07:45 | 23/07/2024

Implementation of the Ordinance on Administrative Penalty for Obstructing Judicial Activities according to Decision 322/QD-TANDTC in 2022?

Could you please clarify the implementation plan of the Ordinance on Administrative Sanctions for Acts Obstructing Judicial Activities according to Decision 322/QD-TANDTC in 2022? - Ms. Yen from Phu Yen's question

What are the purpose and requirements of the Plan for Implementation of the Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15?

In Subsection 1 of Section I of the Plan issued with Decision 322/QD-TANDTC 2022, the Plan for implementing Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15 has the following purposes:

- First: To determine the content of the work, deadlines, progress for completion, responsibilities, and mechanisms for coordination among units under the Supreme People's Court and courts at all levels to ensure prompt, uniform, and effective implementation of Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15 at the People's Courts.

- Second: To enhance awareness and responsibility regarding the implementation of Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15 at the People's Courts.

Simultaneously, in Subsection 2 of Section I of the Plan issued with Decision 322/QD-TANDTC 2022, the Plan for implementing Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15 has the following requirements:

- First: To specifically determine the scope, purpose, requirements, and activities for implementation; to specify the content of the work, completion timeline, and the responsibilities of the presiding and coordinating agencies and units in carrying out the assigned work.

- Second: The Supreme People's Court, its affiliated units, and courts at all levels are to actively and proactively perform their assigned tasks; to organize the implementation of Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15 ensuring timely progress and effectiveness.

- Third: The implementation of Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15 must be practical and economical.

Plan to implement the Ordinance on handling administrative violations for acts of obstructing judicial activities according to Decision 322/QD-TANDTC 2022

How will the implementation of the Ordinance on handling administrative violations for acts of obstructing judicial activities be carried out according to Decision 322/QD-TANDTC 2022? (Image from the Internet)

How to disseminate, propagate, and train on Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15, the Law on Handling Administrative Violations, and related implementation documents?

In Subsection 1 of Section II of the Plan issued with Decision 322/QD-TANDTC 2022, the content is clearly stated as follows:

Disseminate, propagate, and train on Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15, the Law on Handling Administrative Violations, and related implementation documents

- The Organization and Personnel Department shall lead and cooperate with the Office, the Legal and Scientific Management Department, the General Affairs Department, the Emulation and Reward Department, and related agencies and units to organize conferences to grasp, disseminate, and propagate Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15, the Law on Handling Administrative Violations, and related implementation documents.

- The Office shall lead and cooperate with the People's Court Magazine, Cong Ly Newspaper, the General Affairs Department, the Legal and Scientific Management Department, and related agencies and units to organize the dissemination and propagation of Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15, the Law on Handling Administrative Violations, and related implementation documents in publications edited by their agencies, units, and in other mass media.

- Courts at all levels shall lead and cooperate with same-level media agencies and units to organize the dissemination and propagation of Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15, the Law on Handling Administrative Violations, and related implementation documents in mass media.

- The Judicial Academy shall lead and cooperate with related units to study, draft, and edit a system of curriculum on handling administrative violations for acts obstructing proceedings appropriately; to compile instructional materials and organize training, fostering professional skills on handling administrative violations for acts obstructing judicial activities.

Implementation time: Quarter IV of 2022 and subsequent years.

How is detailed regulatory document development and guidance for implementing Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15, and the review of amendments, supplements to related legislative documents carried out?

Subsection 2 of Section II of the Plan issued with Decision 322/QD-TANDTC 2022 states the following content clearly:

Develop detailed regulatory documents and guidance for implementing Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15; review, amend, and supplement related legislative documents

- The Legal and Scientific Management Department shall lead and cooperate with related units to study and draft documents to provide uniform guidance on implementing Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15; to organize a review of related legislative documents; to advise and propose the abolition, amendment, supplementation, or issuance of new legislative documents in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15, the Law on Handling Administrative Violations, and to meet practical demands.

+ Implementation time: Quarter IV of 2022 and subsequent years.

- The General Affairs Department shall lead and cooperate with related units to study and draft guidance documents on statistics, database construction, and management regarding administrative violations for acts obstructing judicial activities.

+ Implementation time: Quarter IV of 2022 and subsequent years.

- The Planning and Finance Department shall lead and cooperate with related units to study and issue guidance documents for courts on budget estimation and funding for organizing the implementation of Ordinance 02/2022/UBTVQH15.

+ Implementation time: Quarter IV of 2022 and subsequent years.

For detailed contents, refer to Decision 322/QD-TANDTC 2022


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