What are the regulations on the content of review of collective leaders, managers, and individuals in the political system in Vietnam? - Tien Manh (Da Nang)
Content of review of collective leaders, managers, and individuals in the political system in Vietnam (Internet image)
Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:
The content of the review focuses on clarifying the achieved results, shortcomings, limitations, weaknesses, causes, solutions, and time to fix them.
(1) Party committees, party organizations, leadership, and management collectives
- Compliance with organizational and operational principles, especially the principle of democratic centralism; implementation of working regulations.
- Results of implementing goals, targets, and tasks set out in congress resolutions, plans, and annual work programs assigned and approved by competent authorities.
- Work on building and rectifying the Party and political system; capacity and responsibility of collective leadership and management; responsibility to set an example; accountability; the work of fighting against corruption, misconduct, waste, and preventing and repelling manifestations of deterioration in political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" internally associated with studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style; inspection, supervision, party discipline, and settlement of complaints, denunciations, recommendations, and feedback from organizations and individuals.
- Responsibilities of collective leadership and management in carrying out political tasks of localities, organizations, agencies, and units.
- Issues suggested for review; overcoming limitations and shortcomings concluded by competent authorities and pointed out in the previous review period (if any).
(2) Individual
- Individuals who do not hold leadership or management positions
+ About political qualities, ethics, and lifestyle; spirit of solidarity and internal unity; sense of discipline, responsibility to set an example, and implementation of things party members are not allowed to do; style and working style. Related manifestations of degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation".
+ Implementation of tasks, powers, and results of the implementation of assigned targets and tasks during the year.
+ Fulfilling the commitment to cultivate, practice, and strive every year.
+ Suggested issues for review; overcoming limitations and shortcomings concluded by competent authorities and pointed out in the previous review period (if any).
- Individuals holding leadership and management positions
Review the content in Point 2.1 and the following contents:
+ Results of leadership, direction, management, and administration; carrying out responsibilities and tasks; level of task completion by organizations, agencies, and units under management; ability to gather and build internal solidarity.
+ Responsibilities at work; spirit of dynamism, innovation, creativity, daring to think, daring to do, daring to take responsibility; Handle difficult, complex, and sensitive issues when performing tasks.
+ Responsibility to set an example for yourself and your family; the fight against corruption, waste, and misconduct; the trust of officials and party members.
In addition to the above contents, party committees, party organizations, leadership and management collectives, heads, and individuals must review and clarify responsibilities when there are signs of violations; to cause pressing, complicated issues that are of public concern; There are applications, letters of complaint, and denunciations; manifestations of internal disunity; violations of the Party's principles and regulations; manifestations of "group interests", corruption, misconduct, waste, degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation"; There are groups and individuals under management who are disciplined or prosecuted; they are stagnant, weak, and unable to fulfill assigned responsibilities and tasks.
(Article 6 of Regulation 124-QD/TW 2023)
(1) Prepare for review
- The leader directly directs the preparation of a collective review report and solicits participation and suggestions from relevant groups and individuals.
- Individually preparing self-criticism according to the prescribed content.
- Superiors suggest reviews for groups and individuals according to the management hierarchy when necessary.
(2) Place of review
- Party committees, party organizations, leadership, and management collectives at any level will carry out self-criticism and criticism at that level.
- Party members review the party cell where they live.
- Leadership and management staff basically conduct reviews in 2 places (at the cell where they live and the leadership and management team at the workplace); Assess and rank the quality of party members at party cells; assess and rank the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees at the highest positions. For officials holding many leadership and management positions, in addition to being reviewed in the above two places, they must also be reviewed in other places according to regulations.
(3) Review procedure
- For collective and individual reviews of leaders and managers: Review the group first, individuals later; the leader first, deputies and members later; collective leadership and management of the government; professional and mass organizations first; party committees and party organizations later.
- For party members holding leadership and management positions: Review at the cell first and at the leadership and management collective later.
(Article 7 of Regulation 124-QD/TW 2023)
Ho Quoc Tuan
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