What are the sample paragraphs expressing feelings after reading the poem "Mother and the Fruit"? What is the text corpus used in the 7th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

What are the sample paragraphs expressing feelings after reading the poem "Mother and the Fruit" for 7th-grade students in Vietnam?

What are the sample paragraphs expressing feelings after reading the poem "Mother and the Fruit"?

Below are the sample paragraphs expressing feelings after reading the poem "Mother and the Fruit":

Sample 1

The poem "Mother and the Fruit" by Nguyen Quang Thieu evokes in me deep emotions about the boundless love of a mother for her children, as well as her silent, wordless sacrifices throughout her life. The fruit seasons my mother harvested are those tied to her meticulous care efforts. Each fruit is the result of her relentless perseverance and attention. Similarly, a mother's love for her children is nurturing and caring from the earliest days until we are grown, and she always watches over every step.

The "gourds and pumpkins" she cultivates symbolize the salty sweat beads she sheds each day, resembling the hardships in life that she never counts, never complains about. And just like fruits on a tree, we, her children, grow through each season and year.

The most moving and frightening part to me is the last line, "Mother waits to be harvested." At seventy years old, she has waited a lifetime to see the results of the fruits, the seasons of hope she envisions. But as I reflect, I realize I am still like an unripe fruit, unable to repay my mother, unable to yield the fruit she hopes for. That is the fear and worry that someday, my mother's hands will be too tired to care for us, to cradle us.

The poem vividly sketches the image of a great mother, not only caring for her family but also serving as an eternal hope for her children. My feelings upon reading the poem are gratitude and remorse. Gratitude for how my mother has dedicated her entire life to support, protect, and sacrifice for us; remorse for not always being mature enough to fully repay her.

Sample 2

Upon reading the poem "Mother and the Fruit," I perceive the image of a mother as both great and intimate, emerging through familiar yet profound images. She is someone who works silently, quietly, from the fruit seasons she harvests to the sweat droplets she sows into the earth. The fruit seasons she cultivates are not only results of her care but symbols of the boundless love she has for us. Each fruit, whether gourd or pumpkin or beads of sweat, is linked with her endless sacrifice, without expecting anything in return.

I feel more clearly the value of every moment spent with my mother through the last line: “Am I still an unripe fruit?” This question seems like a self-reminder about my incomplete maturity. Mother has sacrificed a lifetime nurturing and caring, hoping one day to see her children grow up and mature. Yet I'm fearful that time will tire my mother’s hands, and I am still not mature enough for her to feel the happiness of seeing her child grow up.

The poem prompts me to reflect on life, on what I currently possess, about the parents who silently work so that their children can rise. Mother has dedicated her life to the fruit seasons, but can we, as her children, repay the sacrifices she has made?

Sample 3

Reading the poem "Mother and the Fruit," I can clearly perceive the image of a diligent, resilient mother who loves her children boundlessly. Her entire life is akin to the fruit seasons, always silently nurturing, caring, and continually hoping for the future. The fruit seasons she harvested are not only the results of labor but also symbols of love and tireless dedication. Each fruit season, each sweat droplet, marks sacred motherhood, hardships mother endured so we could grow.

Particularly, the line “Seventy years waiting to be harvested” deeply moves me. It seems as though she would always wait, always nurture hopes for her children, yet fears that someday, she will no longer have enough strength to care for and nurture us. At that point, we—the children—are still unripe fruits, not mature enough to reciprocate her sacrifices.

This makes me ponder on the maturity and responsibility of each child. She has given her life for us; can we live up to that love? Are we strong and mature enough to fulfill the expectations she placed in us? This is not merely a child's anxiety but also an awakening about responsibility and ensuring that a mother's love is not in vain.

The poem makes me feel as though looking back at myself—a grown child yet still unworthy of a mother's pride, still a green fruit on the branch. But I believe that through these fruit seasons, I will learn to mature more, live responsibly, and cherish all my mother has dedicated to me.

Note: The sample paragraphs are for reference purposes only!

Write a paragraph expressing feelings after reading the poem "Mother and the Fruit"? Regulations on Grade 7 Literature materials?

What are the sample paragraphs expressing feelings after reading the poem "Mother and the Fruit"? What is the text corpus used in the 7th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)

What is the text corpus used in the 7th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

Under the General Education Program for Literature issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the text corpus used in the 7th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam includes:

(1). Literary texts

- Fables, short stories, science fiction

- Poems, four-line, and five-line poems

- Essays, narrative essays

- Proverbs

(2). Argumentative texts

- Social commentary

- Literary criticism

(3). Informative texts

- Texts introducing rules or regulations in games or activities

- Reporting documents

How many Literature lessons will 7th-grade students in Vietnam learn?

According to the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the allocated time for Literature is as follows:

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
420 350 245 245 245 140 140 140 140 105 105 105

Thus, 7th-grade students in Vietnam will learn 140 Literature lessons, of which 63% is reading, 22% is writing, 10% is speaking and listening, and periodic assessment is 5%.

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