Circular No. 21/2011/TT-BTTTT of July 13, 2011, amending and supplementing a number of provisions of Circular No. 13/2008/TT-BTTTT of December 31, 2008, guiding the establishment and operation of representative offices and locally based permanent correspondents of press agencies, and the Minister of Culture and Information's Decision No. 28/2002/QD-BYHTT of November 21.2002. promulgating the Regulation on publication of bulletins, documents, leaflets; issuance of press releases; publication and transmission of news bulletins in electronic screens by foreign agencies and organizations as well as legal persons involving foreign elements in Vietnam

LawNet .vn

Circular No. 21/2011/TT-BTTTT of July 13, 2011, amending and supplementing a number of provisions of Circular No. 13/2008/TT-BTTTT of December 31, 2008, guiding the establishment and operation of representative offices and locally based permanent correspondents of press agencies, and the Minister of Culture and Information's Decision No. 28/2002/QD-BYHTT of November 21.2002. promulgating the Regulation on publication of bulletins, documents, leaflets; issuance of press releases; publication and transmission of news bulletins in electronic screens by foreign agencies and organizations as well as legal persons involving foreign elements in Vietnam

Sign: 21/2011/TT-BTTTT Document type: Circular
Promulgation place: The Ministry Of Information And Transmitation Signer: Do Quy Doan
Promulgation day: 13/07/2011 Effect day: Known
Announcement day: Updating Announcement number: Updating
Status: Known
Sign: 21/2011/TT-BTTTT
Document type: Circular
Promulgation place: The Ministry Of Information And Transmitation
Signer: Do Quy Doan
Promulgation day: 13/07/2011
Effect day: Known
Announcement day: Updating
Announcement number: Updating
Status: Known

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