07:44 | 23/07/2024

Template of the List of Members of a Partnership Company (Appendix I-9) Updated in 2022? What Information is Included in the List of Members of a Partnership Company?

Hello Lawnet,I have received a notification from the Business Registration Office regarding the addition of partners to the partnership company list. Could you please provide me with the latest template for the partnership company members list?Thank you!Question from Mr. Nhan from Binh Dinh.

What does the partnership company's business registration dossier include?

Pursuant to Article 22, Decree 01/2021/ND-CP, the provisions on the business registration dossier for the partnership company are as follows:

Business registration dossier for a partnership company

1. Business registration application form.

2. Company charter.

3. List of members.

4. Copies of the following documents:

a) Legal documents of individual members being individuals; Legal documents of organizations being members; Legal documents of individuals for authorized representatives, and documents appointing authorized representatives.

For members being foreign organizations, the copy of the organization's legal documents must be consular legalized;

b) Investment registration certificate for enterprises established or participated in establishment by foreign investors or economic organizations with foreign investment capital as prescribed by the Investment Law and guiding documents.

Sample list of members of the partnership company (Appendix I-9) latest 2022? What information will the list of members of the partnership company include?

Sample list of members of the partnership company (Appendix I-9) latest 2022? What information will the list of members of the partnership company include?

Legal provisions on the list of members of a partnership company

Pursuant to Article 25, Enterprise Law 2020, the provisions on the list of members of a partnership company are as follows:

List of members of limited liability companies, partnership companies, founding shareholders, and foreign investor shareholders of joint-stock companies must include the following main contents:

1. Name, signature, nationality, and contact address of members who are individuals for limited liability companies and partnership companies; and of founding shareholders and foreign investor shareholders who are individuals for joint-stock companies;

2. Name, enterprise code, and head office address of members who are organizations for limited liability companies and partnership companies; and of founding shareholders and foreign investor shareholders who are organizations for joint-stock companies;

3. Name, signature, nationality, and contact address of the legal representative or the authorized representative of member organizations for limited liability companies; and of founding shareholders and foreign investor shareholders who are organizations for joint-stock companies;

4. Contributed capital, value contribution, ownership ratio of contributed capital, type of assets, quantity of assets, value of each type of contributed capital, contribution timeframe for each member for limited liability companies and partnership companies; quantity of shares, type of shares, share ownership ratio, type of assets, quantity of assets, value of each type of contributed capital, contribution timeframe for each founding shareholder and foreign investor shareholder for joint-stock companies.

Sample list of members of a partnership company according to legal regulations

Based on Appendix I-9, issued in conjunction with Circular 01/2021/TT-BKHDT, the provisions on the sample list of members of the partnership company are as follows:

Download the full sample list of members of the partnership company here.


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