What are the duties and powers of the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism?

What are the duties and powers of the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism?
Nguyen Thi Diem My

What is the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism? What are the duties and powers of the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism? – Duc Hung (Bac Kan)

What are the duties and powers of the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism?

What are the duties and powers of the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism? (Internet image)

1. What is the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism?

- Vietnam National Authority of Tourism is an administrative organization under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism; that performs the functions of advising and assisting the Minister in the state management of tourism, organizing the implementation of the law on tourism nationwide, and managing public services on tourism in accordance with the law.

- The Vietnam National Authority of Tourism has legal status, has a seal with the national emblem, and is headquartered in Hanoi city.

- English transaction name: Vietnam National Authority of Tourism.

English abbreviation: VNAT.

(Article 1 of Decision 1536/QD-BVHTTDL)

2. What are the tasks and powers of the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism?

Tasks and powers of the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism include:

(1) Submit to the Minister for submission to competent state agencies:

- Law projects and draft resolutions of the National Assembly; Ordinance projects and draft resolutions of the National Assembly Standing Committee; draft resolutions and decrees of the Government on tourism and other schemes and projects as assigned by the Minister;

- Tourism development strategy, tourism system planning; programs, schemes, plans, projects, and works of national importance in tourism; draft decisions and directives of the Prime Minister on tourism;

- The signing of international treaties and international agreements on tourism in accordance with law;

- The permission to establish representative offices in Vietnam of foreign tourism agencies, international and regional tourism organizations;

- Dossier of application for recognition of a national tourist area located in two or more provincial-level administrative units.

(2) Submitting to the Minister for decision:

- Long-term, medium-term, and short-term plans for tourism development; projects and projects on tourism;

- Circulars and decisions on tourism;

- Organizing the investigation, assessment, and classification of tourism resources; guiding and organizing the implementation of tourism planning;

- Guiding the recognition and management of tourist resorts and tourist spots;

- Application for recognition of a national tourist area;

- Promulgating regulations on the protection, embellishment, development, exploitation, and promotion of the value of tourism resources and the protection of the tourist environment;

- Promulgating regulations on the person in charge of the business of travel services, training and retraining contents, organization of examinations, and issuance of certificates of professional tourism management; order and procedures for revocation of the travel service business license;

- Prescribing standards of tourist service for other tourist service business establishments;

- Promulgating regulations on training and retraining contents, organization of examinations, and issuance of certificates of professional tour guides; contents of inspection of professional tour guides at the point; foreign language proficiency standards;

- Promulgating documents guiding the implementation of the law on: travel service businesses, tour guides, tourist accommodations, tourism promotion; tourism planning; tourism product development; other tourism service businesses

(3) Developing regulations on criteria, quality standards, economic and technical norms, fees, and charges in the field of tourism and submitting them to competent authorities for promulgation.

(4) Advising and assisting the Minister in directing, guiding, inspecting, and organizing the implementation of legal documents, strategies, planning, tourism programs, plans, schemes, and projects already approved by competent authorities.

(5) Formulating, guiding, and implementing national and international tourism promotion strategies, plans, and programs; coordinating inter-regional and inter-local tourism promotion activities as decentralized by the Minister.

(6) Organizing conferences and seminars on tourism; conducting research, surveying, evaluating, and proposing mechanisms and policies to develop markets, tourism products, and tourism human resources; developing a national tourism brand; and coordinating and linking inter-national, inter-regional, and inter-provincial tourism activities.

(7) Developing national technical standards and regulations on tourism to submit to the Minister for decision or request competent agencies to announce them according to regulations.

(8) Organizing information and communication work on tourism; guiding and organizing the provision of tourist information at international border gates, tourist resorts, and tourist spots.

(9) Organizing the performance of statistical work in the tourism sector; scientific research, application of scientific and technological advances, digital transformation, environmental protection, and response to climate change in the field of tourism according to the provisions of law and as decentralized by the Minister .

(10) Determining the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of public non-business units in the field of tourism according to the provisions of law.

(11) Building, guiding the use, exploitation, and management of a tourism management database.

(12) Organizing the implementation and inspecting the implementation of international treaties on tourism to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has signed or acceded, international agreements, international programs, and projects financed by tourism according to the decentralization of the Minister and according to the provisions of law.

(13) Organizing the implementation of investment projects in tourism within its competence according to the assignment and decentralization of the Minister and according to the provisions of law.

(14) Managing and organizing the appraisal, decision on recognition, and revocation of the decision on recognition of 4-star and 5-star tourist accommodation establishments according to the provisions of the law; publicizing the list of tourist accommodation establishments that have been ranked according to their competence; guiding, inspecting, and ranking tourist accommodation establishments by specialized tourism agencies of the province; organizing the inspection and quality of tourist accommodation establishments nationwide.

(15) Managing and organizing the grant, re-issuance, renewal, and revocation of international travel service business licenses; managing, guiding, and inspecting the grant, re-grant, renewal, and revocation of domestic travel service business licenses; organizing the inspection of international and domestic travel service business activities nationwide.

(16) Managing, guiding, and inspecting the issuance, re-issuance, renewal, and revocation of tour guide cards by provincial-level specialized tourism agencies; organizing the inspection of tour guide activities of tour guides, the tour guiding activities of tourist resorts and tourist attractions nationwide.

(17) Managing, handling, or coordinating with competent state agencies in handling tourists' petitions within the scope of tasks and powers of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism as assigned by the Minister.

(18) Publishing the list of educational institutions that organize exams and issue certificates of tourism administration and management of certificates of tourism administration on the travel management website; publishing the list of educational institutions that organize examinations and issue certificates of tour guide service and manage tour guide certificates on the website of tour guide management; guiding and inspecting the organization of examinations, granting certificates of professional skills in tourism management, certificates of professional skills in tour guide.

(19) Appraising the application for recognition of the national tourist area; guiding and inspecting the appraisal and recognition of provincial-level tourist resorts and tourist spots; guiding the management of tourist resorts and tourist spots; inspecting tourism service business activities at tourist resorts and tourist spots.

(20) Advising and assisting the Minister in managing the activities of associations and non-governmental organizations in the field of tourism in accordance with law.

(21) Implementing administrative reform in the field of tourism according to the annual program and plan of the Ministry.

(22) Organizing the inspection, coordinating the inspection, preventing and combating corruption, waste, negativity, and other violations of the law in the field of tourism in accordance with the law.

(23) Organizing emulation and commendation in tourism activities as decentralized by the Minister and in accordance with law.

(24) Managing organizational structure, employment positions, civil servants, public employees, and employees, and implementing regimes and policies for civil servants, public employees, and employees under the management of the Department according to the provisions of law and the decentralization of the Minister.

(25) Managing finance, public property and other lawful resources assigned by the Minister and as prescribed by law; performing the responsibilities of the superior budget estimation unit for budget-using units under the Department in accordance with law and as decentralized by the Minister.

(26) Managing and organizing the implementation of public service activities within the scope of state management of the Department in accordance with the law and as assigned by the Minister.

(27) Performing other duties and powers assigned by the Minister and in accordance with law.

(Article 2 of Decision 1536/QD-BVHTTDL)


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