Resolution 27: What are allowances for officials belonging to 02 new payrolls after salary reform in Vietnam?

What are allowances for officials belonging to 02 new payrolls after salary reform in Vietnam under the Resolution 27? - asked Mrs. T (Hanoi)

Resolution 27: What are allowances for officials belonging to 02 new payrolls after salary reform in Vietnam?

The National Assembly passed a resolution on the state budget for 2024 on the morning of November 10th. The resolution determines that from July 1, 2024, comprehensive salary policy reforms will be implemented according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018.

Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018 guides the construction of new payrolls applicable to officials based on job positions, professional titles, and leadership positions, replacing the current payroll system. The reform will convert the old salaries to new ones, ensuring that they are not lower than the current salaries. The 02 types of payrolls are as follows:

Payrolls 1:

These apply to officials holding leadership positions (elected and appointed) in the political system from central to communal level, following these principles:

+ The salary level must reflect the hierarchy in the political system. Those holding leadership positions receive salaries corresponding to their positions. If one person holds multiple positions, they receive the highest salary level for those positions. If two leaders hold equivalent positions, they receive the same salary level. The salary level of higher-level leaders must be higher than that of lower-level leaders.

+ A salary level is prescribed for each equivalent position. There is no categorization of ministries, sectors, committees, commissions, and their equivalents at the central level when designing the central-level payroll. Different salary levels for the same leadership position based on the classification of administrative units at the local level are implemented through allowances.

The classification of equivalent leadership positions in the political system for payroll design is determined by the Politburo after reporting to the Central Executive Committee.

Payrolls 2:

These apply to specialized and professional positions for officials who do not hold leadership positions. Each career group for officials has multiple salary levels based on the following principles:

+ The same complexity of work corresponds to the same salary level.

+ Higher labor conditions and occupational benefits are implemented through professional allowances.

+ Rearrangement of career groups and the number of levels within career groups for officials is encouraged to promote the improvement of professional expertise.

+ Appointment to an officials' career group must be linked to the job position and the career group structure implemented by the managing agency or organization.

Pursuant to Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018, when implementing the 2024 salary reform, 9 types of allowances are applicable to the payrolls for officials based on job positions, including:

Multi-position allowance

Extra-seniority allowance

Regional allowance

Responsibility allowance

Mobility allowance

Professional privilege allowance

Allowance for working in areas with special economic and social difficulties

Allowance based on the classification of administrative units and the ranking of public career units.

Resolution 27: What are allowances for officials belonging to 02 new payrolls after salary reform in Vietnam?

Which allowances for officials will be annulled after salary reform in Vietnam from July 1, 2024?

The content regarding allowances in Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018 is as follows:

3. Reform content
3.1. For officials, public employees, and armed forces (public sector)
d) Rearrange the current allowance systems, ensuring that the total allowance fund accounts for a maximum of 30% of the total salary fund.
- Annul seniority allowances (except for the military, police, and medical forces to maintain salary proportionality with officials); leadership position allowances (as salary levels for leadership positions are determined by the political system); party and political-social organization work allowances; official duty allowances (as these have been incorporated into the base pay); hazardous and dangerous allowances (as these have been incorporated into profession-based allowances for jobs involving hazardous and dangerous conditions).

Therefore, when implementing the 2024 salary reform, the officials' salaries based on job positions will no longer include the following allowances:

- Seniority allowances

- Leadership position allowances (as salary levels for leadership positions are determined by the political system)

- Party and political-social organization work allowances

- Official duty allowances (as these have been incorporated into the base pay)

- Hazardous and dangerous allowances (as these have been incorporated into job-based allowances for jobs involving hazardous and dangerous conditions).

Who are Vietnamese officials?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the Law on Officials 2008 amended by Clause 1, Article 1 of the Law on amendments to the Law on Officials and the Law on Public Employees in 2019, it can be understood:

Officials are Vietnamese citizens who are recruited and appointed to ranks, posts or titles in agencies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the State, socio-political organizations at the central, provincial and district levels; in People’s Army agencies and units, other than officers, professional military personnel and defense workers; in People’s Police offices and units other than officers and professional non-commissioned officers, included in the payrolls and salaried from the state budget.


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