02:52 | 11/01/2023

On what contents do inspectors check electricity activities, electricity usage, and safety protection of electricity works and power grids in Vietnam?

I would like to ask about the contents of inspecting electricity activities, electricity usage, and safety protection of electricity works and power grids in Vietnam. - Question of Nguyen (Ca Mau)

What general regulations on inspection do electrical inspectors need to comply with?

Pursuant to Article 11 of Circular 42/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam stipulating the general provisions of inspection activities of electricity inspectors as follows:

- Inspection activities as planned must be approved annually by the head of the unit in charge of the inspection or by the superior unit; the annual inspection plan can be adjusted in accordance with the actual implementation of the unit's operations.

- Electricity inspectors only perform tests when assigned tasks. In case of detecting violations with signs of violations outside the scope of assigned tasks, they must promptly report them to their direct managers for an appropriate form of inspection.

- When conducting an inspection, the unit in charge of the inspection must establish an inspection team or an inspection team consisting of at least 03 members, with a leader or an inspection team leader (with an inspection decision or written assignment of tasks, except for unexpected non-compulsory inspection); there must be at least 01 (one) electricity inspector in the inspection team or group. The electricity inspector is responsible for presenting the electricity inspector card to the inspected party and informing the inspection contents to the inspected party.

- The inspection must be conducted in the presence of the representative of the inspected party, except for the case specified at Point b, Clause 1, Article 9 of Circular 42/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam.

In case the inspection requires a representative of the inspected party but the representative of the inspected party is absent, the inspecting party must invite at least 01 witness with full civil act capacity or a representative of the local government or police to witness the inspection.

- Electrical measuring devices used by the inspecting party during the inspection must be inspected and calibrated according to regulations.

- In case of unexpected need to enter the customer's location to Inspect electricity usage between 22:00 of the previous night and 6:00 am of the next day, the inspecting party must coordinate with the local authority local authorities or police to witness the inspection and conduct the inspection in accordance with the provisions of Circular 42/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam.

On what contents do inspectors check electricity activities, electricity usage, and safety protection of electricity works and power grids in Vietnam?

On what contents do inspectors check electricity activities, electricity usage, and safety protection of electricity works and power grids in Vietnam?

What are the contents of the electricity use inspection?

Pursuant to Article 13 of Circular 42/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam stipulating the contents of electricity use inspection as follows:

When performing an electrical use test, depending on the scope and authority of the test, the inspecting party shall inspect one or more of the following:

- Inspect voltage.

- Inspect capacity and power factor as follows:

+ Power and power factor are determined through data recorded in electronic meters or by measuring directly or indirectly through other measuring devices at the time of testing;

+ In case there are grounds to suspect that the metering system is not operating correctly, the capacity and power factor must be determined through other measuring devices;

+ In case of peak hour capacity measurement by measuring directly or indirectly through other measuring devices, it is necessary to measure 03 times during the test, then take the maximum power value of 01 out of 03 times of measurement.

+ Inspect the power metering system and related documents, including: meters, measuring voltage transformers, measuring current transformers, wiring diagrams, integrity of seals and deadlines verification of the power metering system; minutes of hanging and removing meters, electricity metering equipment and other relevant documents.

- Inspect the implementation of safety regulations in electricity use.

- Inspect the performance of obligations stated in the electricity purchase and sale contract and other obligations specified in the Electricity Law (amended and supplemented) and its guiding documents.

Thus, the electricity use inspection is carried out based on such contents as voltage inspection, capacity and power factor inspection, safety implementation inspection in electricity use, and fulfillment of written obligations specified in the Electricity Law (amended and supplemented) and its guiding documents.

What are the contents of the electricity activity inspection?

Pursuant to Article 12 of Circular 42/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam stipulating the contents of inspection of electricity activities as follows:

The contents of the electricity activity inspection include the implementation of the provisions of the Electricity Law (amended and supplemented) and the guiding documents on one or the following contents:

- Inspect the electricity operating conditions for the fields of activity licensed for electricity activities.

- Inspect the implementation of regulations on operation of the power system.

- Inspect the implementation of regulations on the electricity market (for competitive market participants at all levels).

- Inspect the implementation of regulations on electricity prices, electricity purchase and sale (including stopping and reducing power supply levels) and electricity purchase and sale contracts.

- Inspect the protection of electrical equipment, electrical works and electrical safety.

- Inspect other provisions of the law on electricity.

What are the contents of inspection and protection of the safety of electricity works and power grids of the electricity inspector in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 14 of Circular 42/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam stipulating the contents of inspection and protection of the safety of electricity works and power grids of the electricity inspector in Vietnam as follows:

Inspect the implementation of the provisions from Article 50 to Article 53 of the 2004 Electricity Law and guiding documents on one or the following contents:

- Inspect the implementation of regulations on safety corridor of high voltage power grid.

- Inspect the implementation of regulations on safety protection of overhead power lines.

- Inspect the implementation of regulations on safety protection of underground electric cables.

- Inspect the implementation of regulations on safety protection of power stations.

Circular 42/2022/TT-BCT of Vietnam takes effect from February 16, 2023


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