How should ships at sea respond when there is a tsunami in Vietnam? Where should people hide when an earthquake occurs in Vietnam?

Vietnam is a peaceful country, however, recently the weather and climate change have caused a lot of great consequences, Vietnam's terrain is also a place at risk of earthquakes and tsunamis, god in Vietnam. What should people do to be safer? Thank you!

Where is the earthquake tsunami in Vietnam reported?

Pursuant to the attached Plan Decision 645/QD-TTg in 2022 on the national plan to respond to earthquakes and tsunamis in Vietnam, organize timely announcements, alarms and warnings to all levels, sectors, economic and social organizations and local people. the news earthquake, tsunami regulations. 

- Transmit warnings and alarms on the mass media, on the telecommunications network information system...; 

- Strengthening information connection to capture timely developments and consequences of earthquakes and warn of tsunami risk; 

- Timely assessment of the scale and evolution of incidents caused by earthquakes and tsunamis, quickly determining effective response scenarios; 

- Deploying forces and means of observation and supervision; forces to help people evacuate, rescue, rescue, overcome consequences... 

How should ships at sea respond when there is a tsunami in Vietnam? Where should people hide when an earthquake occurs in Vietnam?

How should ships at sea respond when there is a tsunami in Vietnam? Where should people hide when an earthquake occurs in Vietnam?

What should people do when there is a tsunami in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the attached Plan Decision 645/QD-TTg in 2022 on the national plan to respond to earthquakes and Tsunami in Vietnam, organize the evacuation and dispersion to ensure safety for people, agencies, organizations and properties to a safe area for tsunamis: Guidelines Coastal people evacuate when there is a warning of a strong and dangerous tsunami that directly affects the locality. 

- Coastal areas, at sea:

+ While on board ships, boats at sea, or coastal areas should not let ships return to port, they should move boats towards the sea, to areas of at least deep water over 150 m.

+ When ships are still anchored in the shore, take them to sea if there is enough time and take preventive measures according to notices of local authorities and authorities. Do not stay on board ships moored at the harbour. 

- On land:

+ If you are at the beach, immediately run to a safe place on high ground or at a distance of 500 m or more from the coast. Those who are in the ground floor, low-rise buildings within a radius of less than 500 m from the coast must evacuate inland; are in high-rise buildings move to higher floors, do not stay on the 1st to the 3rd floor; Open doors on low floors to limit the impact of waves. When traveling on the road, the area near the sea must urgently change direction inland, not to go to the coast. 

What should people do to be safer when there is an earthquake in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the attached Plan Decision 645/QD-TTg in 2022 on the national plan to respond to earthquakes and Tsunami in Vietnam: Earthquakes cannot be predicted, but there are some measures that can be taken during an earthquake to avoid or reduce injury and damage caused by earthquakes: 

+ Being indoors, you should get under the table, choose a corner of the room to stand, avoid glass doors, objects that can fall. Cover your face and head to prevent falling debris. If there is a power outage, use a flashlight, do not use candles or matches as they can cause a fire; firmly grasp urgent information to respond. 

+ In high-rise buildings: Absolutely do not use elevators, stay indoors, move to the corner of the room, stay away from areas with glass doors, hanging electric lights. Lock gas, open windows or doors. If you are in the elevator, lie down on the floor, protect your head, when the elevator is working again exit the elevator on the next floor and use the stairs. 

On the road: Stay away from buildings and power lines. Find a place to stand; While driving, stop at the side of the road, so you should avoid electric poles, wires, structures above the vehicle and not under the vehicle. 

+ When stuck in the rubble: Do not scream, cover your mouth with your hands or a towel; Use a hard object to knock on another hard object to report your position to rescue. 

+ After the earthquake: Check the injured, give first aid and call for rescue; check for damage, do not use matches, lighters; do not touch broken power cords; extinguish small fires (if any); Keep away from brick walls, beware of spilled liquids and heavy objects on the ceiling, shelves can fall. 

+ Update emergency news of authorities. 

+ Prepare to respond to aftershocks, earthquakes caused by the recent earthquake. Although they are smaller, they can still cause injury. 

Specific objectives promulgated by the Government of the national plan on disaster response to earthquakes and tsunamis:

- Create unity in awareness and actions of agencies, organizations and people, ensuring coordination closely coordinate with central and local ministries, branches in organizing the implementation of solutions to respond to and overcome consequences of earthquakes and tsunamis. 

- Perfecting the system of national plans to respond to basic incidents, natural disasters and disasters, serving as a basis for localities to implement. 

- Improve capacity for monitoring, forecasting and warning of natural disasters; improve the effectiveness of information, propaganda and dissemination of knowledge for the people, and train the forces' skills to minimize damage when earthquakes and tsunamis occur.


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