Rights and responsibilities of domestic violence victims in Vietnam

Rights and responsibilities of domestic violence victims in Vietnam
Le Truong Quoc Dat

What are the rights and responsibilities of domestic violence victims in Vietnam? - Khanh Duy (Tien Giang)

Rights and responsibilities of domestic violence victims in Vietnam

Rights and responsibilities of domestic violence victims in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Rights and responsibilities of domestic violence victims in Vietnam

Rights and responsibilities of domestic violence victims under Article 9 of the Law on Prevention and Combat against Domestic Violence 2022 are as follows:

- Domestic violence victims may:

+ Request competent agencies, organizations, or individuals to protect their health, life, honor, dignity, and legal rights and benefits related to domestic violence acts;

+ Request competent agencies or individuals to apply measures to prevent, protect, and support as prescribed by this Law;

+ Receive allocation of shelters and confidentiality of such shelters and information on personal life, personal secrets, and family secrets according to this Law and other regulations of relevant laws;

+ Receive medical services, psychological counseling, and training in skills in responding to domestic violence, legal aid, and social support as prescribed by law; 

+ Request perpetrators to remedy consequences and compensate for damage to their health, honor, dignity, and property;

+ Receive information on relevant rights and obligations during the settlement of conflicts and disputes among family members or the handling of domestic violence acts;

+ Complain, denounce, and file a lawsuit against acts that violate domestic violence prevention and combat laws;

+ Other rights according to laws related to domestic violence prevention and combat.

- Domestic violence victims, guardians, or legal representatives of domestic violence victims shall adequately, accurately, and promptly provide information on domestic violence acts upon requests of competent agencies, organizations, or individuals.

2. Responsibilities of perpetrators in Vietnam

Responsibilities of perpetrators under Article 10 of the Law on Prevention and Combat against Domestic Violence 2022 are as follows:

- Perpetrators shall:

+ Terminate domestic violence acts;

+ Comply with requests and decisions of competent agencies, organizations, and individuals when such entities apply measures to prevent, protect, support, and handle violations against domestic violence prevention and combat laws;

+ Promptly bring domestic violence victims to medical facilities for emergency aid and treatment. Take care of domestic violence victims unless refused by the victims, their guardians, or legal representatives;

+ Compensate for the damage and remedy consequences for domestic violence victims, people who participate in domestic violence prevention and combat, and other organizations and individuals.

- If the perpetrators are guardians or legal representatives of domestic violence victims, they are forbidden from performing the rights of guardians and legal representatives according to this Law regarding domestic violence cases they performed.

3. Responsibilities of family members in domestic violence prevention and combat in Vietnam

Responsibilities of family members in domestic violence prevention and combat according to Article 11 of the Law on Prevention and Combat against Domestic Violence 2022 are as follows:

- Educate and remind other family members to comply with laws on prevention and combat against domestic violence, laws on marriage and family, laws on gender equality, and other relevant laws.

- Mediate conflicts and disputes among family members; request perpetrators to end their behaviors; participate in taking care of domestic violence victims.

- Cooperate with agencies, organizations, individuals, and the residential population in preventing and combating domestic violence.

- Perform domestic violence prevention and combat measures following the Law on Prevention and Combat against Domestic Violence 2022 and other relevant laws.

4. Rights and responsibilities of individuals in domestic violence prevention and combat in Vietnam

Rights and responsibilities of individuals in domestic violence prevention and combat according to Article 12 of the Law on Prevention and Combat against Domestic Violence 2022 are as follows:

- Receive commendations upon achievements in domestic violence prevention and combat according to emulation and commendation laws; receive protection and confidentiality of personal information when notifying or denouncing domestic violence acts; receive support from the State to compensate for damage to health, life, and property when participating in domestic violence prevention and combat as prescribed by the Government of Vietnam.

- Upon detecting domestic violence acts, individuals shall:

+ Provide notifications and denunciations of such behaviors for competent agencies, organizations, or individuals as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 19 of the Law on Prevention and Combat against Domestic Violence 2022;

+ Participate in protecting and supporting domestic violence victims and domestic violence prevention and combat activities in the community.


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