15:49 | 21/01/2025

What are the answers to Group C of the 3rd examination of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year?

What are the eligible contestants of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year? What are the answers to Group C of the 3rd examination of the Contest?

What are the answers to Group C of the 3rd examination of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year?

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>>> What are the guidelines for logging into the 3rd examination of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year?

Below are answers to Group C of the 3rd examination of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year:

Question 1 (10 points):

The situation "a thousand pounds hanging by a thread" refers to our country's historical circumstance during which stage?

A. After initiating the Call for National Resistance

B. Before the August Revolution of 1945

C. After the August Revolution of 1945

D. Before the Dien Bien Phu Campaign

Question 2 (10 points):

In a Letter to Teachers, Students, Youth Officers, and Children (1955), Ho Chi Minh wrote “It is necessary to ensure students are provided with solid, practical knowledge appropriate to the needs and future of national construction, omitting unnecessary parts for practical life.”

A. Primary Education

B. Preschool Education

C. Higher Education

D. Secondary Education

Question 3 (10 points):

The An Vinh island cluster of our country belongs to which archipelago?

A. Paracel Islands (Hoang Sa)

B. Nam Du

C. Spratly Islands (Truong Sa)

D. Con Son

Question 4 (10 points):

Captain Gore, who led the world voyage with the two warships Resolution and Discovery, arrived at the Con Son archipelago in what year?

A. The year 1780

B. The year 1770

C. The year 1880

D. The year 1870

Question 5 (10 points):

The Government of the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam at what time?

A. May 8, 1950

B. January 14, 1950

C. January 30, 1950

D. January 18, 1950

Question 6 (10 points):

The Spratly Islands' international name is Spratly, taken from which foreign captain?

A. Portuguese

B. French

C. British

D. American

Question 7 (10 points):

How long did the Dien Bien Phu Campaign last?

A. 26 days and nights

B. 12 days and nights

C. 56 days and nights

D. 55 days and nights

Question 8 (10 points):

The Tra O Lagoon in our country is located in which province listed below?

A. Binh Dinh

B. Binh Thuan

C. Phu Yen

D. Khanh Hoa

Question 9 (10 points):

“Though we must endure hardship in resistance, with resolute sacrifice, victory will certainly belong to our nation! Long live independent and united Vietnam! Long live victorious resistance!” This excerpt is from which document of Ho Chi Minh?

A. Call to the People (September 5, 1945)

B. Message to the Southern Soldiers (December 22, 1945)

C. Call concerning the French military's provocation in Hai Phong (November 23, 1946)

D. Call for National Resistance (December 19, 1946)

Question 10 (10 points):

The Paracel Islands is an administrative unit of what level and subordinated to which administrative unit in Vietnam's current administrative system?

A. District level (Hoang Sa District) under Quang Nam Province

B. Commune level under Thua Thien – Hue Province

C. District level (Hoang Sa District) under Quang Ngai Province

D. District level (Hoang Sa District) under Da Nang City

Question 11 (10 points):

The Central Committee of the Communist Party and Ho Chi Minh decided on the Border Campaign of 1950 for what purpose?

A. To clear the international communication path between our country and China with democratic countries worldwide.

B. To tie down the French army in urban areas and district-level towns, foiling the “Rapid Attack, Rapid Victory” plan of the French.

C. To thwart the intensification of warfare intentions by the French - Americans, maintaining proactive enemy combatting.

D. To annihilate enemy forces, liberate land and people, expanding guerrilla bases.

Question 12 (10 points):

During the 1959 – 1960 Uprising Movement, the people of Southern Vietnam achieved government at what level?

A. Commune and district levels

B. District and province levels

C. Province and central levels

D. Hamlet and commune levels

Question 13 (10 points):

In the Call on the Anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day (September 1954), Ho Chi Minh wrote: “Our people and the Government of Vietnam always want peace, to …, build a life of freedom and happiness.” Choose the correct answer:

A. peasants have land

B. enjoy life

C. build the nation

D. fight class struggles

Question 14 (10 points):

France built how many subdivisions and positions in Dien Bien Phu?

A. 4 subdivisions with 55 positions

B. 4 subdivisions with 49 positions

C. 3 subdivisions with 55 positions

D. 3 subdivisions with 49 positions

Question 15 (10 points):

In the article Revolutionary Police Ethics (1948), Ho Chi Minh instructs that the revolutionary police's morality towards colleagues should be:

A. wholeheartedly help

B. unite to help

C. sincerely help

D. affectionately help

Question 16 (10 points):

The offshore fishing, processing center, and fishery logistics service in the South Central Sea on Phu Quy Island belongs to which province listed below?

A. Nha Trang

B. Ninh Thuan

C. Binh Thuan

D. Quang Nam

Question 17 (10 points):

In the Talk with the Cuban Police Delegation (August 9, 1966), Ho Chi Minh said: "In operations, the enemy also learns from experience, so they improve their work, but fundamentally, they cannot learn...". Choose the correct answer:

A. that is learning from other countries

B. that is learning simultaneously with practicing

C. that is learning from the people

D. that is learning to win over the people's hearts

Question 18 (10 points):

The Third National Congress of the Communist Party (September 1960) affirmed the socialist revolution's role in the North as:

A. Directly determining the revolutionary development of the whole country.

B. Important for the revolutionary development of the whole country.

C. Indirectly determining the revolutionary development of the whole country.

D. The most decisive for the revolutionary development of the whole country.

Question 19 (10 points):

Which island below, part of the Paracel Islands, has an area of about 1.5 km²?

A. Trung Island

B. Linh Con Island

C. Cay Island

D. Bac Island

Question 20 (10 points):

When did the first General Election of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam take place?

A. April 26, 1976

B. September 2, 1945

C. January 6, 1946

D. December 20, 1946

Question 21 (10 points):

The country's first marine reserve located in Nha Trang Bay is:

A. Hon Ngoc

B. Hon Mun

C. Hon Tre

D. Hon Rom

Question 22 (10 points):

Which archipelago listed below, part of the Spratly Islands, is named after a hero?

A. Vo Thi Sau

B. Le Van Tam

C. Nguyen Van Troi

D. Phan Vinh

Question 23 (10 points):

The statement “It is better to sacrifice to protect the cannon” was made by whom?

A. To Vinh Dien

B. Phan Dinh Giot

C. Be Van Dan

D. Cu Chinh Lan

Question 24 (10 points):

In the article Revolutionary Police Ethics (1948), Ho Chi Minh instructs that the revolutionary police's relationship with the Government should be:

A. absolutely dedicated

B. absolutely serving

C. absolutely trusting

D. absolutely loyal

Question 25 (10 points):

In the Speech at the Graduation Ceremony for the Fifth Course at the Vietnam Training School for Cadres (November 1945), Ho Chi Minh advised the freshly graduated cadres to:

A. Be fair and honest

B. Diligent, economical, maintain a humble attitude, do not be arrogant

C. Need, economy, sacrifice, fairness

D. Fairness and integrity

Question 26 (10 points):

In the Talk with units participating in the parade on January 1, 1955, in Hanoi Capital (December 1954), Ho Chi Minh pointed out that in 1954 our country was changing from a state of war to peace. Therefore, the military has a new mission:

A. relax discipline in peaceful times

B. advance to military modernization

C. advance to a regular army

D. become skilled in guerrilla tactics

Question 27 (10 points):

Chairman Ho Chi Minh, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Government of Vietnam, called for national resistance on what date?

A. February 17, 1947

B. December 18, 1946

C. December 19, 1946

D. December 20, 1946

Question 28 (10 points):

Which line below correctly lists the provinces Con Dao has belonged to?

A. Vinh Long, Tra Vinh, Ben Tre, Ba Ria-Vung Tau

B. Vinh Long, Sa Dec, Gia Dinh, Ba Ria-Vung Tau

C. Vinh Long, Gia Dinh, Hau Giang, Ba Ria-Vung Tau

D. Vinh Long, Ha Tien, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Gia Dinh

Question 29 (10 points):

In Resolutely Eliminate the Drought Enemy (October 9, 1966), Ho Chi Minh wrote: “Defeating the drought enemy means ensuring our soldiers and people...defeat the American invaders.” Choose the correct answer:

A. have a bumper crop

B. save the rice

C. have enough water

D. eat well

Question 30 (10 points):

In the Letter to Youth (1951), Ho Chi Minh wrote that the strength of youth is:

A. Enthusiastic, rich in pioneering spirit

B. Enthusiastic, rich in patriotism

C. Rich in pioneering spirit, diligent

D. Rich in pioneering spirit, caring

*Note: The above answers are for reference purposes only!

Answers for Table C, Week 3 of the Online Contest

What are the answers to Group C of the 3rd examination of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year? (Image from the Internet)

What are the eligible contestants of the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year?

On December 6, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Decision 3891/QD-BGDDT in 2024 promulgating the rules for the online contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh" in the 2024-2025 school year. The eligible contestants are specified as follows:

1. Contestants

1.1. Group A: For students in general education institutions (including students from lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, multi-level schools, boarding ethic secondary schools, semi-boarding ethic secondary schools, schools with boarding students, and students from continuous education centers).

1.2. Group B: For students studying at domestic training institutions and Vietnamese students studying abroad.

1.3. Group C: For teachers, lecturers, youth education managers, union members, and youths (not over 35 years old).

Additionally, the contest content will include:

- The life, career, and contributions of President Ho Chi Minh.

- President Ho Chi Minh's teachings to the younger generation.

- The main content of President Ho Chi Minh’s “Testament”; the document “Mass Mobilization” and the document “Enhancing Revolutionary Morality, Sweeping out Individualism”.

- Lessons on Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, style.

- Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts on Vietnam’s sea and island sovereignty.

- Essential contents of professional ethics according to Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, style.

- Achievements in the cause of national construction and defense, national development under the leadership of the Communist Party; Core content of the XIII National Congress of the Communist Party documents.

- Essential contents of the XII National Union Congress documents.

Thus, contestants will be divided into 3 Groups A, B, and C with specific entities for each Group.

What are the guidelines for registration for the Contest "Youth Learning and Following the Ideology, Morality, and Style of Ho Chi Minh"?

On December 6, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Decision 3891/QD-BGDDT 2024 on the registration for the contest as follows:

* Registration

- Contestants register for an account and take trial tests online at the contest’s information page: hocvalamtheobac.mobiedu.vn from 09:00 on December 16, 2024. Each contestant registers and uses one account to participate in the contest.

- Official contest information can be found on the website: hocvalamtheobac.mobiedu.vn, http://www.moet.gov.vn, http://www.gdtd.vn; Contest’s fanpage https://www.facebook.com/tuoitrehocvalamtheobac/ and http://www.doanthanhnien.vn.

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