07:46 | 23/07/2024

Implementation of Conversion of Electronic Administrative Procedure Dossiers and Results into Paper Documents: How to Proceed?

Let me ask: How is the conversion of electronic administrative procedure records and results into paper documents carried out? The question comes from Ms. Han from Ca Mau.

Principles for conducting administrative procedures in an electronic environment

Pursuant to Article 4 of Decree 45/2020/ND-CP, the principles for conducting administrative procedures in an electronic environment are as follows:

- Conducting administrative procedures in an electronic environment has the same legal validity as other forms as prescribed by law.

- The organization of receiving and resolving administrative procedures in an electronic environment must be legal, reasonable, and scientific; ensuring equality, objectivity, publicity, transparency, information safety, and close coordination between competent authorities in the process of resolving administrative procedures.

- The implementation of administrative procedures in an electronic environment must focus on organizations and individuals requiring the administrative procedures in this environment; ensuring simple, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-implement language and methods, contributing to effectively achieving administrative procedure reform goals.

- Organizations and individuals are not required to declare or resubmit data already managed by the authority conducting the administrative procedures or readily shared by other state agencies.

- Maximizing the steps of conducting administrative procedures in an electronic environment to save time, costs, and efforts for organizations, individuals, and competent authorities.

- Conducting administrative procedures in an electronic environment should not increase fees or charges beyond the provisions of the law.

- Complying with the regulations of Vietnamese law and relevant international treaties on electronic transactions that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has signed or acceded to.

How to convert electronic administrative procedure files and results to paper documents?

How to convert electronic administrative procedure files and results to paper documents? (Image from the Internet)

How to convert electronic administrative procedure files and results to paper documents?

Pursuant to Article 18 of Decree 45/2020/ND-CP, the conversion of electronic administrative procedure files and results to paper documents is regulated as follows:

- Organizations and individuals can print the electronic administrative procedure files and results that they have generated.

- Competent authorities resolving administrative procedures can print the electronic administrative procedure files and results of organizations and individuals under their management from the information system for storage, information comparison, or presentation to competent authorities for information inspection, or for providing to organizations and individuals needing to look up and verify information within the scope prescribed by law.

- Paper documents converted from electronic files and results must meet the following conditions:

+ Fully and accurately reflect the content of the electronic administrative procedure files and results.

+ Contain information showing that the electronic administrative procedure files and results have been processed on the information system and the name of the information system or the name of the system owner.

+ Have a unique identifier for the electronic administrative procedure files and results to serve information look-up and verification or have the name and signature of the person converting the files.

+ Bear the stamp of the organization converting the files, where required by law or agreed upon by the transaction parties.

+ Be accessible at any time while the information system is operating normally.

- Paper documents converted from electronic administrative procedure files and results are as valid as the electronic administrative procedure files and results unless specified otherwise by specialized law.

- The information system serving the creation and processing of electronic administrative procedure files and results must have the feature to convert electronic administrative procedure files and results to paper administrative procedure files and results.

How to prepare and submit electronic dossiers for administrative procedures?

Pursuant to Article 9 of Decree 45/2020/ND-CP, the preparation and submission of electronic dossiers for administrative procedures are regulated as follows:

- Organizations and individuals prepare electronic dossiers, and fill in the electronic application forms and declarations as required by the online public service system as follows:

+ Fill in the application forms and declarations in the pre-provided electronic templates.

+ Upload valid electronic documents or source the documents from the Electronic Data Management Warehouse of the organizations and individuals.

+ Digitally sign the application forms, declarations, electronic documents, and materials if required. The requirement for digital signatures must be publicly announced before organizations and individuals submit electronic dossiers. The digitally signed components of the dossier have the same legal value as validly signed paper documents.

- After completing the preparation of electronic dossiers, application forms, and declarations, organizations and individuals send them to the competent authorities for reception. The information and data, once recorded and with the consent of the organizations and individuals, will be retained and auto-filled in electronic templates and dossiers for subsequent administrative procedures as needed by the organizations and individuals.


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