What is the sample discussion on speaking and listening about the beauty of school life under the 5th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum? How many homeroom teachers do 5th-grade students in Vietnam have?
What is the sample discussion on speaking and listening about the beauty of school life under the 5th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum?
The beauty of school life is an interesting and important topic. It not only helps students to develop comprehensively but also creates a healthy and positive learning environment.
Below is a sample discussion on speaking and listening about the beauty of school life under the 5th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum:
Speaking and Listening: The Beauty of School Life
Note: The content is for reference only!
What is the sample discussion on speaking and listening about the beauty of school life under the 5th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum? How many homeroom teachers do 5th-grade students in Vietnam have? (Image from the Internet)
How many homeroom teachers do 5th-grade students in Vietnam have?
According to Article 16 of the Charter issued with Circular 28/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:
Class, class organization, grade, school site
1. Students are divided into classes. Each class has no more than 35 students, managed by one homeroom teacher. Each inclusive class has no more than 02 students with disabilities. In special cases, the principal, based on actual conditions, arranges for additional students with disabilities in a class to ensure that all students in need and capable of learning can attend school.
In mountainous, remote, and particularly disadvantaged areas, combined classes can be organized. The number of students and groups in a combined class must be suitable for the teaching capacity of teachers and the actual conditions of the school. A combined class has no more than 02 groups, in special cases, it will be decided by the competent authority but no more than 03 groups. A combined class has no more than 15 students.
Therefore, each 5th-grade class has no more than 35 students, managed by one homeroom teacher. Thus, 5th-grade students also only have one homeroom teacher.
What is the age of students entering 5th grade in Vietnam?
Article 33 of the regulations issued with Circular 28/2020/TT-BGDDT prescribes the age of primary school students as follows:
Age of Primary School Students
- The age of students entering first grade is 6. Disabled children, children who are physically or intellectually underdeveloped, children in particularly disadvantaged areas, ethnic minority children, orphans with no support, children returning from overseas, and children of foreigners studying or working in Vietnam may enter first grade at an older age than prescribed but not more than 3 years older. In cases where children enter first grade more than 3 years older than prescribed, the decision will be made by the head of the Education and Training Department.
- Primary school students may study at an age older than the prescribed age in cases of repeated grades, students in particularly disadvantaged areas, students belonging to ethnic minorities, students with disabilities, students who are physically or intellectually underdeveloped, orphans with no support, students returning from overseas, and other cases as prescribed by law.
Thus, normally, the age of students entering first grade is 06. The age of students entering 5th grade in Vietnam will be 10.