Criteria for Urban Classification from January 01, 2023: What Are the Regulations? Who Has the Authority to Decide Urban Classification?
How are urban classification criteria regulated before January 01, 2023?
According to Article 10 of Resolution 1210/2016/UBTVQH13 stipulating the urban classification point calculation as follows:
Urban Classification Point Calculation
1. Urban classification is calculated by a point-based method, with a maximum total score of 100 points for all criteria.
2. The point framework for each urban classification criterion is as follows:
a) Criteria for the position, function, role, structure, and level of socio-economic development of the urban area, with a maximum of 20 points.
b) Criteria for population size, population density, and the ratio of non-agricultural labor in the urban area, with a maximum of 20 points. Specifically, the population size criterion has a maximum of 8 points; the population density criterion has a maximum of 6 points; and the ratio of non-agricultural labor has a maximum of 6 points.
c) Criteria for the level of development of infrastructure, architecture, and urban landscape, including social infrastructure, technical infrastructure, environmental sanitation, and urban architecture and landscape, with a maximum of 60 points.
The norms, allocation, and point calculation method, as well as the data collection and calculation method for each specific standard of the criteria in this section, are regulated in Appendices 1, 2, and 3 attached to this Resolution.
3. Urban areas are recognized by classification type when the criteria meet the minimum level, and the total score of the criteria reaches 75 points or more.
Thus, regulations on urban classification points before January 01, 2023, are as aforementioned.
Urban classification criteria from January 01, 2023? Who has the authority to decide urban classification? (Image from the Internet)
How are urban classification criteria regulated from January 01, 2023?
According to Clause 3, Article 1 of Resolution 26/2022/UBTVQH15 (amending Article 10 of Resolution 1210/2016/UBTVQH13) as follows:
Urban Classification Point Calculation
1. Urban classification criteria are determined by specific standards and calculated according to the point framework stipulated in Appendix 1 of this Resolution, as follows:
a) Criteria for the position, function, role, structure, and level of socio-economic development include 08 standards; scoring a minimum of 13.5 points and a maximum of 18 points.
b) Criteria for population size include 02 standards: total urban population and central urban population; scoring a minimum of 6.0 points and a maximum of 8.0 points.
c) Criteria for population density include 02 standards: total urban population density and the population density per urban construction area of the urban center, commune-level town; scoring a minimum of 6.0 points and a maximum of 8.0 points.
d) Criteria for the ratio of non-agricultural labor include 02 standards: the ratio of non-agricultural labor in the entire urban area and the central urban area; scoring a minimum of 4.5 points and a maximum of 6.0 points.
e) Criteria for the level of development of infrastructure and urban architecture, and landscape include 49 standards; scoring a minimum of 45 points and a maximum of 60 points.
2. Norms, allocation, and methods for point calculation, data collection, and calculation for each specific standard of urban classification criteria and urban infrastructure development levels are regulated in Appendices 1, 2, and 3 of this Resolution.
3. The method to calculate points for the standards is regulated as follows:
a) Data and information used to determine compliance with standards that achieve the maximum score will be awarded the maximum points. Standards that fall below the maximum but above the minimum will be awarded interpolated points between the upper and lower limits. Standards below the minimum do not receive points and interpolation is not applied for standards as regulated in Clause 3, Article 9 of this Resolution. If a criterion stipulated in point (d) Clause 2, Article 9 of this Resolution is not considered, it will be awarded minimum points for all its standards;
b) For centrally governed cities, points for standards applied to the inner city area as regulated in Appendix 1 of this Resolution will be determined based on districts and areas proposed for district establishment;
c) For urban classification applied as regulated in Clause 2, Article 9 of this Resolution, if the standard unit is a project, facility, or work (collectively referred to as work), the minimum score will be awarded when there is one work. If the minimum is two or more works, the number required for the minimum score will be proportionately reduced and rounded but not less than one work.
4. Urban areas are recognized by classification type when criteria meet the minimum point and the total score for the criteria reaches 75 points or more.
Thus, urban classification criteria from January 01, 2023, are regulated as aforementioned.
Who has the authority to decide urban classification?
Based on the provisions of Article 11 of Resolution 1210/2016/UBTVQH13 regarding the authority to decide urban classification:
Authority to decide urban classification
1. The Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam decides the recognition of special, grade I, and grade II urban areas.
2. The Minister of Construction decides the recognition of grade III and grade IV urban areas.
3. The President of the provincial People’s Committee decides the recognition of grade V urban areas.
Thus, the authority to decide urban classification is regulated as follows:
- The Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam decides the recognition of special, grade I, and grade II urban areas.
- The Minister of Construction decides the recognition of grade III and grade IV urban areas.
- The President of the provincial People’s Committee decides the recognition of grade V urban areas.