07:47 | 23/07/2024

Official Recruitment Application File of the General Department of Taxation for 2023 will Include Which Documents?

<h3>Official General Department of Taxation Application Dossier</h3>What documents are included in the official registration application dossier of the General Department of Taxation? Mr. Luan (Hanoi)

What is the recruitment target for officials of the General Department of Taxation in 2023?

On June 12, 2023, the General Department of Taxation issued Announcement 412/TB-TCT of 2023 regarding the recruitment plan for officials of the General Department of Taxation in 2023.

According to Section I of Announcement 412/TB-TCT of 2023, the recruitment target for officials of the General Department of Taxation in 2023 is as follows:

The recruitment target for officials of the General Department of Taxation in 2023 at the General Department of Taxation office and 62 provincial and municipal Tax Departments (excluding the Ha Nam Provincial Tax Department, which has no recruitment targets) is 1,634 targets, specifically for each official rank as follows:

- Specialist rank: 278 targets, including:- Specialists in professional duties: 156 targets;- Specialists in basic construction management: 07 targets;- Specialists in Communist Party work: 07 targets;- IT specialists: 108 targets.

- Associate rank: 19 targets.

- Tax inspector rank: 1,215 targets.

- Intermediate tax inspector rank: 46 targets.

- Clerical officer rank: 49 targets.

- Intermediate clerical officer rank: 27 targets.

What documents are included in the registration dossier for the official recruitment of the General Department of Taxation in 2023?

What documents are included in the registration dossier for the official recruitment of the General Department of Taxation in 2023? (Image from the Internet)

What is the timeframe for receiving registration dossiers for the official recruitment of the General Department of Taxation in 2023?

In Subsection 6 Section III of Announcement 412/TB-TCT of 2023, the timeframe and form for registration for the official recruitment of the General Department of Taxation in 2023 are stipulated as follows:

- Timeframe and form for online registration:

- Registration period: Within 30 days from June 12, 2023, until 17:00 on July 11, 2023.

- Online registration address: https://dangkydutuyen.gdt.gov.vn.

* Note:- Candidates registering online must follow the instructions before submitting their registration dossiers directly to the Tax Department. When registering online, candidates must attach the registration dossier (except for the Registration Form).

- After the online registration period ends, the General Department of Taxation will close the online registration system.

- Time and place for receiving direct dossiers:

After successfully registering online, candidates will receive an Appointment Slip to the Tax Department for direct dossier submission and the registration fee.

- Time for receiving dossiers: 5 days from 8:00 on July 7, 2023, until 17:00 on July 11, 2023.

- Place for receiving dossiers:- Candidates registering for the General Department of Taxation office: Headquarters of the General Department of Taxation, 123 Lo Duc Street, Dong Mac Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi.- Candidates registering for 62 provincial and municipal Tax Departments: Locations to be announced by the Tax Departments. Provincial and municipal Tax Departments are responsible for publicly announcing the locations for receiving registration dossiers for candidates' information.

What documents are included in the registration dossier for the official recruitment of the General Department of Taxation?

The registration dossier for the official recruitment of the General Department of Taxation, as stipulated in Subsection 4 Section III of Announcement 412/TB-TCT of 2023, includes the following contents:

Individuals meeting the conditions must submit their registration dossiers directly to the recruiting unit under the General Department of Taxation. Each candidate can only register at one unit, and each dossier includes the following documents:

(1) Registration Form according to the appendix form. The applicant must fill it out accurately according to the instructions, sign on each page of the Registration Form, and commit that the information provided is truthful; in case of false declaration, the recruitment result will be canceled, and the applicant must bear legal responsibility.

(2) Copies of graduation diplomas and academic transcripts (Doctorate, Master's, University, College, Intermediate): photocopies, no notary certification, notarization, or true copy required.

- For diplomas issued by foreign education institutions, candidates need to submit a photocopy of the diploma and academic transcript (all accompanied by a notarized Vietnamese translation) and a photocopy of the diploma recognition certificate according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training. In cases where the diploma is exempt from the recognition procedure according to Article 5 of Circular No. 13/2021/TT-BGDDT dated April 15, 2021, of the Ministry of Education and Training, candidates must submit documents proving the diploma is exempt from the recognition procedure.

(3) For candidates exempt from foreign language exams: candidates must submit photocopies of one of the following documents:- Graduation diplomas issued by foreign education institutions recognized in Vietnam according to the rules stipulated in item (2) above.- Graduation diplomas for those who graduated in foreign language major at university or postgraduate levels.- Ethnic minority language certificates for candidates applying for official positions working in ethnic minority areas and documents proving ethnic minority status.

(4) For candidates who are in prioritized recruitment categories, additional documents must be submitted as stipulated in item 3 of Part III concerning Priorities in Recruitment.

(5) Three envelopes with stamps and the recipient's full name and address (the candidate or their relatives); 02 photos (size 4cm x 6cm) taken recently, within 3 months from the date of announcement.


* Candidates must ensure the authenticity of the registration dossier. After the examination results are out, if successful, candidates must submit their full graduation diploma and academic transcript according to their applied official rank, foreign language exemption diploma, or ethnic language certificate (if applicable) as stipulated.

* Candidates are not required to submit a Health Certificate, Curriculum Vitae, or Birth Certificate at the time of dossier submission.


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