What are the guidelines for analysis of the poem "Đề đền Sầm Nghi Đống"? What are the required academic results for 8th-grade students participating in the national science and technology competition in Vietnam?
What are the guidelines for analysis of the poem "Đề đền Sầm Nghi Đống"?
The poem "Đề đền Sầm Nghi Đống" by Ho Xuan Huong is a prominent work that deeply reflects her unique poetic talent and strong personality. To analyze the poem "Đề đền Sầm Nghi Đống", the focus is required on the content, linguistic artistry, as well as ideological value conveyed by the work.
Students may refer to the following sample analysis of the poem "Đề đền Sầm Nghi Đống":
Analysis of the poem "Đề đền Sầm Nghi Đống" - Sample 1:
The custom of writing poems became prevalent in ancient China, especially during the Tang Dynasty. Tourists visiting nature, observing temples, or visiting beautiful caves often did not forget to write poems to capture their feelings and experiences. We could also mention the legend about the poem “Huang He Lou” by Cui Liao, written at Huang He Tower, creating many emotions for the poet Li Bai. Or the poem “On the Southern City Wall of the Capital” by Cui Hao, which was recorded on a tableau where a beautiful lady could no longer be seen. In our country, this custom was also favored, and many poets have left poems at beautiful caves. "Glancing lightly, I saw the sign hanging Anyone who has a shrine built for them, even if they are an enemy, is regarded as divine. People come here to pray and light incense. But Ho Xuan Huong merely tilted her head and glanced. Tilting, according to the Vietnamese dictionary, simply refers to the action of looking obliquely, not implying respect. Tilting her head sideways, rather than looking upwards, demonstrates a lack of respect for the deity who failed in the invasion. The District Magistrate's shrine was on a high hill, not easy to glance at. Clearly, Ho Xuan Huong deliberately chose to look down upon the District Magistrate at this sacred site. The phrase “stands precariously” depicts a height without firm points of support, easy to collapse. The word “there” also conveys a lack of respect, as it is accompanied by a pointing gesture, whereas in sacred places, visitors are not permitted to speak loudly or point as if at an object. Through these two verses, Ho Xuan Huong dismisses all sacredness and reverence of the shrine. "If only I could change fate to be a man The meaning of changing one's fate to be a man reveals the sensitivity of a woman towards men in feudal society, a perception imprinted in the poetess’s soul. But beyond that, it reflects a desire to change fate, relentless dissatisfaction with her current situation. Her self-reference as “here to exchange with Sam Nghi Dong” shows that even without changing her fate, she contemptuously regarded Sam Nghi Dong. The concluding line might lead us to think that Ho Xuan Huong is confident she could surpass Sam’s achievements. However, in truth, it is merely a mocking remark: “Your achievements are too meager, hardly worthy of a real man!” |
Analysis of the poem "Đề đền Sầm Nghi Đống" - Sample 2:
One of the famous female poets to mention is Ho Xuan Huong. Many of her works have profound value, including the poem "Đề đền Sầm Nghi Đống". "Glancing lightly, I saw the sign hanging In the first two lines, the words and images express the author's attitude when visiting Sam Nghi Dong's shrine: "glance, sideways view, there, precarious." These words and images strip away the sacred essence a shrine should have, revealing the author's disrespectful, mocking attitude toward the defeated invader. The reason for this attitude is because Sam Nghi Dong was an enemy general, following Sun Shi Yi's invasion, occupying the capital Thang Long, holding the position of district magistrate, and was tasked with guarding the Ngoc Hoi post. After King Quang Trung demolished the Ngoc Hoi post (January 1978), Sam Nghi Dong committed suicide. Later, when diplomatic relations normalized, King Quang Trung allowed the Chinese in Hanoi to establish a shrine. However, according to the poem’s author, this defeated general did not deserve to be worshiped in a shrine. |
Note: The content is for reference only.
What are the guidelines for analysis of the poem "Đề đền Sầm Nghi Đống"? What are the required academic results for 8th-grade students participating in the national science and technology competition in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What are the required academic results for 8th-grade students participating in the national science and technology competition in Vietnam?
Under point a clause 3 Article 5 of the Regulation on the national science and technology competition for lower and upper secondary school students issued together with Circular 06/2024/TT-BGDDT:
Competing Unit, Number of Projects, Contestants, and Advisors
3. Contestants and research advisors
a) Contestants must meet the following conditions:
- Be students of grades 8, 9, 10, 11, 12;
- Voluntarily participate and be selected into the competition team of the competing unit;
- Have Good academic and training results or higher from the first semester (if the competition is held in the second semester) or the previous school year (if the competition is held in the first semester);
- Each contestant may only participate in 01 (one) project in 01 (one) competition.
Thus, 8th-grade students participating in the national science and technology research competition in Vietnam must have Good academic and training results or higher from the first semester (if the competition is held in the second semester) or the previous school year (if the competition is held in the first semester).
What are the required documents for participating in the national science and technology competition by 8th-grade students in Vietnam?
Under Article 13 of the Regulation on the national science and technology competition for lower and upper secondary school students issued together with Circular 06/2024/TT-BGDDT, the required documents for participating in the national science and technology competition by 8th-grade students in Vietnam are as follows:
- Decision from the head of the participating unit assigning projects to participate in the Competition.
- Confirmation of the contestant's academic and training results with the signature of the head of the educational institution.
- Project dossier
+ Explanation of the registration, approval, and selection of the project at the educational institution and the participating unit according to the provisions of Article 12 of the Regulation on the national science and technology competition for lower and upper secondary school students issued together with Circular 06/2024/TT-BGDDT;
+ Research plan approved by the head of the educational institution;
+ Report on the project implementation results following the provisions at point b clause 1 Article 3 of the Regulation on the national science and technology competition for lower and upper secondary school students issued together with Circular 06/2024/TT-BGDDT.