Vietnam: What are the procedures for age expertise on alive people's bodies? What is the conclusion form for age expertise?

"What are the procedures for age expertise on alive people's bodies in Vietnam? What is the conclusion form for age expertise?" - asked Mr. Thai (Hanoi)

What are the procedures for receiving dossiers, assigning and preparing for age expertise on alive people's bodies in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Subsection III, Section 4, Appendix 1 issued together with Circular 13/2022/TT-BYT, the procedures for receiving dossiers, assigning and preparing for age expertise on alive people's bodies in Vietnam are:

Step 1. Receiving referendum decisions, dossiers and subjects eligible for expertise

- The department assigned to receive, take records on handing over and receiving referendum decisions, expertise dossiers and subjects eligible for expertise

* Expertise dossier includes:

- Decision on referendum/request for expertise.

- Legal copies of dossiers and documents related to the contents to be expertised:

+ Medical dossiers related to the expertise (if any).

+ Decision on referendum/request for expertise, conclusion of previous expertise in case of additional expertise or re-expertise.

+ Other documents related to the content to be expertised.

* If qualified the examiner performs the next steps of this process.

* Fail to conduct expertise for cases without meeting full conditions for expertise prescribed in Clause 7, Article 1 of the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Judicial expertise.

Step 2: Assign professional officials

- The leader of the unit assigns experts and assistants to judicial experts to carry out the expertise.

- Duties of experts:

+ Study dossiers and documents.

+ Work with representatives of referendum agencies and relevant agencies.

+ Direct assistants to prepare tools and devices.

+ Contact with the expertised person.

+ Direct and guide assistants to carry out the procedures for expertise.

+ Conduct examination.

+ Assign specialized and subclinical examinations.

+ Request and prepare to hold professional consultations, consult experts (if necessary).

+ Synthesize and evaluate clinical and subclinical results, specialized examinations, expert opinions,... to give conclusions of expertise.

+ Complete the written showing expertise process and conclusions of expertise.

+ Resolve issues arising in the expertise process, and report results to agency leaders.

+ Experts coordinate with each other in the expertise process, discuss and agree before concluding the expertise.

- Duties of assistants:

+ Prepare devices, tools, supplies and means of protection.

+ Guide the expertised person, measure height, weight, pulse measurement, temperature, blood pressure, chest circumference,...

+ Take photos during the expertise.

+ Clean tools, devices and facilities.

+ Synthesize subclinical results, specialized examinations, expert opinions,...

+ Assist experts in drafting the written showing recording the expertise process and conclusions of expertise, complete the expertise photos and submit them to experts for approval

+ Complete the expertise dossier.

+ Perform other tasks as assigned by experts.

Step 3: Study dossiers and documents

The experts study dossiers and documents before conducting the expertise.

Step 4: Work with officials of the agency requesting expertise

- Receive subjects eligible for expertise from the agency requesting expertise

- Request the officials of the agency requesting expertise to:

+ Coordinate and supplement dossiers and documents if necessary.

+ Take the expertised person to conduct the specialized and subclinical examinations when being indicated, send the results to the expertise agency.

+ Ensure the safety of the expertised person and the expert.

+ Other duties if necessary.

Step 5. Contact with the expertised person

- Compare documents of the expertised person (ID card/ citizen ID card, passport,...).

- Explain to the expertised person on the examination process before conducting the expertise.

- Ask the expertised person to coordinate in the expertise process.

What are the methods for age expertise on alive people's bodies in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Subsection IV, Section 4, Appendix 1 issued together with Circular 13/2022/TT-BYT, the methods for age expertise on alive people's bodies in Vietnam are:

(i) Examination

General examination

- Extract information about the situation related to the content of the expertise.

- Assess the mental condition of the expertised person:

Can he/she contact and cooperate with experts?

- Assess the overall development of the body.

+ For women: Assess voice, measure the size of the mammary glands.

+ For men: Assess the growth of hair, beard, voice,...

- Measure height, weight, assess physical condition (fat, medium, thin,...).

- Pulse measurement, blood pressure.

- Observe the evaluation of the skin, mucous membranes.

Genital examination

- For women:

+ Assess secondary genital development.

+ Examine and assess the development of the labia major and small major.

- For men:

+ Assess secondary genital development.

+ Examine and evaluate the development of the penis and testicles.

Examination of other parts

Sequential examination from top to bottom, from front to back, from outside to inside: Head, face, neck, chest, abdomen, back, arms, legs.

(ii) Appointment of specialized and subclinical examinations

- Conduct dental examination, radiography of double teeth: Assess tooth development.

- X-ray: Neck-hand bones right and left straight; straight and inclined skull bones; straight pelvis; right and left neck-foot bones straight; straight clavicle (if necessary),...

- Other subclinical services for diagnosis (if necessary).

(iii) Consultation, collection of experts’s opinions

Conduct consultations, consult experts if necessary.

(iv) Summary, evaluation and conclusion of the expertise

Key results

- Synthesize and evaluate the results of the examination.

- Synthesize and evaluate the results of specialized and subclinical examinations.

- Synthesize consultation results, expert opinions (if any).

- Other results (if any).


- Conclusions of expertise are based on the main results through expertising, answering the contents of questions according to the referendum decision.

What are the conditions for facilities and devices used in age expertise on alive people's bodies in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Subsection II, Section 4, Appendix 1 issued together with Circular 13/2022/TT-BYT, the conditions for facilities and devices used in age expertise on alive people's bodies in Vietnam are:


The examination clinic must ensure: Discreet, clean, with heating facilities in winter and cool in summer.

Devices, tools and consumables

Devices and tools

- Examination table, clinical examination bed.

- Camera or recording medium.

- General examination kits: Scales, rulers, blood pressure monitors, stethoscopes, thermometers, tape measure, scale rulers, examination lights, medical carts, spotlights, X-ray reading lights, searchlights for photography,...

- Other necessary devices and tools.


- Aseptic gloves.

- Cotton, sterile gauze.

- Antiseptic solution, physiological saline.

- Personal protective devices.

- Other necessary consumables

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