11:12 | 04/01/2023

Vietnam: How to strengthen the plan against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting during Tet Holiday 2023?

Are there any plans against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting in Vietnam during Tet Holiday 2023? - Question from Mr. Thuong (Ben Tre)

What is the goal of the plan against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting in Vietnam during Tet Holiday 2023?

Pursuant to Section I of the Plan issued together with Decision 1542/QD-BGTVT in 2022, setting the goals of the Plan to implement the peak period of combat against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods in the end of 2022 and the Tet Holiday in 2023 as follows:

- Strictly implement the Directives and Resolutions of the Party, the Prime Minister, the National Steering Committee 389 and the Ministry of Transport on the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods;

- Struggle, prevent and repell the deterioration of political ideology, morality, lifestyle of officials, belonging to the functional forces, building a clean and strong internal structure.

- Uphold the responsibility of the leader, attach the responsibility of the leader to the work results.

- Create clear changes, improve the efficiency of direction and administration of coordination between functional forces of the transport sector and other functional sectors in the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting.

- Limit and effectively prevent violations of smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods on roads, railways, inland waterways, aviation and maritime routes.

Vietnam: How to strengthen the plan against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting during Tet Holiday 2023?

What are the specific tasks of the plan against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting in Vietnam during Tet Holiday 2023?

Pursuant to the Plan promulgated together with Decision 1542/QD-BGTVT in 2022, the specific tasks in the plan against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting in Vietnam during Tet Holiday 2023 are as follows:

Deploy the task of combating smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting in specialized areas; firmly grasp the situation, in order to promptly and thoroughly solve the phenomenon of taking advantage of forms to transport contraband, commercial fraud and counterfeit and poor quality goods.

- Strengthen professional measures, strict inspection and control at transport routes from the border to the inland, effectively preventing the illegal transportation of goods of unknown origin.

- Identify key tasks in the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods on road, rail, inland waterway, aviation and maritime transport routes; depend on the situation and specific task requirements of each sector of the industry to flexibly mobilize the implementation of anti-smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit and poor quality goods circulating on transport routes, traffic hubs such as bus stations, railway stations, airports, ...

- Propagate and coordinate with functional agencies to guide officials and employees in the whole industry to identify prohibited items and goods affecting national security and public health, environment such as: drugs, weapons, reactionary materials, explosives, firecrackers, wildlife, wood, petroleum, coal, minerals, garbage, foreign currency, gold, foreign alcohol, foreign tobacco, roads, cars, used machinery and equipment, electronics, refrigeration,...;

- Groups of manufacturing and trading counterfeit goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights, violating food safety and hygiene, cheating in measurement and quality such as: mobile phones, tapes, functional foods, food processing technology, milk, alcohol, fertilizers, pesticides, animal feed, fertilizers, gasoline, gas, cattle, poultry and livestock products, poultry, bakery - confectionery, fresh seafood,...;

- Groups of areas used for violations such as preferential policies for VAT refund for exports, temporary import for re-export, investment incentives, taxes for border-gate economic zones,...

- Coordinate with relevant authorities to strictly control at traffic hubs (bus stations, railway stations, ports) and vehicle load inspection stations; resolutely refuse to transport goods without invoices, documents, goods without clear origin.

Heads of bus stations, railway stations, ports and transport enterprises must be responsible for the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in loading, unloading and transporting at their units.

What are some notes in coordinating the implementation of the plan on combating smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeiting during the Tet Holiday 2023?

Accordingly, in Section III of the Plan promulgated together with Decision 1542/QD-BGTVT in 2022, it also states a number of specific activities in combating smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting during the Tet Holiday 2023 as follows:

- At traffic hubs, roads, railways, waterways, seaways and airways; especially in key areas, regular inspection and control will be strengthened;

In addition, firecrackers, electronic goods, gasoline, cigarettes, alcohol, beer, rare animals are also paid more attention to promptly detect and strictly handle violations.

- At traffic hubs (bus stations, railway stations, ports) and vehicle load inspection stations are also strictly controlled; Goods without invoices, documents, goods without clear origin will be refused to be transported.

At the same time, the heads of bus stations, railway stations, ports and transport enterprises must be responsible for the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud, counterfeit goods in loading, unloading and transporting at their units.

- Organizations and individuals that commit violations in terms of transporting contraband, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods will be strictly handled according to regulations;

- The following means and routes are also strengthened, checked and strictly controlled for:

+ Means of transport such as trains, cars (especially passenger cars from border provinces to the inland) to transport banned and smuggled goods.

+ The international railway routes Lao Cai - Hanoi and Lang Son - Hanoi; Railway route Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh City.


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