What is the statutory pay rate for 2024? Are the 5 new salary scales according to job position from July 1, 2024, going to be constructed with specific monetary amounts?
What is the statutory pay rate in 2024?
Statutory pay rate applicable from January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024:
Based on the provisions of Clause 2, Article 3 of Decree 24/2023/ND-CP, the current statutory pay rate is 1,800,000 VND/month.
From January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024, if there are no changes, the statutory pay rate applied to officials and public employees and armed forces will remain at 1,800,000 VND/month for salary calculation.
Statutory pay rate from July 1, 2024:
Recently, the National Assembly approved a resolution on the socio-economic development plan for 2024, which includes content related to wage reform under Resolution 27 from July 1, 2024.
Wage reform will be implemented from July 1, 2024, according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW in 2018.
Based on Resolution 27-NQ/TW in 2018, when implementing wage reform from July 1, 2024, the current statutory pay rate and salary coefficients will be abolished, building a basic salary rate with a specific amount in the new salary table.
Therefore, from July 1, 2024, with the implementation of wage reform, the statutory pay rate applied to officials and public employees and the armed forces will no longer exist. Instead, a basic salary rate with a specific amount will be constructed in the new salary table applied to officials and public employees and the armed forces.
What is the statutory pay rate in 2024? Will the 05 new salary tables by job position from July 1, 2024, be constructed with a specific amount? (Image from the internet)
How is the statutory pay rate understood?
Based on Clause 1, Article 3 of Decree 24/2023/ND-CP, it is stated as follows:
Statutory pay rate
1. The statutory pay rate is used as a basis for:
a) Calculating salaries in salary tables, allowances, and executing other policies according to the law for the subjects specified in Article 2 of this Decree;
b) Calculating operational fees and living costs according to the law;
c) Calculating deductions and policies enjoyed based on the statutory pay rate.
Thus, according to the regulations mentioned above, the statutory pay rate can be understood as the salary used to calculate the salaries for the following subjects:
- Officials, from central to district level, as specified in Clauses 1 and 2, Article 4 of the Law on Officials and Public Employees 2008 (amended and supplemented by the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Officials and Public Employees and the Law on Public Employees 2019).
- Commune-level officials, as specified in Clause 3, Article 4 of the Law on Officials and Public Employees 2008 (amended and supplemented by the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Officials and Public Employees and the Law on Public Employees 2019).
- Public employees in public service providers according to the Law on Public Employees 2010 (amended and supplemented by the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Officials and Public Employees and the Law on Public Employees 2019).
- Individuals performing tasks under labor contract policies as specified in Decree 111/2022/ND-CP of the Government of Vietnam on contracts for certain types of work in administrative agencies and public service providers, applicable or agreed upon in labor contracts according to Decree 204/2004/ND-CP.
- Individuals working within payroll targets at associations funded by the state budget according to Decree 45/2010/ND-CP of the Government of Vietnam on organization, operation, and management of associations (amended and supplemented by Decree 33/2012/ND-CP).
- Officers, professional soldiers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, defense workers, and public employees, and contractual laborers in the Vietnam People's Army.
- Officers, non-commissioned officers receiving salaries, non-commissioned officers, conscripted soldiers, police workers, and contractual laborers in the People's Public Security.
- Individuals working in cipher organizations.
- Non-specialist activists at the commune, hamlet, and residential group levels.
Besides calculating salaries for the subjects mentioned above, the statutory pay rate is also used as a basis for calculating operational fees and living costs according to the law; calculating deductions and policies enjoyed based on the statutory pay rate.
Will the 05 new salary tables by job position from July 1, 2024, be constructed with a specific amount?
Recently, the Chairman of the National Assembly signed to issue Resolution 104/2023/QH15 on the state budget estimate for 2024.
In Resolution 104/2023/QH15, a comprehensive wage policy reform will be implemented according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW in 2018 from July 1, 2024.
According to the spirit of Resolution 27-NQ/TW in 2018, when implementing wage reform, 05 new salary tables will be constructed for officials and public employees and the armed forces by job position, title, and leadership position to replace the current salary table system. The transition from old to new salaries will ensure no reduction from the current salary enjoyed.
The 05 new salary tables by job position applicable to officials and public employees and the armed forces are as follows:
Salary Table 01: Position salary table applied to officials and public employees holding leadership positions (elected and appointed) in the political system from Central to communal level.
Salary Table 02: Professional and occupational salary table by official ranks and public employee professional titles generally applied to officials and public employees not holding leadership titles.
Salary Table 03: Salary table for military officers, police officers, and non-commissioned officers (by position, title, and military rank or police rank).
Salary Table 04: Salary table for non-commissioned and specialized technical police.
Salary Table 05: Salary table for defense workers, police workers (maintaining the salary comparison for the armed forces relative to administrative officials as currently).
However, as of now, the detailed specific salary tables have not been drafted, and no official documents stipulate specific amounts in the 05 salary tables applied to officials and public employees and the armed forces.
Meanwhile, in Resolution 27-NQ/TW in 2018, it is stated that the design of the 05 new salary tables by job position for officials and public employees and the armed forces as follows:
- Abolish the current statutory pay rate and salary coefficients, build a basic salary rate with a specific amount in the new salary tables.
- Unify labor contract policies according to the Labor Code (or service provision contracts) for those performing subordinate and service tasks (training level requirement below intermediate level), not applying the officials and public employees salary tables to these subjects.
- Determine the lowest salary level for officials and public employees in the public sector as the salary level of those performing tasks requiring an intermediate training level (step 1) not lower than the lowest salary level of trained labor in the enterprise sector.
- Expand salary relationships as a basis for determining specific salary levels in the salary system, gradually approaching the salary relationships of the enterprise sector in line with state resources.
- Improve policies for regular salary increases and accelerated salary increases for officials and public employees and the armed forces according to the new salary table regulations.
Thus, as mentioned above, when implementing wage reform, the basic salary rate will be constructed with a specific amount in the 05 new salary tables by job position for officials and public employees and the armed forces.
Officials and public employees and the armed forces in any job position will receive the salary for that job position in specific amounts.