07:49 | 23/07/2024

Are Trade Union Members Entitled to Assistance During Illness? Will Trade Union Members Receive Visits from the Union During Illness?

Union members: Are they entitled to assistance when ill? Are union members who fall ill entitled to being visited by the union? A question from S.A in Gia Lai.

Do Union Members Receive Support During Illness?

Based on the provisions of Article 18 of the Law on Trade Unions 2012 regarding the rights of union members as follows:

Rights of Union Members

1. Request the Union to represent and protect their legitimate rights and interests when they are infringed.

2. Be informed, discuss, propose, and vote on Union activities; receive information about the Communist Party's lines, policies, and the State's laws related to the Union and workers; the Union's regulations.

3. Nominate, propose, and elect the leadership bodies of the union as per the regulations of the Vietnam Trade Union Charter; question the union's leaders; propose disciplinary measures for union officials who commit violations.

4. Receive free legal advice and assistance from the Union regarding labor laws and trade unions.

5. Be guided and assisted by the Union in finding employment, vocational training; be visited and assisted during illness or when facing difficulties.

6. Participate in cultural, sports, and tourism activities organized by the Union.

7. Propose the Union to make recommendations to agencies, organizations, and enterprises regarding the implementation of policies and laws concerning workers.

Therefore, according to the above provisions, union members will be visited and assisted by the Union during illness.

Do union members receive support during illness? Do union members receive Union visitation when ill?
Do union members receive support during illness? Do union members receive Union visitation when ill? (Image from the internet)

Do Union Members Receive Union Visitation When Ill?

Based on point 1.3 clause 1 Article 6 of the regulations issued with Decision 4290/QD-TLD in 2022, which stipulates financial spending at the grassroots union as follows:

Financial Spending at the Grassroots Union

1. Direct spending on caring for, protecting, training, and instructing union members and workers.


1.3. Visitation, assistance expenses.

a) Expenses for visiting union members.

- Expenses for visiting union members during illness, maternity leave, accidents, family events (parents, parents-in-law, spouse, children) and personal events for union members.

- Expenses for visiting and giving gifts to union members on holidays, Tet...; the founding day of the Trade Union on July 28; birthday gifts for union members; gifts for union officials when they no longer participate in the grassroots union executive committee.

b) Assistance expenses for union members and workers.

Assistance for union members and workers facing difficulties due to labor accidents, accidental risks, impacts of natural disasters, epidemics, fires, serious illnesses, or suffering health or property losses due to exposure to Agent Orange.

The level of visitation, assistance expenses for union members and non-union workers is determined by the grassroots union.


Additionally, Article 27 of the Law on Trade Unions 2012 stipulates the management and use of union finances as follows:

Management and Use of Union Finances

1. The Union manages and uses its finances according to the law and the regulations of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

2. Union finances are used to conduct activities fulfilling the Union's rights and responsibilities and maintaining the Union's system operations, including the following tasks:

a) Propagating, disseminating, and educating the lines, policies of the Communist Party, and the State's laws; improving workers' professional skills;

b) Organizing activities to represent and protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers;

c) Developing union membership, establishing grassroots unions, and strengthening the Union;

d) Organizing emulation movements launched by the Union;

e) Training and fostering union officials; training and fostering exemplary workers to create a source of officials for the Communist Party, State, and Union;

f) Organizing cultural, sports, and tourism activities for workers;

g) Organizing gender and gender equality activities;

h) Visiting and assisting union members and workers during illness, maternity leave, accidents, difficulties; organizing other caring activities for workers;


Thus, according to the above regulations, when union members fall ill, they will be visited by the grassroots union. The level of support will depend on the union's financial resources.

What Are the Responsibilities of Each Union Member?

Based on Article 19 of the Law on Trade Unions 2012, the responsibilities of union members are specified as follows:

- Comply with and implement the Charter of the Vietnam Trade Union, the Union's resolutions; participate in union activities, and build a strong union.

- Study to improve political, cultural, professional knowledge, skills; cultivate the qualities of the working class; live and work according to the Constitution and the law.

- Solidarity, helping colleagues improve professional skills, work effectively, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers and the Union.


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