07:45 | 23/07/2024

Title: Request Form for Aircraft Mortgage Registration - Regulations and Instructions for Completing the Aircraft Security Registration Form

Request Form for Registration of Aircraft Mortgage Measure is regulated how? - Question from Mr. Phuc in Gia Lai

How is the registration request form for aircraft mortgage prescribed?

The registration request form for mortgage security measures and the Security Contract (01 original or 01 certified copy) are two mandatory documents in the security registration dossier.

The registration request form for aircraft mortgage security measures is prescribed in Form No. 01b, Appendix issued together with Decree 99/2022/ND-CP as follows:

Download the registration request form for aircraft mortgage security measures here

How is the registration request form for aircraft mortgage security measures prescribed? Instructions on how to fill out the registration form for aircraft security measures?

How is the registration request form for aircraft mortgage security measures prescribed? Instructions on how to fill out the registration form for aircraft security measures?

Instructions on how to fill out the registration form for aircraft security measures

In Form No. 01b Appendix issued together with Decree 99/2022/ND-CP, instructions on how to fill out the registration form for aircraft security measures are as follows:

(1) General Instructions

- The content declaration must be honest, complete, and accurate.

- For sections with multiple options, mark an (X) in the box corresponding to the chosen content.

- The request form can be displayed on multiple pages. In this case, the pages must be numbered, and the requester must initial each page.

(2) Declaration in Section 1

- If the registration requester is an Asset Manager, additional declarations about the title, Certificate of Practice number, issuing authority, and the issuance date (day, month, year) of the Certificate must be made.

- If a legal entity performs the registration through a branch, mark the option for the requester being a representative, and declare the name and address of the branch.

- If the security measures concern assets belonging to a private enterprise and the registration requester is the secured party, declare according to Clause 9 Article 8 and Clause 3 Article 12 Decree 99/2022/ND-CP.

(3) Declaration in Section 2

Each registration request form only declares one contract and its appendices (if any).

If the security contract is notarized or authenticated, declare the date of notarization or authentication; if not notarized or authenticated, declare the signing date of the contract, except for cases with other agreed effective dates.

(4) Declarations in Sections 3 and 4

For the secured party

- If the secured party is an individual, fully declare:

+ In the case of a Vietnamese citizen: full name, ID card number or Citizen ID card number as recorded in the ID card or Citizen ID card. If there is no ID card or Citizen ID card, declare the number issued under the Law on Vietnam People's Army Officers, Law on Professional Soldiers, Defense Workers and Public Employees (commonly referred to as Military ID) if the individual is serving in the army.

+ In the case of a foreign national: full name, Passport number as recorded in the Passport.

+ In the case of a stateless person: full name, Permanent Resident Card number as recorded in the Permanent Resident Card.

- If the secured party is an organization, fully declare the name and tax code as recorded on the Certificate of taxpayer registration. If registration is requested through a branch of the legal entity, the branch should declare its information according to the instructions for organizations in this section. If the secured party is a private enterprise, declare the information according to Clause 9 Article 8 and Clause 3 Article 12 of Decree 99/2022/ND-CP.

For the secured person

Fully declare the individual's full name, the full name of the organization consistent with the information on the Certificate. If the security pertains to assets of a private enterprise, the information about the secured person should be declared according to Clause 9 Article 8 and Clause 3 Article 12 Decree 99/2022/ND-CP. Other information is declared according to Section 4.1 of these instructions.

(5) Signature and Seal Section

This is done according to the regulations in Article 12 of Decree 99/2022/ND-CP.

How is the aircraft mortgage registration dossier sent to the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam and then resolved?

According to Article 40 Decree 99/2022/ND-CP, the procedure for resolving the registration dossier, change registration, and registration cancellation for aircraft is as follows:

Procedure for resolving registration dossiers, change registrations, and registration cancellations for aircraft

1. After receiving the registration dossier, if there are no grounds for rejecting the registration as stipulated in Clause 1, Article 15 of this Decree, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam records and updates the registration time (hour, minute, day, month, year), contents registered, contents changed, contents deleted, contents related to the handling of security assets into the Vietnam Aircraft Register; issues a Registration Certificate according to Form No. 05b, Form No. 06b, Form No. 07b, or Form No. 08b in the Appendix to the requester by methods stipulated in Clauses 2, 3, and 4 of Article 17 of this Decree.

2. In case of change registration due to the reduction of secured assets, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam records and updates the registration deletion contents for reduced assets in the Vietnam Aircraft Register.

Thus, after the aircraft mortgage registration dossier is sent to and received by the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam, if there are no grounds for rejecting the registration, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam will record and update the registration time (hour, minute, day, month, year) and the registered contents, changed contents, deleted contents, contents related to the handling of security assets into the Vietnam Aircraft Register, and issue the Aircraft Mortgage Registration Certificate.


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