16/04/2024 14:08

Procedures for registering as seafarers aboard a Vietnamese ship

Procedures for registering as seafarers aboard a Vietnamese ship

I would like to become a seafarer. Thus, what are the procedures for registering as seafarers aboard a Vietnamese ship? "Mr. T - Quang Ngai".

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Conditions to become a seafarer aboard a Vietnamese ship

According to Clause 2, Article 59 of the Vietnam Maritime Code 2015, regulations on seafarers aboard a ship are as follows:

- A seafarer must meet eligibility requirements and standards for holding ranks onboard a Vietnamese ship.

- A seafarer working aboard a Vietnamese ship must meet the following eligibility requirements:

+ Be a Vietnamese citizen or an overseas citizen authorized to work aboard a Vietnamese ship;

+ Meet health standards, working age requirements and achieve professional qualifications in accordance with applied regulations;

+ Be assigned to hold professional ranks aboard the ship;

+ Hold a discharge book;

+ Possess a passport as a requirement to enter or exit a country, if a seafarer is arranged to work onboard an international ship.

- A Vietnamese citizen who meets statutory eligibility requirements shall be entitled to work aboard an overseas ship.

- The Minister of Transport shall adopt detailed regulations on professional ranks and rank-based roles of a seafarer; minimum manning requirements; professional standards and qualifications of each seafarer; registration of a seafarer and a seafarer’s discharge book; required conditions that a seafarer who is an alien must meet to work onboard a Vietnamese ship.

- The Minister of Health shall provide detailed regulations on health standards of a seafarer licensed to work aboard a Vietnamese ship.

2. Procedures for registering as seafarers aboard a Vietnamese ship

The procedures for registering and issuing a seafarer's discharge book must ensure the following steps:

Step 1: Organizations or individuals submit one (01) set of applications for registration and issuance of a seafarer's discharge book directly or send it through the postal system or through the online public service system to one of the seafarer registration agencies.

The applications include:

+ Application form for issuing a seafarer's discharge book according to the prescribed form;

+ Two (02) color photos (for cases of direct submission or through the postal system), 01 photo file (for cases of submission through the online public service system), size 4cm x 6cm, taken in the style of identity card photos, taken within 06 months prior to the date of submitting the application;

+ Certified copy or accompanying copy with the original for verification or electronically certified copy from the original: passport or 09-digit valid identity card (for cases without an identity card or 12-digit identity card);

+ Certified copy or copy issued from the original logbook or accompanying copy with the original for verification or electronically issued copy from the original or electronically certified copy from the original: Certificate of basic professional training;

+ Certified copy or copy issued from the original logbook or accompanying copy with the original for verification or electronically issued copy from the original or electronically certified copy from the original diploma, professional certificate corresponding to the position held for positions that do not require a certificate of professional competence (for seafarers);

+ Original or certified copy or copy issued from the original logbook or electronically issued copy from the original or electronically certified copy from the original acceptance document for internship from the shipowner (for trainees).

Step 2: The seafarer registration agency receives, checks, and processes the applications as follows:

+ In case of direct submission, if the applications are complete, a receipt for the documents is issued and the results are returned within the prescribed time limit; if the applications are not complete as required, they are returned immediately, and the organization or individual is instructed to complete the applications;

+ In case of receiving applications through the postal system or the online public service system, if the applications are not completed as required, within a maximum of two (02) working days from the date of receiving the applications, the seafarer registration agency instructs the organization or individual to complete the applications (sent in writing or through the organization's or individual's account on the online public service system).

Step 3: Within a period of two (02) working days from the date of receiving the complete and valid applications, as prescribed, the seafarer registration agency enters the seafarer's registration book and issues the seafarer's discharge book according to the prescribed template. For cases ineligible for issuance, the seafarer registration agency must respond in writing within the prescribed time limit and state the reasons.

(Based on Clause 2, Article 1 of Circular 56/2023/TT-BGTVT)

Therefore, to become seafarers, we must follow the above steps and ensure compliance with the regulations of the law.

Nguyen Minh Khoi

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