07:45 | 23/07/2024

Employees in Difficult Circumstances Without Means to Return Home will be Supported by the Program "Tet Sum Vay - Xuan Tri An" Celebrating the Year of the Cat 2023

Could you provide information about the program "Tet Sum Vay - Xuan Tri An" celebrating the Lunar New Year Quy Mao 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City? - Question from Mr. Dat (Can Tho)

What is the purpose of implementing the program "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" celebrating Lunar New Year 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City?

According to Subsection 1, Section I, Plan 66/KH-LDLD 2022, the purpose of the program is clearly stated as follows:

- To take practical care of union members, workers, public employees, and employees on the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2023 with the theme of the program "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an," promoting the role of the Trade Union organization, cooperating with employers to take care and motivate union members, workers, public employees, and employees to work steadily, and attach long-term commitment to the agencies, units, enterprises.

- Trade unions at all levels proactively cooperate with the leadership of agencies, units, and employers to develop plans for Tet to ensure full policies so that employees can be assured of working and producing.

- Through Tet care activities, raise the awareness of union members, workers, public employees, and employees about the role, function, and contributions of the Trade Union organization, trust and commitment to the organization, attract employees to join the Trade Union, and create motivation to encourage union members, workers, public employees, and employees to work with higher productivity, quality, and efficiency while becoming more attached to enterprises.

Program "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" celebrating Lunar New Year 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City

Employees with difficult circumstances unable to return home will be supported during the "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" program celebrating Lunar New Year 2023? (Image from the Internet)

Who are the beneficiaries of the "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" program celebrating Lunar New Year 2023?

According to Section II, Plan 66/KH-LDLD 2022, the beneficiaries of the "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" program in 2023 are:

- The beneficiaries are 10,000 union member families and employees at enterprises with difficult circumstances who are unable to return home for Tet (at least 80% of union members and employees at enterprises, and for union members of federations, there will be separate plans).

- The number is based on the allocation list. The Tet support funding is 1,000,000 VND per household (700,000 VND in cash, 300,000 VND in gifts).

When and where will the "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" program celebrating Lunar New Year 2023 be held in Ho Chi Minh City?

According to Subsection 2, Subsection 3, Section III, Plan 66/KH-LDLD 2022, it is clearly stated as follows:

- Time of organization: from January 11, 2023, to January 18, 2023 (from December 20 to December 27, Lunar Calendar).

- Venue: at the grassroots direct superior Trade Unions, grassroots Trade Unions with many employees, boarding areas, and worker housing areas.

How will the "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" program celebrating Lunar New Year 2023 be organized in Ho Chi Minh City?

According to Section IV, Plan 66/KH-LDLD 2022, the Ho Chi Minh City Federation of Labor clearly states the form of organization as follows:

For the Ho Chi Minh City Federation of Labor:

- The Ho Chi Minh City Federation of Labor assigns the Trade Unions of Thu Duc City, District 1, District 7, District 8, Tan Phu District, Binh Tan District, and Hoc Mon District to encourage grassroots Trade Unions with many workers (over 500 laborers) to organize the "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" program at the city level for 2023.

- Provide gifts for 10,000 families (2,800 gifts for units organizing at the city level, the rest allocated per the appendix).

For the grassroots direct superior Trade Unions:

- The "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" program 2023 is organized at grassroots Trade Unions, areas with many boarding houses and housing areas with many workers organized during Tet holidays and associated with visiting boarding house owners.

- Depending on the actual situation at the locality, the direct superior Trade Unions cooperate with local departments, authorities, boarding houses, worker housing areas, enterprises, and grassroots Trade Unions to organize activities such as Tet meals; competitions for cooking Banh Chung, Banh Tet; decorating Tet fruit trays; apricot blossoms, peach blossoms for Tet; decorating Tet sweet trays and cultural and artistic activities to take care of workers' spiritual lives in managed workers' groups and worker housing areas.

For the grassroots Trade Unions:

- Cooperate with employers to organize the "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" program in 2023 in various forms, such as integrating year-end party programs, organizing Tet meals, gift-giving, and visiting employees. The grassroots Trade Union Executive Committee, based on union funding, organizes care activities for union members at their units.

- Note: For units and enterprises without organization venues, the direct superior Trade Unions will coordinate with grassroots Trade Unions to select appropriate times and venues to organize the "Tet sum vay - Xuan tri an" program for 2023.


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