What are the regulations on the contents of advertisements for veterinary drugs in Vietnam? Which agency has the competence in issuing a certificate of veterinary drug advertisement contents?

What are the regulations on the contents of advertisements for veterinary drugs in Vietnam? Which agency has the competence in issuing a certificate of veterinary drug advertisement contents? - Question from Yen (Ha Giang)

What are the regulations on the contents of advertisements for veterinary drugs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clauses 3 and 4, Article 10 of Decree No. 181/2013/ND-CP on advertisements for veterinary drugs as follows:

Advertisements for pesticides, ingredients of pesticides, plant protection supplies, useful organisms serving plant protection, veterinary drug, and veterinary supplies
3. Contents of advertisements for veterinary drugs and veterinary supplies must be conformable with the License for free sale and the summary of product features.
4. An advertisement for pesticides, ingredients of pesticides, plant protection supplies, useful organisms serving plant protection, veterinary drug, or veterinary supplies must contain:
a) Names of the pesticides, ingredients of pesticides, plant protection supplies, and useful organisms serving plant protection, veterinary drug, and veterinary supplies;
b) Features, effects, and recommendations;
c) Name and address of the entity in charge of launching the product.

According to that, Article 41 of Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT guides the contents of advertisements for veterinary drugs as follows:

- An advertisement for veterinary drugs must contain the following contents:

+ Commercial name, formulation of drug;

+ Uses and indications of use and storage of veterinary drugs;

+ Name, address of organization/individual registering or distributing drugs.

However, advertisements for veterinary drugs which are displayed on boards, plates, panels, shelves, other objects, objects which are overhead, underwater, mobile objects, electronic equipment, terminal devices and other telecommunication devices, means of transport, advertisement transmittors are not required to displayed fully the compulsory information.

What are the regulations on the contents of advertisements for veterinary drugs in Vietnam? Which agency has the competence in issuing a certificate of veterinary drug advertisement contents?

What are the regulations on the contents of advertisements for veterinary drugs in Vietnam? Which agency has the competence in issuing a certificate of veterinary drug advertisement contents?

Which agency has the competence in issuing a certificate of veterinary drug advertisement contents?

Pursuant to the provisions in Article 42 of Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT on the competence in issuing a certificate of veterinary drug advertisement contents as follows:

Competence in issuing a certificate of veterinary drug advertisment contents
1. The Department of Animal Health shall issue the Certificate of advertisement content verification for press, web portals, electronic equipment, terminal devices and other telecommunication devices, printed products, audio and video recordings and other technological devices of the Central government which are nationwide published.
2. Provincial veterinary authorities shall issue the Certificate of advertisement content verification for advertisements displayed via:
a) Newspapers and magazines, web portals, electronic equipment, terminal devices and other telecommunication devices, printed products, audio and video recordings and other technological devices of local areas;
b) Advertising boards, banners, signboards, light box, advertising screens;
c) Means of transport;
d) Fairs, seminars, conferences, events, exhibitions, cultural and sport programs;
dd) Advertisement transmittors, advertisement objects;
e) Other means of advertising as prescribed in laws.

Thus, the competence in issuing a certificate of veterinary drug advertisment contents is the Department of Animal Health or the provincial veterinary authorities.

What are the dossiers and procedures for issuance of the certificate of advertisement content verification for veterinary drugs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 43 of Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT on dossiers, order and procedures for issuance of the certificate of advertisement content verification for veterinary drugs as follows:

Step 1. Submission of application

- An application shall be sent directly or by post to a competent agency as prescribed in Article 42 of Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT;

- Quantity of application: 01.

An application for the certificate of veterinary drug advertisement content shall consist of:

+ An application form for verification of veterinary drug using the form in Annex XLII enclosed with Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT;

+ A copy of the certificate of registration of veterinary drug;

+ The advertisements (content, form of advertising presented with images, sound, voice, letters, symbols, colors, light and the like);

+ A list of speakers containing information about their qualifications or academic ranks, applicable to advertisements showed at fairs, seminars, conferences, events, exhibitions, cultural/sport programs (which bears a seal of the enterprise).

Step 2. Appraisal of application

- Within 05 working days from the day on which the application for certificate of veterinary drug advertisement contents, if the application is unsatisfactory, a competent agency specified in Article 42 of Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT shall notify the applicant for completion;

Step 3: Issuance of the certificate of advertisement content verification for veterinary drugs

- Within 10 days from the day on which the satisfactory application is received, a competent agency specified in Article 42 of Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT shall issue the Certificate of advertisement content verification for veterinary drugs using the form provided in Annex XLIII enclosed with Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT. If the application is refused, the competent agency shall make a written response containing the explanation.


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