14:18 | 22/01/2025

What are the 10+ short and best sample letters for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition in 2025? What are the places for receiving letters sent for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition in 2025 in Vietnam?

What are the 10+ short and best sample letters for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition in 2025?

What are the 10+ short and best sample letters for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition in 2025?

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>>> How to present letters for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition in 2025?

Sample 1: Short letter for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition to Children:

Hello kids,

I am the Ocean! Perhaps you have heard of me, the vast, deep, and boundless entity that stretches out to the horizon. I want to share a secret with you: I am home to millions of wonderful creatures, dear friends who need your care and protection.

I have many special inhabitants. These include gentle giant whales, vibrant coral reefs that resemble underwater forests, and colorful fishes that swim gracefully like dancers. I am also home to smart sea turtles, playful dolphins, and even tiny organisms like sea algae, which, though small, play a crucial role in producing the oxygen you breathe every day.

Do you know, I am not only the home to marine life but also the “silent hero” of Earth. I regulate the climate, absorb CO₂, and generate half of the oxygen on the planet. Without me, Earth would become much hotter and more inhospitable.

However, I am in great trouble. There is a lot of plastic waste floating inside me, and abandoned fishing nets harm the marine creatures. Many of my little friends, like sea turtles, have ingested plastic bags mistaking them for food. Fish and coral are finding it increasingly hard to survive as my waters are polluted with chemicals. Human actions are unwittingly causing me and my tiny inhabitants pain.

Children, you are Earth's future; you have the power to help me and my friends. Here’s how you can protect me:

- Reduce the use of single-use plastics, such as straws, nylon bags, and plastic bottles. Instead, use cloth bags and reusable water bottles.

- Do not litter. Land waste can flow into rivers and streams, reaching the ocean and causing harm.

- Learn to recycle and reuse items. When you recycle, less waste will end up in the ocean.

- Spread the message of ocean conservation. Tell your friends, teachers, and family how to care for the ocean. Your knowledge can change the world.

I know you are wonderful, loving individuals and will do your best to protect me. My little marine friends and I always trust in you.

Every small action today, whether it's picking up a piece of trash, reusing a bag, or speaking kindly of me, can create a significant change. I hope one day you will visit me, hear the waves crashing, see the fish dance, and understand that your actions today saved me and the planet.

Thank you very much,

With love,

The Ocean


Sample 2: Short letter for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition to Scientists:

Letter to dear scientists,

Hello friends,

I am the Ocean, the vast and immense friend of Earth. Perhaps you are familiar with me through the boundless blue waves or the mysterious deep waters. But today, I write this letter to send you a heartfelt message.

You know, I am the heart of this planet. I nurture, protect, and regulate life. I create over 50% of the oxygen you breathe each day, absorb significant amounts of CO₂, and serve as humanity's shield against harsh climate changes. Within me lies the habitat of millions of species, from tiny sea algae to “gentle giants” like the blue whale. I connect everything, yet I am also the most vulnerable.

In recent years, I have seen the development of science and technology, but I have also suffered unprecedented damages. Plastic waste is inundating me. Toxic chemicals, reckless resource exploitation, and climate change are causing my "lungs" like coral reefs to die gradually. I am heartbroken to see my inhabitants perish due to fishing nets, plastic bags, or warming waters.

You, I need you now more than ever. I need your great minds to find solutions to save me and this planet. You are the ones who best understand the interconnection between me and Earth's life. You can lead humanity to act rightly to protect me.

Continue researching marine ecosystems, find sustainable methods to exploit resources, and explore ways to heal the damages I bear. Speak out, helping others understand that protecting me is not just about safeguarding the ocean but preserving their own lives.

I believe that with your knowledge and passion, I can heal. I believe that together we will bring about a better future where my clear waters and diverse life are no longer under threat.

I know this journey isn't easy, but please remember: in saving me, you are saving our shared home.

Respectfully and hopefully,

The Ocean


Sample 3: Short letter for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition to Fishermen:

Letter to dear fishermen,

Hello folks,

I am the Ocean, your close companion and the place where you have connected over many generations. Every day, as you set sail, cast your nets, I always open my arms wide, providing a bountiful catch to support your families and millions more on Earth. I am delighted to do that, but today, I want to share my feelings with you.

Do you know that, apart from the fish and seafood you catch, there are countless other creatures within me? Vibrant coral reefs, schools of small, colorful fish, or leisurely swimming sea turtles are all my residents. The marine ecosystem is a magical circle where every species plays an important role. But recently, I have been very exhausted.

Many areas of mine are becoming empty due to over-exploitation. Fish populations don't have enough time to reproduce; trawl nets damage coral reefs – the shelter for many creatures. I am heartbroken seeing my little friends, from sea turtles to dolphins, accidentally caught in nets with no escape. Do you know that if we continue unchecked exploitation, soon I won't be able to provide the resources you rely on?

You are the ones who understand me best, for you live in harmony with my rhythm. I sincerely hope you will help maintain the balance of the ocean. Here are a few things you can do to both exploit and protect me:

1. Practice responsible fishing: Only catch fish of sufficient size and within their breeding season. This way, fish can reproduce and avoid depletion.

2. Use environmentally friendly fishing gear: Avoid using trawl nets and other equipment that can damage ecosystems, especially coral reefs.

3. Avoid littering the ocean: It saddens me to see plastic waste and discarded fishing nets because they can harm marine life and pollute my ecosystem.

4. Participate in protecting sensitive marine areas: Support the establishment of marine protected areas where species can live and thrive safely. This not only keeps me healthy but ensures sustainable fish resources for future generations.

Dear fishermen, I always want to provide you with abundant resources, but I need time to regenerate and recover. If you help me stay healthy, I promise to continue to nourish your descendants, not just today but in the future.

Let's build a sustainable relationship where the ocean and humans always accompany and support each other. I believe that with your love and understanding, we can achieve that.

Wishing for days filled with clear blue seas and vibrant life,

With love,

The Ocean


Sample 4: Short letter for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition to Humanity:

Letter to humanity,

Hello friends,

I am the Ocean, your deep blue friend you call "the heart of Earth." I used to be proud to be the source of life, home to millions of miraculous creatures, and an endless source of inspiration for many. But today, I write this letter filled with pain and worry.

You know, in recent years, I have endured a great suffering – plastic waste. Millions of tons of plastic from around the world have drifted into me. Nylon bags, plastic bottles, straws, and abandoned fishing nets... all stab into my body like sharp knives. They not only pollute my blue waters but also kill many small residents living within me.

Sea turtles ingesting plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish, die from suffocation. Even powerful creatures like whales cannot combat dozens of kilograms of plastic waste in their stomachs. Seabirds, desperate in their search for food, find only sharp plastic pieces. It breaks my heart seeing coral reefs – “my lungs” – suffocating under plastic wraps, losing their ability to sustain life and nourish ecosystems.

Friends, do you know that plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose? And even when decomposing, they become tiny microplastics that infiltrate fish and shrimp bodies, eventually finding their way back to your tables. Plastic pollution not only hurts me but directly affects your health.

But I believe that you, intelligent humans, can change this. I need your help to restore my health, and here are some things you can do:

1. Reduce single-use plastic: Nylon bags, plastic straws, plastic cups... are items you can easily replace with cloth bags, stainless steel straws, or reusable cups. With just a small change, you'll ease the burden on me.

2. Sort and recycle waste: Ensure that plastic waste is not carelessly tossed into rivers, streams, or beaches, as they rapidly make their way to me.

3. Join ocean cleanup activities: Many organizations and individuals strive to clean me. Join them or organize cleanup activities yourself; even picking up a small piece of trash is valuable.

4. Promote and educate: Spread my conservation message to friends, family, and communities. Collective action creates great power.

I cannot eliminate plastic waste alone, but you can. I believe if you begin acting today, I will return to my clear, vibrant, and nurturing state, as I have done for millions of years.

Thank you for listening to my concerns. I hope that not far in the future, we will create a world where tears of the ocean no longer exist, only gentle waves and the laughter of happy creatures.

With love and hope,

The Ocean


Sample 5: Short letter for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition to Government Leaders:

Letter to government leaders,

Hello dignitaries,

I am the Ocean, who has nurtured life on Earth for billions of years. I am proud to contribute to regulating climate, providing food, water, and generating more than half of Earth’s oxygen. But today, I write this letter with concern and anguish, for I face a significant threat called climate change.

Do you know that I am one of the most severely affected victims of climate change? Rising global temperatures heat my waters, polar ice melts, raising sea levels. Warmer waters harm creatures like coral – “the lungs” of marine ecosystems – and force fish and marine life to migrate or perish. Many coastal areas, home to millions, are at risk of being submerged if these conditions remain unchecked.

Additionally, I absorb a vast amount of human-emitted CO₂, causing my waters to become more acidic (ocean acidification), severely affecting the development of species like clams, corals, and other small organisms – the foundation of the marine food chain.

You possess the strength and capability to change the future. I earnestly hope that you will act to mitigate the impacts of climate change, not only to save me but also to protect human life.

Here are actions you can take to help me:

1. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Set clear and strong targets to minimize CO₂ and other greenhouse gases. Encourage the use of renewable energy like solar, wind, and hydropower instead of relying on coal and oil.

2. Support vulnerable nations: Build international cooperation programs to assist coastal and small island countries facing threats of submersion and economic decline due to climate change.

3. Protect and restore marine ecosystems: Allocate resources to preserve coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass – natural “shields” that absorb CO₂ and protect coasts from big waves.

4. Promote education and awareness: Facilitate public understanding of climate change impacts on oceans and the critical role oceans play in planet protection.

5. Sign and enforce international agreements: Agreements like the Paris Agreement on climate change must be rigorously implemented, with strong commitments from governments to ensure global temperatures don’t exceed 1.5°C.

I cannot solve climate change alone, but I trust that with your wise leadership and decisive action, the world can change. You will not only save me – the Ocean – but also the millions of creatures dwelling within me, and most importantly, the future of humanity.

I hope that soon, my pains will lessen, my waters will be clear, and coral reefs will thrive again. This can only come true when you act together today.

Thank you for listening. I await positive changes from you.

Respectfully and hopefully,

The Ocean


Download  05 short and best sample letters for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition in 2025

10+ Short and Best Samples of UPU Letter Writing Competition 54th Edition? Where to submit the 54th UPU letter?

What are the 10+ short and best sample letters for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition in 2025? What are the places for receiving letters sent for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition in 2025 in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)

What are the places for receiving letters sent for the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition in 2025 in Vietnam?

According to the Rules of the 54th UPU International Letter-Writing Competition download:

- Places for receiving letters: Pioneers and Primary Youth Newspaper

Address: No. 5, Hoa Ma Street, Pham Dinh Ho Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi City - 11611

* Submission period: From November 11, 2024, to March 5, 2025 (according to postmark)

* Some requirements:

- Participation is not mandatory for 100% of the students in a school.

- All entries without postal stamps or not sent via Vietnam Post are invalid.

- Copyright of the submissions belongs to the Organizing Committee.

- The postal code for the Pioneers and Primary Youth Newspaper is: 11611.

- Do not publish the entry in newspapers, TV, or social media before the Organizing Committee announces the results.

What are the individual prizes for the 54th UPU international letter-writing competition?

According to the regulations of the 54th UPU international letter-writing competition download, the individual prizes are as follows:

- 01 First Prize: 10,000,000 VND;

- 03 Second Prizes, each: 5,000,000 VND;

- 05 Third Prizes, each: 3,000,000 VND;

- 30 Consolation Prizes, each: 1,000,000 VND;- 61 "Promising Pen" Prizes, each: 500,000 VND;- 10 "Idea Inspiration" Prizes, each 300,000 VND, for the entries of the youngest students; disabled students; ethnic minority students, those from remote areas, border, and island regions; letters with interesting ideas.

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