13:45 | 19/02/2025

Does the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam allow communist party members to have a third child or more?

Does the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam allow communist party members to have a third child or more?

Does the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam allow communist party members to have a third child or more?

Recently, the Office of the Central Executive Committee issued Official Dispatch 13421-CV/VPTW in 2025 summarizing the implementation of Resolution 21-NQ/TW on population work in the new situation and amending the regulations of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State related to population policy.

It includes the content Assigning the Central Inspection Commission to advise, amending the Regulations of the Central Executive Committee, Politburo, Secretariat related to handling violations of population policy and proactively amending Guidance No. 05-HD/TW dated November 22, 2022, of the Central Inspection Commission towards not disciplining communist party members having a third child or more, in line with legal amendments (not retroactive for those who have been disciplined).

Thus, the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam assigned the Central Inspection Commission to advise and amend the Regulations related to handling violations of population policy towards not disciplining communist party members having a third child or more. These regulatory amendments need to be consistent with legal amendments.

The Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam allows communist party members to have a third child or more.

Central Committee Agrees Not to Discipline Party Members for Having a Third Child or More?

Does the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam allow communist party members to have a third child or more? (Image from the Internet)

What are the cases where having a third child by teachers is not considered a violation of population policy in Vietnam?

Under Article 2 Decree 20/2010/ND-CP amended by Article 1 Decree 18/2011/ND-CP, the cases where having a third child by teachers is not considered a violation of population policy in Vietnam include:

- A couple, one or both of whom belongs/ belong to an ethnic minority group with a population of under 10,000 or in danger of population decline (the birthrate is lower than or equal to the mortality rate) as officially announced by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, give birth to their third child.

- A couple who have three or more children at their first birth.

- A couple who already have one natural child and then have two or more children at their second birth.

- A couple who have only one alive natural child, including a child already adopted by others, at the time of giving birth to their third or subsequent child.

- A couple with two children one or both of whom suffers/suffer a non-hereditary malformation or fatal disease certified by a provincial- or central-level medical assessment council, give birth to their third child.

- For a couple who already have their own children:

+ They may have between them one child or two children, if either of them already has his/her own child (children);

+ They may have between them one child or two children or more in the same birth, if both of them already have their own children. This provision is not applicable to a couple having two or more common children who are currently alive.

- An unmarried woman who gives birth to one child or two or more children at the same birth.

- Couples having a third child, if they have two biological children, but one or both children are disabled or have non-hereditary serious diseases, confirmed by the Provincial or Central Medical Assessment Council, including:

No ICD Code Name of Defect, Disease
    Chapter 1: Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
1 A52.3 Syphilis (Sequelae)
2 A81.1 Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
3 A81.2 Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
4 B90.0 Sequelae of Tuberculosis of Central Nervous System
5 B90.2 Sequelae of Tuberculosis of Bones and Joints
6 B91 Sequelae of Poliomyelitis
7 B92 Sequelae of Leprosy
8 B94.1 Sequelae of Encephalitis
    Chapter 2: Neoplasms
9   All Confirmed Cancer Diagnoses
    Chapter 3: Blood, Blood-forming Organs, and Immunity Disorders
10 D59.3 Hemolytic-uremic Syndrome
11 D59.5 Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (Marchifava-Micheli Syndrome)
12 D60 Acquired Pure Red Cell Aplasia
13 D60.0 Chronic Acquired Pure Red Cell Aplasia
14 D60.8 Other Acquired Pure Red Cell Aplasia
15 D61-D61.9 Other Aplastic Anemias
16 D64.1-D64.4 Secondary Sideroblastic Anemias due to Disease
17 D68-D68.9 Other Coagulation Disorders
18 D70 Agranulocytosis
19 D74 Methemoglobinemia
20 D74.8 Other Methemoglobinemias
21 D74.9 Unspecified Methemoglobinemia
22 D75.2 Primary Thrombocythemia
23 D75.8 Other Specified Diseases of Blood and Blood-forming Organs
24 D75.9 Unspecific Diseases of Blood and Blood-forming Organs
25 D76.0 Langerhans' Cell Histiocytosis, Not Classified Elsewhere
26 D76.1 Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
27 D76.3 Other Histiocytic Syndromes
28 D80-D80.6 Immunodeficiency with Predominantly Antibody Defects
29 D81-D81.9 Combined Immunodeficiencies
30 D82.0 Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
31 D82.1 DiGeorge's Syndrome
32 D82.2 Immunodeficiency with Short Limb
33 D83 Common Variable Immunodeficiency
34 D83.0 Common Variable Immunodeficiency with Defects of B-Cell and T-Cell Function
35 D83.1 Common Variable Immunodeficiency with Predominantly T-Cell Abnormalities
36 D83.2 Common Variable Immunodeficiency with Autoantibodies Against B or T Lymphocytes
37 D84 Other Immunodeficiencies
38 D84.0 Lymphocyte Function Antigen 1 Deficiency
39 D84.1 Defects of Complement System
40 D86-D86.9 Sarcoidosis
41 D89 Other Disorders Involving the Immune Mechanism, Not Elsewhere Classified
42 D89.0 Polyclonal Gammopathy
    Chapter 4: Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic Disorders
43 E00-E00.2 Congenital Iodine-deficiency Syndrome
44 E00.9 Congenital Iodine-deficiency
45 E03 Other Hypothyroidism
46 E05 Thyrotoxicosis (Hyperthyroidism)
47 E06.3 Autoimmune Thyroiditis
48 E07.0 Hypercalcitoninemia
49 E20 Hypoparathyroidism
50 E21 Hyperparathyroidism and Other Disorders of the Parathyroid Gland
51 E22 Hyperpituitarism
52 E23-E23.2 Hypopituitarism and Other Pituitary Disorders
53 E24-E24.8 Cushing Syndrome
54 E25 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
55 E25.8 Other Adrenogenital Disorders
56 E26-E26.1 Hyperaldosteronism
57 E27.0-E27.2 Other Hyperfunction of Adrenal Cortex
58 E27.5 Adrenomedullary Hyperfunction
59 E27.8; E27.9 Other Specified Disorders of Adrenal Gland
60 E28.2 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
61 E28.3 Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
62 E31 Poliendocrine Dysfunction
63 E34.0 Carcinoid Syndrome
    Chapter 5: Mental and Behavioral Disorders
64 F02.8 Dementia in Other Diseases Classified Elsewhere
65 F06 Other Mental Disorders due to Brain Damage and Dysfunction and Physical Disease
66 F20 Schizophrenia
67 F31 Bipolar Disorder
68 F33 Recurrent Depressive Disorder
70 F72 Severe Intellectual Disabilities
71 F73 Profound Intellectual Disabilities
72 F80.3 Acquired Aphasia with Epilepsy
73 F84.0 Childhood Autism
74 F84.2 Rett Syndrome
    Chapter 6: Diseases of the Nervous System
75 G06-G06.2 Intracranial and Intraspinal Abscess and Granuloma
76 G07 Intracranial and Intraspinal Abscess and Granuloma in Diseases Classified Elsewhere
77 G09 Sequelae of Inflammatory Diseases of Central Nervous System
78 G12-G12.9 Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Related Syndromes
79 G13-G13.8 Systemic Atrophy Primarily Affecting Central Nervous System in Diseases Classified Elsewhere
80 G23-G23.9 Other Degenerative Diseases of Basal Ganglia
81 G25-G25.9 Other Extrapyramidal and Movement Disorders
82 G26 Extrapyramidal and Movement Disorders
83 G31 Other Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous System
84 G31.0 Circumscribed Brain Atrophy
85 G31.9 Degenerative Disease of Nervous System, Unspecified
86 G32 Other Degenerative Diseases of Nervous System in Diseases Classified Elsewhere
87 G35 Multiple Sclerosis
88 G40-G40.9 Epilepsy
89 G53.3 Cranial Nerve Lesions in Neoplastic Disease (C00-D48)
90 G91-G91.8 Hydrocephalus
91 G93.0-G93.6 Cerebral Cysts
92 G94.0-G94.2 Hydrocephalus in Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Classified Elsewhere (A00-B99)
93 G95.0-G95.2 Syringomyelia and Syringobulbia
    Chapter 7: Diseases of the Eye and Adnexa
94 H35.1 Retinopathy of Prematurity Affecting Both Eyes
95 H47.6 Cortical Blindness
96 H54 Blindness and Low Vision
97 H54.0 Blindness in Both Eyes
98 H54.1 Blindness in One Eye and Low Vision in Other
99 H54.2 Low Vision in Both Eyes
100 H17 Corneal Scarring and Opacity in Both Eyes
    Chapter 8: Diseases of the Ear and Mastoid Process
101 H91.3 Deaf-mutism, Not Elsewhere Classified
    Chapter 9: Diseases of the Circulatory System
102 I50-I51.3 Heart Failure
103 I60-60.9 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
104 I61-I61.9 Intracerebral Hemorrhage
105 I63-I63.9 Cerebral Infarction
106 I68.1 Cerebral Arteritis in Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Classified Elsewhere
107 I69.0-I69.4 Sequelae of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
    Chapter 10: Diseases of the Respiratory System
108 J95.3 Chronic Respiratory Failure Post Surgery
109 J99.1 Respiratory Disorders with Diffuse Disorders of Connective Tissue
    Chapter 11: Diseases of the Digestive System
110 K50 Crohn's Disease (Regional Enteritis)
    Chapter 12: Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
111 L40 Psoriasis
    Chapter 13: Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue
112 M08.1 Juvenile Ankylosing Spondylitis
113 M32 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
114 M33-M33.4 Dermatomyositis
115 M34-M34.9 Systemic Sclerosis
116 M43-M43.9 Other Deformities of Spine
117 M54.1 Root Nerve Disorder
118 M85.2 Hyperostosis of the Skull
    Chapter 14: Diseases of the Genitourinary System
119 N18.0 End-stage Renal Disease
120 N27.1 Bilateral Renal Hypoplasia
    Chapter 16: Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period
121 P10-P10.9 Tear, Rupture, and Intracranial Bleed Due to Birth Trauma
122 P11-P11.5 Other Birth Trauma Injuries of Central Nervous System
123 P21.0 Severe Birth Asphyxia with Sequelae
124 P52-P52.9 Non-traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Fetus and Newborn
125 P57-P57.9 Kernicterus with Sequelae
    Chapter 17: Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities
126 Q00-Q00.2 Anencephaly and Similar Defects
127 Q01 Encephalocele
128 Q02 Microcephaly
129 Q03-Q03.9 Congenital Hydrocephalus
130 Q04-Q04.9 Other Congenital Malformations of the Brain
131 Q05-Q05.9 Spina Bifida
132 Q06-Q06.9 Other Congenital Malformations of Spinal Cord
133 Q07-Q07.9 Other Congenital Malformations of Nervous System
134 Q11-Q11.1 Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia, and Megalophthalmia
135 Q12-Q12.2 Congenital Lens Deformities
136 Q13.0-Q13.3 Iris Defect
137 Q14.1 Congenital Retinal Deformity
138 Q14.2 Congenital Optic Disc Anomaly
139 Q16.0 Congenital Absence of Ear
140 Q21.3 Tetralogy of Fallot
141 Q22 Congenital Malformations of Tricuspid Valve and Pulmonary Artery
142 Q22.0 Pulmonary Valve Atresia
143 Q33.6 Pulmonary Hypoplasia and Dysplasia
144 Q44.2 Biliary Atresia
145 Q45.0 Pancreatic Agenesis, Hypoplasia
146 Q50.0 Congenital Absence of Ovary
147 Q56-Q56.4 Indeterminate Sex and Pseudohermaphroditism
    Chapter 19: Injury, Poisoning, and Certain Other Consequences of External Causes
148 S01 Open Skull Fracture (Long-term Sequelae Affecting Work Ability and Daily Life)
149 S06 Intracranial Injury
150 S06.2 Diffuse Brain Injury
151 S06.5 Traumatic Subdural Hemorrhage
152 S06.6 Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
153 S06.7 Intracranial Injury with Prolonged Coma
154 S06.8 Other Intracranial Injuries
155 S06.9 Unspecified Intracranial Injury
156 S13.0 Traumatic Rupture of Cervical Intervertebral Disc
157 S13.3 Complex Cervical Dislocation
158 S14 Injury of Cervical Spinal Cord and Nerves

What are the rights and obligations of teachers in implementing population policy in Vietnam?

According to Article 10 of the Population Ordinance 2003, the rights and obligations of each teacher in implementing the population movement and family planning, reproductive health care are as follows:

- Decide the timing and spacing of childbirth;

- Have one or two children, except in special cases as prescribed by the Government of Vietnam.

- Protect health, implement measures to prevent reproductive tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases

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