What are the contents of a Certificate of registration for audit practice in Vietnam? What is the term of the Certificate?

What are the contents of a Certificate of registration for audit practice in Vietnam? What is the term of the Certificate? - Question of Ms. Huyen (Ha Nam).

What are the contents of a Certificate of registration for audit practice in Vietnam? What is the term of the Certificate?

According to Article 6 of Circular No. 202/2012/TT-BTC stipulating the Certificate of registration of audit practice as follows:

- Certificate of registration for audit practice includes the following basic contents:

+ Full name, year of birth, hometown or nationality, photos of the person who is issued certificate of registration for audit practice;

+ Number and issuance date of the auditor's certificate

+ Name of the auditing enterprise where the auditor registered to work as practitioner;

+ Number of Certificate of registration for audit practice;

+ The term of Certificate of registration for audit practice.

- Certificate of registration for audit practice has a maximum term of 5 years (60 months) but not more than the day of December 31 of the fifth year since the effective year of the certificate of registration for audit practice.

- Form of certificate of registration for audit practice is prescribed in Appendix No.07/DKHN issued together with this Circular.

Thus, the use of the Certificate of registration for audit practice shall comply with Article 7 of Circular No. 202/2012/TT-BTC as follows:

- Practicing auditor meeting the provisions of Article 3, submit a complete dossier as provided for in Article 4, in accordance with the order prescribed in Article 5 of this Circular and pay the full fees shall be considered to issue certificate of registration for audit practice by the Ministry of Finance.

- Only the practicing auditors issued certificates of registration to practice audit may sign names on the audit reports and the reports on the result of review.

- Practicing auditors must specify the number of certificates of registration to practice audit on the audit reports and the reports on the result of review.

- Practicing auditors may not sign the audit reports and the reports on the result of review when the certificates of registration for audit practice expired or are no longer valid.

Based on the above provisions, it can be seen that the Certificate of registration for audit practice includes the prescribed contents and has a maximum term of 5 years (60 months) but not more than the day of December 31 of the fifth year since the effective year of the certificate of registration for audit practice.

What are the contents of a Certificate of registration for audit practice in Vietnam? What is the term of the Certificate?

What are the contents of a Certificate of registration for audit practice in Vietnam? What is the term of the Certificate?

Can an expired Certificate of registration for audit practice be re-issued?

The re-issuance of the Certificate of registration for audit practice shall be carried out in one of the cases specified in Clause 1, Article 9 of Circular No. 202/2012/TT-BTC, including:

- Certificate of registration for audit practice expires;

- Certificate of registration for audit practice is lost;

- Certificate of registration for audit practice is damaged.

What are the procedures for re-issuance of the expired Certificate of registration for audit practice in Vietnam?

According to Article 9 of Circular No. 202/2012/TT-BTC, where the certificate of registration for audit practice expires, if practicing auditor wishes to continue practicing audit, then file dossier to request for re-issuance of audit practice registration certificate.

* The time limit for filing dossier to request for re-issuance is at least 60 days before the expiration date of the certificate of registration for audit practice.

* Dossier to request for re-issuance of the certificate of registration for audit practice for the case of expiration of the certificate of registration for audit practice includes:

+ An application for re-issuance of audit practice registration certificate in the form prescribed in Appendix No.02/DKHN issued together with this Circular;

+ 02 color images of 3x4cm posted on a white background in a period of not exceeding six (06) months prior to the date of filing dossier to register for audit practice;

+ The documents referred to in Clauses 2, 4, 8, 9, Article 4 of this Circular if there is any changes from the latest practice registration.

- Ministry of Finance shall consider and re-issue audit practice registration certificate to practicing auditor within 15 days from the date of receipt of valid dossier and practicing auditor must ensure eligibility and make payment for all fees and in accordance with order according to provisions of Article 5 of this Circular. In case of refusal, the Ministry of Finance shall reply in writing, stating clearly the reasons.

- The term of the issued certificate of registration for audit practice in the case of re-issuance of audit practice registration certificate is a maximum term of 5 years (60 months) but not more than the day of December 31 of the fifth year since the effective year of the certificate of registration for audit practice.

Thus, the Certificate of registration for audit practice includes the contents specified in Clause 1, Article 6 of Circular No. 202/2012/TT-BTC and has a maximum term of 5 years (60 months) but not more than the day of December 31 of the fifth year since the effective year of the certificate of registration for audit practice.

In case the certificate of registration for audit practice is expired, it shall be re-issued according to regulations. According to that, the re-issuance of the Certificate of registration for audit practice is carried out according to the provisions of Article 9 of Circular No. 202/2012/TT-BTC and the term of the re-issued certificate of registration for audit practice is the same as the term for the newly issued certificate of registration of audit practice.


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