07:44 | 23/07/2024

Standards on Professional Competence for Legal Aid Assistants of Grade III. How are the Guidelines for Appointment and Salary Classification according to Occupational Titles Regulated?

<em><strong>Question from Mr. Binh in Hung Yen:</strong></em>What are the professional competency standards for Legal Aid Officers Grade III according to regulations? What are the guidelines for appointment and salary classification according to the professional title?

Regulations on professional competence standards for Grade III Legal Aid Assistants?

According to Clause 2, Article 7 of Circular 05/2022/TT-BTP, the professional competence standards for Grade III Legal Aid Assistants are as follows:

Grade III Legal Aid Assistant - Code: V02.01.02


2. Standards of professional competence

a) Have the ability to apply the guidelines, policies of the Communist Party, and the laws of the State in legal aid work;

b) Have knowledge and understanding of the legal aid field assigned;

c) Have the ability to guide the application of legal aid laws for contract lawyers performing legal aid, legal aid collaborators;

d) Have basic information usage skills, foreign language proficiency, or proficiency in the minority language for officials working in minority areas as required by the job position.

Therefore, the professional competence standards for Grade III Legal Aid Assistants are as regulated above.

Professional competence standards for Grade III Legal Aid Assistants? Guidelines for appointment and salary classification according to professional titles?

Professional competence standards for Grade III Legal Aid Assistants? Guidelines for appointment and salary classification according to professional titles? (Image from Internet)

How are guidelines for appointment and salary classification according to professional titles regulated?

According to Article 8 of Circular 05/2022/TT-BTP, the principles of appointment and salary classification according to professional titles for public employees who are legal aid assistants are as follows:

Principles of appointment and salary classification according to professional titles for public employees who are legal aid assistants

1. Appointment to the professional title for public employees who are legal aid assistants must ensure meeting the standard professional title appointed to.

2. When appointing from the current public employee rank to the professional title of public employee legal aid assistant, no salary step increase or rank promotion in the professional title system of public employees is combined.

Besides, according to Article 9 of Circular 05/2022/TT-BTP, the salary classification method is regulated as follows:

Salary Classification Method

1. The professional title of public employee legal aid assistant applies the professional, operational salary table for officials and public employees in public service providers of the State (Table 3) issued with Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP dated December 14, 2004 of the Government of Vietnam on salary policies for officials and public employees and armed forces, and Decree No. 17/2013/ND-CP dated February 19, 2013, of the Government of Vietnam amending and supplementing some provisions of Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP. Specifically:

a) The professional title of public employee legal aid assistant Grade I applies the salary coefficient of public employees of type A3, group A3.1 (salary coefficient from 6.20 to 8.00);

b) The professional title of public employee legal aid assistant Grade II applies the salary coefficient of public employees of type A2, group A2.1 (salary coefficient from 4.40 to 6.78);

c) The professional title of public employee legal aid assistant Grade III applies the salary coefficient of public employees of type A1 (salary coefficient from 2.34 to 4.98).

2. The salary classification based on the professional title of public employee according to the provisions of Clause 1 of this Article for public employees already classified under the ranks according to Circular No. 06/2010/TT-BNV dated July 26, 2010, of the Minister of Home Affairs regulating the titles, codes of public employee legal aid assistant ranks, Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP, and Decree No. 17/2013/ND-CP is conducted as follows:

In cases where public employees eligible for appointment to the professional title have the same salary grade as the old rank, they perform horizontal salary grade classification and percentage (%) of seniority allowance beyond the frame (if any) enjoying the old rank (including calculating the time for the next salary grade increase or considering seniority allowance beyond the frame if any in the old rank) into the new professional title appointed.

3. Public employees after changing the professional title, appointed to the professional title according to the provisions of this Circular, are classified according to the guidance at Clause 1, Section II of Circular No. 02/2007/TT-BNV dated May 25, 2007, of the Minister of Home Affairs guiding salary classification when upgrading ranks, changing ranks, changing types of officials and public employees.

Thus, the guidelines for appointment and salary classification according to professional titles are regulated as above.

What are the duties of Grade III Legal Aid Assistants?

According to Clause 1, Article 7 of Circular 05/2022/TT-BTP, the duties of Grade III Legal Aid Assistants are as follows:

- Carry out legal aid according to the law on legal aid;

- Appraise the quality of legal aid cases of Grade III Legal Aid Assistants and other legal aid performers as assigned by the leadership of the State Legal Aid Center;

- Evaluate the effectiveness of legal aid cases involved in litigation to determine the successful litigation legal aid cases of Grade III Legal Aid Assistants and other legal aid performers as assigned;

- Participate in research, drafting documents, programs, legal aid plans at the local level; participate in editing or compiling programs, materials, or participate in training, professional legal aid training according to the assignment;

- Perform other tasks as assigned.


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