Measures for assuring safety during sale of adventure tourism products in Vietnam

What are the measures for assuring safety during sale of adventure tourism products in Vietnam? - Quynh Han (Hung Yen)

Measures for assuring safety during sale of adventure tourism products in Vietnam

Measures for assuring safety during sale of adventure tourism products in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. What games are considered adventure tourism products?

According to Article 8 of Decree 168/2017/ND-CP,  tourism products are likely to threaten tourists’ health and life if one of the following services is provided:

- Paragliding, ballooning; parachuting; high ropes course.

- Cycling, motorcycling, mountain and sand dune motorbike and car expedition; mountain climbing, rock climbing; waterfall rope swing.

- Underwater diving; white-water rafting; jetskiing; windsurfing; parasailing.

- Cave, forest and mountain discovery.

Thus, adventure games are understood as tourism products that are likely to threaten tourists’ health and life according to the above regulations.

2. Measures for assuring safety during sale of adventure tourism products in Vietnam

 Measures for assuring safety during sale of tourism products that may threaten tourists’ health and life are specified in Article 9 of Decree 168/2017/ND-CP, specifically as follows: :

- Give warning and instructions about climate, weather, health and relevant factors upon provision of tourism products that may threaten tourists’ health and life.

- Introduce rescue plans, establish rescue departments in charge of prompt response to accidents; maintain contact with tourists during provision of tourism products.

- Employ qualified trainers, technicians and tour guides.

- Disseminate regulations on assurance of safety of tourists; provide guidance on technical operating procedure for tourists before provision of tourism products.

- Provide, provide instructions on and supervise use of equipment according to regulations and standards to ensure safety of tourists.

3. Tourism development policies in Vietnam

Tourism development policies in Vietnam include:

(i) The State shall introduce policies to mobilize sources for tourism development to ensure tourism is a national spearhead industry.

(ii) Organizations and individuals doing tourism business shall be entitled to the highest level of investment incentive and assistance when the State issues and adopts policies on investment incentive and assistance.

(iii) The State shall give priority to provision of funding for the following activities:

- Inspection, assessment, preservation, enhancement and development tourism resources;

- Formulation of master plans for tourism development;

- Tourism promotion, development of national and local tourism trademarks;

- Construction of infrastructure in service of tourism development.

(iv) The State shall apply assistance policies to the following activities:

- Investment in high-quality tourism infrastructure and services;

- Research into and orientation towards the development of tourism products;

- Provision of training in tourism;

- Investment in new tourism products that have positive impacts on the environment and increase the participation of local communities; investment in sea and island tourism, eco-tourism, community-based tourism, cultural tourism and other typical tourism products;

- Application of modern science and technology to the management and development of tourism;

- Development of tourism in areas with tourism potential; use of local human resources;

- Investment in establishment of large-scale tourism service complexes; duty-free shops and shopping centers in service of tourists.

(v) The State shall introduce policies to enable tourists to travel, stay, enter, exit, transit and follow customs procedures, facilitate value added tax refund, and protect other lawful rights and interests of tourists.

(Article 5 of the Law on Tourism 2017)


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