09:48 | 23/08/2024

Are admission scores for supplemental admission lower than the first one in Vietnam?

According to regulations, are admission scores for supplemental admission lower than the first one in Vietnam?

Are admission scores for supplemental admission lower than the first one in Vietnam?

Based on Article 22 of the Regulations on University Admission and College Admission in Early Childhood Education, issued with Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT, the regulations are as follows:

Registration and supplemental admission

  1. Based on the admission quotas and the number of candidates who have confirmed their enrollment in the respective fields and training programs, the admission council of the educational institution will review and decide on the supplemental admission rounds. The institution will announce the admission schedule, methods, and forms of registration for supplemental admissions; the admission conditions for the respective fields and training programs according to each admission method shall not be lower than those of the previous admission round.
  1. Candidates who have not been admitted or who have been admitted but have not yet confirmed their enrollment at any institution may register for supplemental admission rounds according to the institution's schedule and guidelines.
  1. At the end of each admission round, the educational institution will announce the admission scores (and any supplementary criteria if applicable) for the respective fields and training programs according to the admission methods on its website; it will facilitate candidates' access to their individual admission results, send admission notices, and provide enrollment instructions to admitted candidates.

According to the regulations, the admission conditions for supplementary rounds for the respective fields and training programs according to each admission method cannot be lower than those of the previous admission round.

Thus, the admission scores for the respective fields and training programs according to each admission method for supplemental admission rounds will not be lower than the first round’s admission scores.

Are the Admission Scores for Supplementary Admissions Rounds Lower than Those of the First Round?

Are admission scores for supplemental admission lower than the first one in Vietnam? (Photo from the Internet)

Can Candidates Who Have Confirmed Enrollment Participate in supplemental admissions in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 4, Article 21 of the Regulations on University Admission and College Admission in Early Childhood Education, issued with Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT, the regulations are as follows:

Notification of Results and Enrollment Confirmation

1. The educational institution sends an admission notice to admitted candidates, detailing the necessary procedures for enrollment and the method of enrollment for candidates.

2. Candidates confirm enrollment online on the system before enrolling at the educational institution.

3. For candidates who do not confirm enrollment within the prescribed time frame:

a) If there is no legitimate reason, the candidate is considered to have declined the admission offer, and the educational institution has the right not to accept the candidate;

b) If due to illness, accident, with a confirmation from a district or higher-level hospital, or due to natural disasters with a confirmation from the district or higher-level People's Committee, the educational institution will review and decide whether to accept the candidate for enrollment or defer the admission results so the candidate can enroll later;

c) If due to an error or mistake by the admissions officer or the individual candidate, the educational institution will actively cooperate with the relevant individuals or organizations to review the evidence and decide whether to accept the candidate for enrollment or defer the admission results so the candidate can enroll later.

4. Candidates who have confirmed enrollment at an educational institution are not allowed to participate in admissions elsewhere or in supplemental admission rounds, unless permitted by the educational institution.

Thus, candidates who have confirmed enrollment at an educational institution are not allowed to participate in supplemental admission rounds, unless permitted by the educational institution.

Three Basic Principles in University Admissions in Vietnam

Based on Article 4 of the Regulations on University Admission and College Admission in Early Childhood Education, issued with Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT, three basic principles in university admissions in Vietnam are regulated as follows:

(1). Fairness to Candidates

- Regarding information provision: Each interested candidate is provided with full, clear, reliable, consistent, and prompt information to make suitable decisions and best prepare for admission.

- Regarding opportunities for application: No candidate loses the opportunity to apply due to regulations unrelated to qualifications or capabilities (except for special regulations by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense concerning national defense and security); or due to complicated, costly admission processes.

- Regarding capability assessment: Candidates must be objectively, fairly, and reliably assessed on their study capabilities and prospects for success, meeting the requirements of the program and training field.

- Regarding admission opportunities: Candidates must be given the highest opportunity for admission and the right to prioritize their desired programs and training fields among those they qualify for.

- Regarding commitment fulfillment: Educational institutions must fulfill their commitments to candidates; provide counseling, support, and resolve complaints, protecting candidates' legitimate rights in risky situations.

(2). Equality among Educational Institutions

- Regarding cooperation: Educational institutions cooperate equally to enhance the quality and effectiveness of admissions, ensuring the best benefits for candidates.

- Regarding competition: Educational institutions compete honestly, fairly, and healthy in admissions according to the legal regulations on competition.

(3). Transparency to Society

- Regarding information transparency: Educational institutions have the responsibility to announce full, clear, and prompt admission information through appropriate media channels for social and governmental supervision.

- Regarding accountability: Educational institutions must report as required by government agencies and explain to society through suitable means about major issues causing public concern.

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