07:43 | 23/07/2024

Hanoi Strengthens Tax Management, Supports Individual Business Households in Implementing New Tax Policies Effectively

I heard that agencies and departments in Hanoi are strengthening tax management in the upcoming period. I would like to inquire about the responsibilities of the People's Committee of districts, towns, and other related agencies in Hanoi in the effort to enhance tax management, and how the regulations for individual business households are specified?

Duties of the Hanoi City Tax Department in Tax Administration?

Pursuant to Section 1 Official Dispatch 1633/UBND-KTTH dated May 30, 2022 stipulating the duties of the Hanoi City Tax Department as follows:

- Take the lead, cooperate with functional agencies in the locality to intensify the propaganda, dissemination of new regulations and policies to households and individual businesses through appropriate and effective forms, applying information technology in propaganda work to ensure taxpayers understand, agree, and properly implement new policies.

- Focus resources, effectively implement new policies to each household and individual business in the locality; regularly review and compare data, management information between units to manage accurately, conformably, in line with requirements of reform, modernization and digital transformation in tax administration; continue to cooperate in reviewing, capturing, guiding and managing taxes for households and individual businesses on digital platforms (Google, Facebook, YouTube...).

- Implement the application of e-invoices generated from cash registers (payment devices) connected to electronic data transmission with the tax authorities.

- Proactively propose, report to the City People's Committee for consideration and direction to Departments, agencies, and district-level People's Committees to closely cooperate with tax authorities to uniformly implement solutions to improve the efficiency of tax administration for business households.

- Act as the focal point for summarizing difficulties and obstacles during the implementation of duties in this document from functional agencies to report to the City People's Committee for consideration and direction.

The agencies and departments in Hanoi in reinforcing tax management, business households, and individuals?

The agencies and departments in Hanoi in reinforcing tax management, business households, and individuals?

Duties of the Hanoi Department of Information and Communications in Tax Administration?

Pursuant to Section 2 Official Dispatch 1633/UBND-KTTH dated May 30, 2022 stipulating the duties of the Hanoi Department of Information and Communications as follows:

- Closely cooperate with the Hanoi City Tax Department to propagate and disseminate the main content of new tax policies and regulations to business households and individuals in the locality to ensure they are aware and create consensus during the implementation process.

- Cooperate in providing information related to business activities on digital platforms, social networking sites to review organizations and individuals engaging in e-commerce in the locality as requested by the Hanoi City Tax Department.

Duties of the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment in Tax Administration?

Pursuant to Section 3 Official Dispatch 1633/UBND-KTTH dated May 30, 2022 stipulating the duties of the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment as follows:

Cooperate with the Hanoi City Tax Department and related units in the initial taxpayer registration, registration of changes in taxpayer registration information for taxpayers who are households and individuals at level 4 according to Plan No. 54/KH-UBND dated February 17, 2022, of the Hanoi People's Committee; in directing the Finance-Planning Departments of district-level People's Committees to cooperate with the tax authority in promptly recovering business registration certificates of households and individual businesses that cease or abandon their business as per regulations.

Duties of the State Bank of Vietnam - Hanoi Branch in Tax Administration?

Pursuant to Section 4 Official Dispatch 1633/UBND-KTTH dated May 30, 2022 stipulating the duties of the State Bank of Vietnam - Hanoi Branch as follows:

- Direct commercial banks and credit institutions to cooperate with the tax authorities in implementing the Scheme on developing non-cash payments in Hanoi.

- Continue to direct and guide credit institutions and branches of commercial banks in the locality to provide information to the Hanoi City Tax Department related to the banking transactions of organizations and individuals engaged in e-commerce as per legal regulations.

Duties of the District-level People's Committees in Hanoi in Tax Administration?

Pursuant to Section 5 Official Dispatch 1633/UBND-KTTH dated May 30, 2022 stipulating the duties of the District-level People's Committees in Hanoi as follows:

- Direct the Department of Culture and Information, People's Committees of wards, communes, and commune-level towns to cooperate with the tax authorities in propagating and implementing tax policies applied to households and business individuals in the locality, especially new tax policies introduced in 2022.

- Direct People's Committees of communes, wards, and commune-level towns to closely coordinate with the tax authorities to review the locality for management purposes; enhance the role and responsibility of the Tax Advisory Council, advising the tax authorities on determining the annual lump-sum revenue and tax amounts close to the actual business activities of households and individuals; effectively implement information disclosure policies as stipulated in Circular 40/2021/TT-BTC to promote the supervisory role of the people.

- Cooperate in building, promulgating, and implementing cooperation regulations between tax authorities (Tax Sub-Department) and specialized Departments and Divisions to enhance tax management for households and individual businesses in the locality.

The district-level People's Committees in Hanoi and other related agencies shall base on the above Official Dispatch to properly perform their duties in reinforcing tax management for households and business individuals.


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