10:03 | 13/02/2025

What are the 04 best sample descriptive essays on your mother when she teaches you to study? What are the required outcomes regarding writing practice in the 5th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum?

What are the 04 best sample descriptive essays on your mother when she teaches you to study? What are the required outcomes regarding writing practice in the 5th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum?

What are the 04 best sample descriptive essays on your mother when she teaches you to study?

Below are 04 best sample descriptive essays on your mother when she teaches you to study:

Sample 1

My mother is always by my side in every step of my educational journey. I still remember the evenings when the study light is on, my mother sits beside me, patiently explaining lessons, helping me clearly understand each topic. Despite having a busy schedule at home, my mother always makes time to teach me, never showing fatigue or impatience.

Whenever I don’t understand a lesson, my mother doesn’t scold me but calmly explains. Her words are gentle but filled with love and encouragement. She draws pictures and writes letters to make it easier for me to understand, always showing attentiveness and concern for each of my answers. Sometimes she pauses to remind me to be more patient and confident in studying.

When I make mistakes, my mother doesn’t criticize me, but gently corrects them. Her hands flip through the books, guiding me step by step, always reminding me to strive and never give up. She says: "You’re not just learning to pass exams, but to understand and know many new things." Her words at those times have been the greatest motivation to help me overcome difficulties in learning.

My mother is not just someone who teaches me lessons from books, but also teaches me about love, patience, and a positive attitude towards life. Each study session with my mother is a beautiful memory that I will always cherish.

Sample 2

Every evening, when the sun sets behind the mountains, I sit by my study desk, and my mother sits beside me, patiently guiding me through each lesson. She is always the most dedicated companion and guide throughout my educational journey. When I encounter difficulties, my mother remains calm, taking the time to explain thoroughly, helping me gradually understand the lessons better.

My mother has a very unique way of teaching. Whenever I forget a lesson, she tells me interesting stories that link to the lesson, making it easier for me to remember and understand. She never scolds; instead, she gently corrects my mistakes and sometimes encourages me to try harder. "Don’t worry, you can do it," she tells me whenever I feel discouraged.

Her eyes always shine with love and encouragement. Whenever I solve a math problem correctly, she smiles, encouraging me to keep trying. Those study sessions, no matter how tiring, are always filled with love and patience from my mother. She is always the teacher and friend I cherish the most, not only in learning but also in life.

Thanks to my mother, I have learned not only knowledge but also how to live, to persist, and never to give up. The study sessions with my mother are an important part of my growing-up journey.

Sample 3

Whenever I sit down to study, my mother is the first to sit beside me, ready to help me tackle difficult exercises. She is never in a rush or lacking patience and always takes the time to explain every detail, from simple to complex. No matter how busy she is with housework, she never skips teaching me.

My mother has a very special teaching method. Every time I struggle with a lesson, she not only teaches me how to solve it but also helps me understand its significance. She often uses examples close to life to help me relate and memorize easily. "Consider this lesson as a key to unlock the door to knowledge," she says. Her words of encouragement make me feel more confident when facing challenging math problems.

She is always patient and gently points out my mistakes without ever making me feel guilty or lose confidence. Each time I get something right, she smiles, encouraging me to keep trying. Those study hours not only enhance my knowledge but also teach me perseverance and relentless effort.

Thank you, Mom, for all your dedication, patience, and love. The study sessions with you have become sweet memories and a great motivation for me to always strive in learning and in life.

Sample 4

Every time I sit down to study, my mother is the closest companion, the one who always gives me endless care and love. She is not just my teacher but a patient instructor, always listening to my questions and finding the clearest solutions. I remember each time I made a mistake, my mom would never scold but gently say: "It’s okay, you’ll do better next time." Her encouragement always makes me feel much more confident.

My mother has a very special teaching style. She doesn’t just solve exercises simply but helps me deeply understand the issue, connecting new knowledge with what I’ve learned before. She often says: "Learning is not about memorizing but about understanding and applying it to reality." Her teachings have inspired me to study not just for grades but for a passion for discovering knowledge.

Despite having a busy schedule, she still takes the time to assist me with my studies. The evenings at the study desk with her are precious moments I will never forget. Her gentle, patient, and warm eyes make me feel secure and enthusiastic about learning. Each study session with her not only helps me understand lessons but also teaches me perseverance, love, and her immense heart.

Such study sessions are sweet memories within me, always reminding me of her, of what she has given me, to help me progress more each day in my studies and life.

Note: The 04 sample essays are for reference only!

04 Sample Essays Describing My Mother When She Teaches Me to Study? Required Achievements for Writing Practice in Fifth Grade Vietnamese Language?

What are the 04 best sample descriptive essays on your mother when she teaches you to study? What are the required outcomes regarding writing practice in the 5th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum?

What are the required outcomes regarding writing practice in the 5th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum?

Under the General Education Program for Literature as promulgated in Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the required outcomes regarding writing practice in the 5th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum are as follows:

- Be able to write a story recount based on what has been read or heard, with creative details.

- Be able to write a descriptive essay about a person or landscape using comparisons and personification, and evocative words to highlight the characteristics of the subject being described.

- Be able to write a paragraph expressing personal feelings and emotions towards an event or a poem/story.

- Be able to write a paragraph explaining why you agree or disagree with a meaningful phenomenon or event in life.

- Be able to to write a paragraph introducing a character from a book or animated film (appearance, gestures, actions, language).

- Be able to write work reports and activity programs using tables and charts.

How is the 5th-grade Vietnamese Language curriculum developed?

Under Section II of the Annex to the General Education Program for Literature issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the 5th-grade Vietnamese Language curriculum is developed as follows:

[1] The curriculum is developed on theoretical and practical foundations, updating research achievements in education, psychology, and teaching methods for Literature; research achievements in literature and linguistics; achievements in Vietnamese literature across eras; the experience of developing the Vietnamese Literature curriculum, especially from the early 21st century to the present and international trends in curriculum development in general and Literature curriculum in particular in recent years, especially programs in developed countries; the social, educational, economic conditions, and cultural traditions of Vietnam, particularly the diversity of students in terms of region, conditions, and learning abilities.

[2] The curriculum focuses on training communication skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) as the main thread throughout all three educational levels to meet competency-oriented program requirements and ensure consistency across all educational levels and classes.

Basic, foundational knowledge about Vietnamese language and literature is formed through activities of receiving and creating texts; directly serving the requirement to train reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

[3] The curriculum is developed with an open approach, reflected in the lack of detailed regulations on teaching content but only specifying the required achievements in reading, writing, speaking, and listening for each class; stipulating some basic, core knowledge about Vietnamese, literature and some literary texts with significant importance for all students nationwide.

[4] The curriculum not only meets the requirements for innovation but also focuses on inheriting and promoting the strengths of the existing Literature curriculum, especially the current one.

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