07:44 | 23/07/2024

Review of the Issuance of Chip-Embedded Citizen Identification Cards Phase 3 for Students Born in 2005 and 2008 in Ho Chi Minh City.

Let me ask about the review process for issuing chip-embedded Citizen Identification Cards in the 3rd phase to students born in 2005 and 2008 in Ho Chi Minh City. - Question from Mr. Cuong from Quang Nam

Review of Third Round Electronic Chip-embedded Citizens ID Issuance for Students Born in 2005 and 2008 in Ho Chi Minh City?

In Official Dispatch 3686/SGDDT-CTTT in 2022, the Department of Education and Training requests that the heads of units urgently implement the following contents:

- Firstly: Organize widespread dissemination of legal regulations, significance, importance, and benefits of issuing chip-embedded Citizens ID (CCCD) to management staff, teachers, employees, and students. In particular, review the issuance of CCCD to students born in 2005 and 2008 to serve the high school entrance exam and the high school graduation exam in 2023.

- Secondly: Propagate to management staff, teachers, employees, and students about the benefits of issuing CCCD through various appropriate forms at the unit. Content: “According to Article 38 of the 2020 Residence Law, from January 1, 2023, the household registration book, and temporary residence book in paper form will no longer be valid. Therefore, every citizen within the age range but not yet issued a CCCD must urgently contact the local police at their place of residence to get a CCCD”.

- Thirdly: Propaganda materials about the peak period of CCCD issuance at the unit (Propaganda materials attached).

Review of Third Round Electronic Chip-embedded Citizens ID Issuance for Students Born in 2005 and 2008 in Ho Chi Minh City?

Review of Third Round Electronic Chip-embedded Citizens ID Issuance for Students Born in 2005 and 2008 in Ho Chi Minh City? (Image from the Internet)

Issuance of Electronic Chip-embedded Citizens ID is an Inevitable Change?

Based on sub-item 1 of the Attached Document Official Dispatch 3686/SGDDT-CTTT in 2022, the content is as follows:

An inevitable change

- Firstly:

+ Implementing Decision No. 1368/QD-TTg dated September 3, 2020, of the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam on approving the investment policy of the Project for Production, Issuance, and Management of Citizens ID (CCCD) with electronic chips replacing the current barcode cards to build a unified CCCD database nationwide, facilitating quick and convenient storage, retrieval, sharing, and information search;

+ Enhancing the effectiveness of state management contributing to administrative reform, creating favorable conditions for citizens when performing procedures and civil transactions; Moving towards building the e-Government of Vietnam, creating a breakthrough in socio-economic development of the entire country, and aligning with the trend of many countries worldwide.

- Secondly:

+ Performing the function of ensuring the maintenance of national security, social order, and state management, well serving economic and social development, ensuring human rights, and citizens' rights.

+ Implementing the directives of the Government of Vietnam, the Ministry of Public Security has proactively developed the amended Residence Law project; the national population database project, and the Project for Production, Issuance, and Management of CCCD. Among them, modernizing residence management from manual methods using paper documents to modern management methods using information technology: Managing residents through a new method using personal identification numbers on the national population database and issuing CCCD with electronic chips replacing current barcode cards. The Ministry of Public Security has directed the local police units nationwide to simultaneously issue CCCD with electronic chips to citizens. The issuance of CCCD with electronic chips has been welcomed and supported by the public and social organizations.

What are the Superior Characteristics of the Electronic Chip-embedded Citizens ID Cards?

Based on sub-item 2 of the Attached Document Official Dispatch 3686/SGDDT-CTTT in 2022, the electronic chip-embedded Citizens ID cards have the following superior characteristics:

- The chip-embedded Citizens ID card has many advantages over the barcode citizen identification card, such as high security, large storage capacity, allowing for the integration of many applications, such as digital signature applications, biometric applications, vaccination data, driver's license data, social policy data, and can be widely used and connected in both public and private services.

- The chip-embedded Citizens ID card integrates complete information, so when citizens conduct transactions and procedures, they do not have to carry multiple types of documents but can use the Citizens ID card to perform transactions. The data on the chip can be accessed immediately without being dependent on network connections through devices that allow reading chip information, facilitating instant identity verification, minimizing identity forgery. The chip on the Citizens ID card does not have positioning, tracking functions to determine the location of citizens, and the integration, use of information on the chip complies with Vietnamese law, ensuring information security and safety.

See detailed content at: Official Dispatch 3686/SGDDT-CTTT in 2022.


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