07:49 | 23/07/2024

How many exemplary trade union members were introduced by the grassroots trade union to join the Communist Party in the 2018-2023 term?

How many outstanding trade union members has the grassroots trade union introduced to join the Communist Party for the 2018-2023 term? Your question from T.S in Gia Lai

How was the development of union members and the building of the union organization implemented according to the Resolution of the 12th Congress of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor in the period 2018 - 2023?

The development of union members and the building of the union organization is specifically determined in Subsection 5, Section II of the propaganda outline for the 13th Congress of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor 2023 issued together with Guideline 117-HD/BTGTW in 2023.

Specifically, the development of union members, the strengthening of the union organization, and the participation in building the Communist Party, the State, and the political system have been focused on with the following main contents:

- The work of developing union members has been given attention, implemented with many new solutions, achieving several important results. Many excellent union members have been actively introduced to the Communist Party for fostering and consideration for admission.

- The work of building a strong union organization and improving the quality of union activities at all levels has been a focus.

The work of reorganizing and consolidating the organizational apparatus and staffing of the specialized union agencies at all levels continues to be vigorously implemented in the spirit of Resolution 18-NQ/TW, dated October 25, 2017, of the Central Committee of the 12th Communist Party on "Some issues to continue innovating, arranging the organizational apparatus of the political system to be lean, efficient, and effective" and Decision 212-QD/TW dated December 30, 2019, of the Secretariat of the 12th Central Committee on "Functions, duties, organizational apparatus, staffing of specialized agencies of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations at the provincial and district levels."

- The work of training, fostering, and building the cadre team of union workers at all levels has been implemented synchronously and regularly.

- The work of cooperation with agencies, departments, functional sectors, and socio-political organizations in performing the role of supervision, social critique, promoting democracy among officials and union members to contribute to the building of the Communist Party and the clean and strong government has been given attention and intensified.

Actively introduce the key personnel of the union organization to participate in party committees, people's councils at all levels, and deputies of the 15th National Assembly; participate in giving many enthusiastic and responsible opinions to build the party congress documents at all levels, and documents of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party.

How many outstanding union members were introduced to the Communist Party for admission in the period 2018-2023?

How many outstanding union members were introduced to the Communist Party for admission in the period 2018-2023? (Image from Internet)

How many outstanding union members were introduced to the Communist Party for admission in the period 2018-2023?

Based on Subsection 5, Section II of the propaganda outline for the 13th Congress of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor 2023 issued together with Guideline 117-HD/BTGTW in 2023 that mentions the development of union members according to the Resolution of the 12th Congress of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor as follows:

The work of developing union members, building a strong union organization, participating in building the Communist Party, the State, and the political system has been focused on being implemented

- The work of developing union members is given attention, implemented with many new solutions, achieving several important results. Actively introduce many outstanding union members to the Communist Party for fostering and consideration for admission.


Since 2018, grassroots unions have introduced 557,301 outstanding members (an increase of 1.4 times compared to the previous term), of which 325,784 were admitted to the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Thus, during the term 2018 - 2023, the Union introduced 557,301 outstanding union members to the Communist Party for consideration and admission. Among them, 325,784 were admitted.

How many tasks were assessed in the implementation of the Resolution of the 12th Congress of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor?

According to Guideline 117-HD/BTGTW in 2023, the implementation results of the Resolution of the 12th Congress of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor are assessed with 11 tasks.


(1) Tasks representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees were given attention and achieved outstanding results, contributing to building harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations.

(2) Activities of caring for the material and spiritual life of union members and employees were emphasized and had new developments.

(3) Participations in the prevention and control of Covid-19 pandemic, accompanying union members and employees affected by the pandemic, left many impressions.

(4) Propaganda, mobilization, and education work continued to be renewed, contributing to raising awareness among union members and employees.

(5) The development of union members, building a strong union organization, and participating in building the Communist Party, the State, and the political system were focused on being implemented.

(6) The patriotic emulation movement of the Union was implemented widely, constantly innovating in content and form.

(7) Women’s union activities continued to be renewed, achieving positive changes.

(8) The foreign and international cooperation activities of the union organization were enhanced and implemented flexibly, adapting to the new situation.

(9) Financial and asset management was given attention, creating resources to fulfill the Union's functions and tasks.

(10) Inspection and supervision activities were strengthened, contributing to building a strong union organization.

(11) The directing and administration work continued to innovate.

Thus, the 11 tasks to assess the implementation results of the Resolution of the 12th Congress of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor are determined as above.


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