at ministries, ministry-level agencies, agencies under the Government of Vietnam, central bodies, organizations, etc.) who have served 20 years or more in the education sector. If individuals in service are sent for studies or are fulfilling military duties, and then continue their career in the education sector, the time spent studying or serving in the military is counted towards their service in the education sector to be eligible for the Commemorative Medal. The period during which an individual is disciplined is not counted towards this award;
b) Individuals who have been working for 5 years or more in areas with exceptionally difficult socio-economic conditions as per regulations from the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam can be considered for the Commemorative Medal 5 years earlier than the period specified in point a of this section.
- Individuals outside the education sector
a) Have held leadership or management positions for 5 years or more, with significant contributions to the leadership, guidance, and development of the education sector;
b) Have made considerable contributions to drafting policies, organizing effective activities for the development of the education sector, or providing financial or material support for the advancement of the education sector, as verified by the beneficiary unit;
c) Vietnamese individuals residing abroad, Vietnamese working for foreign organizations in Vietnam, and foreigners who have made positive contributions to the establishment and development of Vietnam's education and training, enhancing friendly and cooperative relations between Vietnam's education and other countries and international organizations.
Thus, the Commemorative Medal for the Cause of Education is only awarded to individuals within and outside the education sector. Therefore, it is not given to organizations.
Is the Commemorative Medal for the Cause of Education given to organizations? (Image from the Internet)
When is the Certificate of Merit by the Minister of Education and Training awarded to a collective?
Based on Article 9 of Circular 29/2023/TT-BGDDT stipulating that the Certificate of Merit by the Minister of Education and Training is awarded to a collective when the collective exemplarily complies with the guidelines of the Communist Party, the policies, and laws of the State, maintains internal unity, and meets one of the following standards:
- Has outstanding achievements, evaluated during the mid-term or annual review of movements initiated by the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam;
Or in performing political duties assigned by the Communist Party, the National Assembly, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam for 3 years or more with a notable influence and exemplary spread in the education sector;
Or has outstanding achievements, evaluated annually, during mid-term or annual review of movements initiated by the Minister of Education and Training;
Or while carrying out duties assigned by the Minister of Education and Training for 5 years or more with a notable influence and exemplary spread in the education sector;
- Has outstanding and sudden achievements with influence in one of the fields under the state management of the Ministry of Education and Training or has outstanding accomplishments in rescuing people, protecting property of the people, and the State, preventing, and overcoming consequences of natural disasters, enemy destruction, epidemics at units, localities;
- Has made significant contributions, practical support, and effectiveness to the education sector and verified by the beneficiary unit;
- Has outstanding achievements in the process of establishment and development, on the occasion of its founding anniversary (full year);
- Collectives as stipulated in clause 4, Article 2 Circular 29/2023/TT-BGDDT of the units under the Ministry, subordinate units of the Ministry, and units under national universities which have been recognized for 2 consecutive years for outstanding mission completion, good grassroots democracy, excellent organization of emulation movements; caring for material and spiritual life within the collective; practicing thrift, combating wastefulness; preventing and combating corruption, and negative acts.
Which collectives are considered for emulation titles and awards in the education sector?
Based on Article 2 of Circular 29/2023/TT-BGDDT which provides explanations of terms as follows:
Explanation of Terms
In this Circular, the following terms shall be understood as:
- Collectives considered for emulation titles and awards include subject groups, specialized groups, and equivalent organizations or higher.
Thus, collectives considered for emulation titles and awards include subject groups, specialized groups, and equivalent organizations or higher.
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