What are the sample expository essays about the natural phenomenon of landslides? Can students in Vietnam enter 8th grade at an age higher than the regulatory age?

What are the sample expository essays about the natural phenomenon of landslides? Can students in Vietnam enter 8th grade at an age higher than the regulatory age?

What are the sample expository essays about the natural phenomenon of landslides?

8th-grade students can refer to the following sample expository essays about the natural phenomenon of landslides:

Sample Explanatory Essays on the Natural Phenomenon of Landslides

Sample 1

I have watched films about horrific landslides on television. Houses and fields are buried under mud and rocks, causing significant damage to people and property. This makes me truly worried and eager to understand more about this dangerous natural phenomenon.

A landslide is a large mass of earth and rock suddenly sliding down from a height. The causes of landslides are diverse, including prolonged heavy rain, earthquakes, tsunamis, and human activities such as reckless deforestation and constructing buildings on hillsides. During heavy rain, water seeps into the soil layers, saturating the soil, reducing its cohesiveness, and making it prone to landslides. Additionally, deforestation decreases the soil's grip, making it prone to erosion and landslides.

Landslides cause numerous serious consequences. They not only damage houses and constructions but also cause mudrock floods, block river flows, and cause flooding. More dangerously, landslides claim human lives and cause significant economic losses.

I feel very sad knowing the consequences landslides cause. To minimize the risks posed by landslides, we need to protect the environment, plant more trees, and limit construction on steep hillsides. Furthermore, authorities need to enhance forecasting and warning efforts to help people proactively prevent landslides.

I hope each of us will be more conscious of protecting the environment to minimize the consequences caused by natural disasters.

Sample 2

I have seen images of houses buried under mud and rocks after a heavy rain. These truly heartbreaking scenes worry me. Upon researching, I discovered that this is the phenomenon of a landslide.

A landslide is a large mass of earth and rock suddenly sliding down from a height. The main cause of landslides is prolonged heavy rain. When rain falls, water seeps into the soil, saturating it, reducing its cohesiveness, and making it prone to landslides. Additionally, reckless deforestation and building structures on hillsides increase the risk of landslides.

Landslides cause numerous serious consequences. They not only damage houses and constructions but also cause mudrock floods, block river flows, and cause flooding. More dangerously, landslides claim human lives and cause significant economic losses.

I feel very sad knowing the consequences landslides cause. To minimize the risks posed by landslides, we need to protect the environment, plant more trees, and limit construction on steep hillsides. Furthermore, authorities need to enhance forecasting and warning efforts to help people proactively prevent landslides.

I hope each of us will be more conscious of protecting the environment to minimize the consequences caused by natural disasters. Planting green trees not only helps prevent landslides but also contributes to cleaner air.

Sample 3

I vividly remember the images of the horrific landslide in Lang Nu. Houses were buried under mud and rocks, roads were cut off, and many lamentable losses occurred. This event left a deep impression on me about the destructive force of nature and the importance of disaster prevention.

The landslide in Lang Nu occurred due to many causes, including prolonged heavy rain and steep terrain. During heavy rain, water seeps into the soil, saturating it, reducing its cohesiveness, and making it prone to landslides. Steep terrain further increases the risk of landslides.

The consequences of the landslide in Lang Nu were extremely serious. Dozens of people died, many went missing, and houses and properties were completely destroyed. This landslide not only caused material losses but also left deep emotional scars for the people here.

Through this event, I realize that nature is very powerful, and we need to live in harmony with it. To minimize the risks posed by landslides, we need to protect the environment, plant more trees, and limit construction on steep hillsides. Additionally, authorities need to enhance forecasting and warning efforts to help people proactively prevent landslides.

I hope that the lessons learned from the landslide in Lang Nu will help us raise awareness about disaster prevention efforts. Each of us needs to join hands to protect the environment to minimize unfortunate potential consequences.

*Note: The above information is for reference only./.

Sample Explanatory Essay on the Natural Phenomenon of Landslides? Can 8th-grade students study at an age higher than the prescribed age?

What are the sample expository essays about the natural phenomenon of landslides? Can students in Vietnam enter 8th grade at an age higher than the regulatory age? (Image from the Internet)

Can students in Vietnam enter 8th grade at an age higher than the regulatory age?

Under Article 35 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued by the Ministry of Education and Training attached to Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, 8th-grade students have certain rights as follows:

1. Receive comprehensive education with fairness, be provided with time, facilities, hygiene and safety to learn in class and self-learn at home, be informed of their education and training, and be able to use learning, cultural and sport equipment of their schools as per the law.

2. Receive respect, protection and fair and democratic treatment, complain to their schools and education authorities about decisions concerning themselves; transfer school with legitimate reason as per existing regulations; enter school before the compulsory starting age, skip a grade and study at an age higher than the compulsory attendance age according to regulations in Article 33 of this charter.

3. Participate in activities for development of their gifts in academic subjects, sports and art organized by their schools if able to.

4. Students eligible for social benefits, disadvantaged students and gifted students may receive sponsorship or other benefits as per the law.

5. Transfer school if eligible according to regulations following school transfer procedures stipulated by the Minister of Education and Training.

6. Enjoy other rights as per the law.

One of the rights of 8th-grade students is to enter school before the compulsory starting age, skip a grade and study at an age higher than the compulsory attendance age according to Article 33 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued by the Ministry of Education and Training attached to Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT.

Thus, according to the above regulations, students in Vietnam may enter 8th grade at an age higher than the regulatory age if conditions are met.

However, skipping grades must be considered by the principal of the school where the students are studying according to Article 33 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued by the Ministry of Education and Training attached to Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT.

What year were 8th-grade students born?

According to the provisions in Clause 1, Article 28 of the Law on Education 2019, the regulations are as follows:

Educational levels and entry ages

1. Educational levels and age groups of general education are regulated as follows:

a) Primary education lasts for 05 school years, from the first to the fifth grade. The entry age for the first grade is 06;

b) Lower secondary education lasts for 04 school years, from the sixth to the ninth grade. Students must complete the primary educational programme before entering the sixth grade. The entry age for the sixth grade is 11;

c) Upper secondary education lasts for 03 school years, from the tenth to the twelfth grade. Students must complete the lower secondary educational programme before entering the tenth grade. The entry age for the tenth grade is 15;


Except for cases where students retain a grade or enter school earlier/later than the prescribed age, the age and birth year of students in each level for the 2024-2025 school year can be determined as follows:

Grade 1 Year 2018 6 years old
Grade 2 Year 2017 7 years old
Grade 3 Year 2016 8 years old
Grade 4 Year 2015 9 years old
Grade 5 Year 2014 10 years old
Grade 6 Year 2013 11 years old
Grade 7 Year 2012 12 years old
Grade 8 Year 2011 13 years old
Grade 9 Year 2010 14 years old
Grade 10 Year 2009 15 years old
Grade 11 Year 2008 16 years old
Grade 12 Year 2007 17 years old

Thus, 8th-grade students were born in 2011.

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