07:44 | 23/07/2024

How is the collection of electronic identity dossiers in Hanoi City carried out until the end of 2022?

Regarding the question: How is the implementation of electronic identification application collection in Hanoi conducted until the end of 2022? - Question from Ms. Nguyet from Hanoi.

Implementation of the Task of Propagating for Citizens to Register Digital Identification Accounts, Use the VneID Application, and Online Public Services

This key task is guided in Subsection 3 Section II of Official Dispatch 3247/UBND-KSTTHC in 2022 as follows:

Regarding the propagation for citizens to register digital identification accounts, use the VneID application, and public online services of the City.

(1) The City Police Department, in coordination with the City's People's Committee Office, should advise the City Steering Committee 06 to:

- First: Advise the City's People's Committee to issue documents to thoroughly inform the entire political system at all levels and departments of the City to organize media activities in various forms for citizens in the City area to understand the benefits and conveniences of registering digital identification accounts and using the VneID application (citizens have an additional electronic citizen identification for transactions and online public services) under the principle “hands-on guidance”; “citizens understand, citizens act, and citizens spread the word”.

- Second: Advise the City's People's Committee to direct grassroots task forces to launch an intensive campaign for registering digital identification accounts and using the VneID application by “visiting every alley, knocking on every door,” creating lists for confirmation after completion; enhance communication efforts through leaflets, brochures delivered to each household, broadcast on local radio systems, and the engagement of volunteer teams at the grassroots level.

- Third: Coordinate with the C06 Department - Ministry of Public Security

+ Implement propagation via QR codes (C06 has established outlines, propaganda materials, and created a QR code for public distribution), organize the placement of QR codes at agencies, units, and other public locations (assign youth union members to organize the placement of QR codes at sites across the City), propagate via LED screens in residential buildings, public locations, airports, supermarkets, etc.; coordinate with telecom providers for propagation...

+ Train two groups (officials and public employees, and local police forces) to proficiently spread the word and guide the public.

+ Advise on solutions to publicly announce to the public in the City about target contents: 100% of citizens granted digital identification, installing VneID applications; 100% of citizens provided with digital signatures.

(2) Assign the Department of Information and Communications:

Perform daily information updates and enhance effective communication measures (Effective from September 26, 2022), and focus on instructing media agencies and telecom providers in the City to further promote and enhance the propagation tasks regarding Scheme 06 within the City through various forms.

How is the collection of digital identification records in Hanoi conducted until the end of 2022?

How is the collection of digital identification records in Hanoi conducted until the end of 2022? (Image from the Internet)

How is the Collection of Digital Identification Records in Hanoi Conducted until the End of 2022?

In Subsection 2 Section II of Official Dispatch 3247/UBND-KSTTHC in 2022, the Hanoi People's Committee guides as follows:

The collection of digital identification records

(1) Assign the City Police Department to take the lead, in coordination with the C06 Department - Ministry of Public Security:

- Research solutions to implement the directive of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam on organizing level 2 verification in the collection of digital identification records for citizens in the City, report to the City Steering Committee 06 within September 2022.

- Intensify the collection of digital identification records ensuring that by the end of 2022, 100% of citizens in the City are granted digital identification, aiding in the execution of online public services and electronic transactions.

Target to Implement 100% Electronic Payment of Allowances for Policy Beneficiaries via Accounts or Intermediary Services

This key task is guided in Subsection 5 Section II of Official Dispatch 3247/UBND-KSTTHC in 2022, the Hanoi People's Committee guides as follows:

The implementation of 100% electronic payment of allowances for policy beneficiaries (via accounts or intermediary services)

Assign the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs:

- Closely follow the directives and guidance of the relevant Ministry and the Ministry of Public Security (C06 Department) on the plan to issue "welfare accounts" for citizens to proactively coordinate and propose the City's implementation plan for paying allowances for the industries' managed subjects (people with meritorious services, social protection...).

- While waiting for guidance from the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, carry out the process of cleansing data for individuals with meritorious services and other subjects under the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs; propose clean-up plans, standardize and supplement some information fields of meritorious individuals and poor households within September 2022.

- Continue to cooperate with the City Police, district-level People's Committees, and district-level town to effectively implement data standardization and cleansing for two groups: Social Protection (document number 851/LD-TBXH-TTTT dated March 22, 2022, of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs) and Children (document 2513/LD-TBXH-TTTT of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, document number 2328/UBND-KSTTHC dated July 21, 2022, of the City People's Committee regarding the standardization, data cleansing of children under Scheme 06/the Government of Vietnam)

- Coordinate with the City People's Committee Office and the Department of Information and Communications in propagating so that the public understands and supports, utilizing the beneficial conveniences.

Above are 03 out of 15 key tasks in Official Dispatch 3247/UBND-KSTTHC in 2022.

See details of the 15 key tasks at: Official Dispatch 3247/UBND-KSTTHC in 2022


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