07:46 | 23/07/2024

Judicial Academy Announcement on Enrollment for the 3rd Training Course for Bailiffs Profession in 2023

I would like to inquire about how the Judicial Academy announces the enrollment for the Vocational Training Class for Bailiffs, Course 3 of 2023? - question from Ms. Thuy (Bien Hoa)

Judicial Academy Announces Enrollment for Enrichment Course for Enforcers Class 3, 2023

The Judicial Academy has just issued Notification 238/TB-HVTP in 2023 for the enrollment of Enrichment Course for Enforcers, Class 3, 2023.

According to Notification 238/TB-HVTP, the content of the enrichment program for the Enforcers course will follow the Enrichment Program for Enforcers issued along with Decision 2339/QD-BTP dated November 24, 2020, by the Minister of Justice.

- Duration, time, and location of the organization:

The duration of the enrichment: 03 months/01 course (including the time for learning, writing a dissertation/taking the graduation exam, and field trips to Enforcers' Offices, People's Courts, People's Procuracies, Execution Offices).

- The specific proposed time and method of organizing the class are as follows:

| Expected

Date of admission | Expected

Date of commencement | Study time | Method/

Location of study || --- | --- | --- | --- || 08:00, July 23, 2023 | 08:00, July 29, 2023 | Study on Saturdays and Sundays weekly | - Online learning via Microsoft Teams software

- Concentrated exams at the headquarters of the Judicial Academy in Hanoi or branch in Ho Chi Minh City (as per registration).

- Direct field trips to the Enforcers' Offices, execution agencies, Courts, Procuracies. |

Judicial Academy announces enrollment for Enrichment Course for Enforcers

Judicial Academy announces enrollment for Enrichment Course for Enforcers Class 3, 2023 as how? (Image from the Internet)

How much are the tuition and fees for the Enrichment Course for Enforcers Class 3, 2023? What does the application for the course include?

Notification 238/TB-HVTP in 2023 specifies the tuition and fees for Enrichment Course for Enforcers Class 3, 2023, as follows:


- Class in Hanoi: 9,200,000 VND/01 course.- Class in Ho Chi Minh City: 10,000,000 VND/01 course.

Note: Tuition should only be paid after names are listed in the Admission List as per the Notification of the Judicial Academy.

Application Review Fee: 200,000 VND/application

Additionally, Notification 238/TB-HVTP in 2023 specifies the application requirements for participating in the class, which include:

- Registration form for the Enrichment Course for Enforcers (with 02 attached photos 4cmx6cm);- Curriculum vitae (as per the form), attached photo 4cm x 6cm certified by a competent government authority;- Certified copy of a Bachelor of Law degree or higher by the competent authority;- Documents proving the eligibility for the Enrichment Course for Enforcers according to Article 5 Circular 05/2020/TT-BTP dated August 28, 2020, by the Ministry of Justice detailing a number of provisions and enforcement measures of Decree 08/2020/ND-CP dated January 8, 2020, by the Government of Vietnam on the organization and activities of the Enforcers, specifically:

+ Appointment decision of judges, procurators, executors, investigators, Judge's identification card, Procurator's identification card, Executor's card, Investigator's certificate along with documents proving having been a judge, procurator, executor, investigator for five years or more;+ Practicing lawyer certificate, Appointment decision, Re-appointment decision of notaries, Lawyer's card, Notary's card along with documents proving practicing as a lawyer, notary for five years or more;+ Appointment decision of the title of Professor, Associate Professor of Law; Doctor of Law degree. In the case that the Doctor of Law degree is issued by a foreign educational institution, it must be recognized in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training;+ Appointment decision for principal verifier, senior verifier in court sector, principal inspector, senior inspector in procuracy sector, principal verifier, senior verifier in civil judgment execution sector; senior inspector, senior specialist, senior researcher, senior lecturer in the legal field;+ Other documents proving exemption from legal training as stipulated by law.

Eligible participants and enrollment quantity for the Enrichment Course for Enforcers Class 3, 2023?

According to Notification 238/TB-HVTP in 2023, the eligible participants and enrollment quantity for the Enrichment Course for Enforcers are as follows:

Eligible Participants for Enrichment Course for Enforcers

- Vietnamese citizens, with good health and moral character;- Holding a Bachelor of Law degree or higher;- Individuals with five years or more experience as judges, procurators, executors, investigators; Lawyers, notaries practicing for five years or more; Professors, associate professors in law major, doctors of law; Principal verifiers, senior verifiers in the court sector, principal inspectors, senior inspectors in the procuracy sector; Senior inspectors, senior specialists, senior researchers, senior lecturers in the legal field; Principal verifiers, senior verifiers in the civil judgment execution sector.

Other individuals who wish to enhance their skills in the enforcer profession (certificate of enrichment not granted).

Enrollment quantity: Approximately 50 students/class

View the full Notification 238/TB-HVTP in 2023 here


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