What are the timelines to keep in mind when conducting a scientific research in Vietnam and technology development investigation plan in 2022?

In recent years, the field of science and technology in our country has made many positive changes. In order to overcome the weaknesses and further develop science and technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology has issued the Decision on scientific research in Vietnam investigation and technological development in 2022. So, this activity is conducted. By what timelines?

What information will the scientific research in Vietnam and technological development investigation activities in 2022 be conducted on?

Pursuant to Section 4, Plan promulgated together with Decision 975/QD-BKHCN in 2022, issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology on June 10, 2022, gave the types of information that will conduct investigation and research activities. science and technology development in 2022 as follows:

- The group of general information about the unit includes:

+ Name of the unit;

+ Address;

+ Type of organization;

+ Type of economy;

+ Ministries, branches/provinces/cities directly under the Central Government to manage and manage; - The main research area of ​​the unit;

+ Type of main research activities of the unit

- Information group on human resources for scientific research and technology development

+ R&D personnel divided by operational position (research staff, technical staff and support staff), gender, economic type, geographical area, operating area, ministry, industry, type research form;

+ Research staff divided by professional qualifications, title, gender, economic type, research field, area of ​​operation, geographical area, ministry or branch.

- Group of information on scientific research and technological development activities

+ Number of scientific and technological tasks by management level, economic type, operating area, geographical area, ministry, branch, type of research; - Results/products of R&D activities by economic type, operating area, geographical area, ministry, industry, type of research.

- Group of information on spending on scientific research and technological development

+ Spending on R&D activities divided by funding sources, economic types, geographical areas, ministries and branches;

+ Spending on R&D activities divided by type of expenditure;

+ Spending on R&D activities divided by research fields.

What are the timelines to keep in mind when conducting a scientific research in Vietnam and technology development investigation plan in 2022?

What are the timelines to keep in mind when conducting a scientific research in Vietnam and technology development investigation plan in 2022?

What are the stages in the roadmap to conduct the scientific research in Vietnam and technological development investigation plan in 2022?

Pursuant to Section 8 Plan promulgated together with Decision 975/QD-BKHCN in 2022 issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology on June 10, 2022, stipulating the plan to conduct scientific investigation and research activities and Technology development in 2022 is as follows:

- Time to carry out the preparation work for the investigation

+ April-April 2022: develop the survey plan and form.

+ April-May 2022: send appraisal to the General Statistics Office.

+ May-June 2022: Receive and complete the plan and submit it to the Ministry's leaders for signing the decision approving the investigation plan.

+ June 2022: make a list of subjects and investigation units; Organize investigation training for focal points and investigators.

+ July 2022: investigate and collect information.

+ August 2022: acceptance and cleaning of the questionnaire.

+ September-December 2022: Enter survey information; processing and synthesizing investigation results, compiling investigation results; Write a report summarizing and analyzing the results of the investigation.

- Make a list of investigation units.

+ On the basis of identified investigation objects, conduct a list of investigation units.

+ For organizations with R&D activities, the Ministry of Science and Technology will send official dispatches to ministries, branches, localities, central agencies of political, socio-political organizations requesting the establishment of names. list of these organizations. On that basis, a list of investigation units will be made for each ministry/sector, province/city directly under the Central Government to ensure that the investigation and collection of information on the right subjects, without omission, duplication, creating favorable conditions for the preparation and organization of operation.

- Updating the list of investigation units In June 2022 and during the investigation, the National Department of Science and Technology Information coordinated with relevant agencies, ministries, branches, and Departments of Science. and Technology organizes to review and update by location and list of investigation units. While reviewing and updating, special attention should be paid to units with new R&D activities that are split, merged, transformed or established after the time of making the list.

- Training of supervisors and enumerators Organize training courses for enumerators at ministerial, branch and provincial levels in the North and the South. The duration of each class is 1 day.

- Propaganda activities

+ Propaganda activities should focus on clarifying the purpose, meaning, requirements, main content and implementation plan of the 2022 R&D Survey to all levels, branches and the scientific community.

The Working Group to deploy the 2022 R&D Survey to mobilize the maximum amount of propaganda such as: the mass media (written newspapers, electronic newspapers, newsletters, websites) to carry out extensive propaganda to the units. the subject of the investigation actively responded to the investigation.

+ The National Department of Science and Technology Information prepares necessary material conditions (makes a website about the basic contents of the Survey, including a question/answer section on scope, subjects, content, and time). time to collect information, how to answer the questionnaire) provided to the Working Group to propagate and disseminate about the 2022 R&D Survey.

- Deploying data collection

+ Data collection was started on the morning of July 1, 2022. It is necessary to inform in advance the investigated units and the enumerators to meet about the date and time of the enumerator's arrival.

+ In the process of collecting information, if it is not clear, the enumerator should suggest to the unit to check and provide or explain to complete the survey form. The enumerators only recorded in the questionnaire truthful and verified information, especially data on funding and human resources for R&D. Investigators are absolutely not allowed to arbitrarily record in the form fake or untruthful information in any form.

- Processing, synthesizing and announcing investigation results. The Working Group assigned the National Science and Technology Information Administration to organize, direct and implement the processing of all R&D survey data. The data will be processed and aggregated according to the output tables by the software.

Information on investigation results shall be announced by the Ministry of Science and Technology in accordance with law.

Official results will be announced at the end of 2022.

Thus, scientific research in Vietnam and technological development activities in 2022 will be conducted according to the above contents.

Where will the funding for scientific research in Vietnam and technological development activities in 2022 come from?

Pursuant to Section 10 of the Alternative promulgated together with Decision 975/QD-BKHCN in 2022 issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology on June 10, 2022, stipulating the funding for conducting the investigation as follows:

- Funding for the implementation of the Scientific Research and Technology Development Survey in 2022 from the State budget of the Ministry of Science and Technology assigned to the National Bureau of Science and Technology Information.

- The expenditure regime for implementing the R&D survey in 2022 is implemented in accordance with Circular 109/2016/TT-BTC dated June 30, 2016 of the Ministry of Finance, providing for budgeting, management, use and financial settlement. the cost of conducting statistical surveys, the National Statistical Census.

- The working group to deploy the 2022 R&D Survey, the Director of the National Science and Technology Information Administration and the heads of relevant units are responsible for managing and using the allocated funding according to the current financial regime. to ensure conditions for a good investigation.

Thus, funds for conducting scientific research in Vietnam and technological development investigations in 2022 will be made according to the above regulations.


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