In Vietnam, what does career consulting in vocational education and training mean?

In Vietnam, what does career consulting in vocational education and training mean?

In Vietnam, what does career consulting in vocational education and training mean?

Under Clause 1, Article 3 of Circular 14/2022/TT-BLDTBXH, “career consulting in vocational education and training” refers to an activity that is aimed at raising learners’ awareness of training disciplines and majors, labor demand for training disciplines and majors; assisting learners in choosing training disciplines and majors suitable for their competence, forte and aspirations.

Note: Circular 14/2022/TT-BLDTBXH does not apply to pedagogical schools under the management of the Ministry of Education and Training.

What are the contents of career consulting in vocational education and training in Vietnam?

Under Article 6 of Circular 14/2022/TT-BLDTBXH, the contents of career consulting in vocational education and training in Vietnam include:

1. Provide career consulting and orientations for learners wishing to enter vocational education and training in terms of: the importance of choosing disciplines and majors; ways to discover personal strengths and cherish career dreams; training disciplines and majors; information on the network of vocational education and training institutions; benefits received when choosing vocational training; demand from the labor market.

2. Provide career consulting and orientations for learners at vocational education and training institutions in terms of: methods and skills in future career planning and some necessary skills for learners with a view to shaping their professional attitudes, professional ethics, formulating study plans and developing professional competence; benefits for employees in direct relation to training disciplines and majors; employers’ job openings for the training disciplines and majors of the learners at vocational education and training institutions.

3. Provide career consulting and orientations for graduate learners wishing to join another discipline or major or continue their study at higher educational levels in terms of training disciplines and majors; information on the network of vocational education and training institutions; several skills in flexible transformation and adaptation.

4. Other issues concerning career consulting in conformity with regulations of law.

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In Vietnam, what does career consulting in vocational education and training mean? (Image from Internet)

What are the methods for providing career consulting in vocational education and training in Vietnam?

Under Article 7 of Circular 14/2022/TT-BLDTBXH, the methods for providing career consulting in vocational education and training in Vietnam include:

1. Organizing career consulting and orientation programs, itineraries and days for learners.

2. Organizing career consulting and orientation seminars, conferences and forums.

3. Providing training and access to knowledge and skills for learners through club, team and group activities; extracurricular activities, experiences and exchanges at vocational education and training institutions and employers.

4. Organizing competitions to learn about the world of careers and career consulting through career consulting classes and programs.

5. Providing career information and career consulting for learners through video clips and images; through documents, publications and media.

6. Organizing training, refresher training and professional training courses to develop competence of personnel in charge of providing vocational education and training consulting.

7. Cooperating with Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) and associations in providing career consulting to HCYU members, young people and students.

8. Other methods prescribed by regulations of law.

What are the principles for providing career consulting in vocational education and training in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Circular 14/2022/TT-BLDTBXH, the principles for providing career consulting in vocational education and training in Vietnam are:

- Issues and activities related to the provision of career and job consulting and start-up support must be appropriate to learners’ age, awareness, training disciplines and majors, and training levels.

- Training in knowledge and skills for learners specified in Circular 14/2022/TT-BLDTBXH shall not affect training programs of vocational education and training institutions.

- Career and job consulting and start-up support shall be provided in a manner that adopts the learner-centered approach; is associated with learners' needs and for the benefit of learners; at the same time responds to demands from the labor and job market and develop learners' skills.

- Infrastructure and equipment must be in place to facilitate the provision of career and job consulting, and start-up support for learners; co-working spaces and start-up support spaces must be built and developed.

- It is required to ensure a sufficient number of personnel to provide career and job consulting, and start-up support for learners at vocational education and training institutions; encourage the establishment of centers or a division affiliated to functional departments without increasing the number of personnel in charge of provision of career and job consulting, and start-up support for learners at vocational education and training institutions; encourage the formation of a network of skilled, experienced, dynamic and enthusiastic consultants.

-  Programs and documents on career and job consulting, and start-up support and training courses on necessary skills must be provided to learners and the origin of the documents must be guaranteed.

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