Conditions for changing a military driving license to a civilian driving license in Vietnam

What are the conditions for changing a military driving license to a civilian driving license in Vietnam? - Anh Quan (Lam Dong)

Conditions for changing a military driving license to a civilian driving license in Vietnam

Conditions for changing a military driving license to a civilian driving license in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Conditions for changing a military driving license to a civilian driving license in Vietnam

Specifically, Point 4.4.2, Section 4, Joint Circular 27/2003/TTLT/BGTVT-BQP regulates the conversion of military driving licenses to civilian driving licenses as follows:

- For soldiers, defense workers, and defense civil servants serving on active duty who have a valid military driving license due to special mission requirements, when changing to a civilian driving license, there must be a written request from a competent authority under the Ministry of National Defense.

- Soldiers, defense workers, and defense civil servants have a valid military driving license when they stop serving in the military (including those who are retired according to the regime) and still meet the age and health conditions according to the provisions of the Road Traffic Law and the Labor Code to be converted to a civil driving license of the same class within 6 months from the date of the decision to stop serving in the military.

- Documents to change a military driving license to a civilian driving license include:

+ Application to change a driver's license according to the form prescribed by the Ministry of Transport;

+ Decision to stop serving in the army signed by the head of the regiment or equivalent or higher (photocopy notarized by the State);

+ Letter of introduction from the Department of Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Management or the vehicle and motor vehicle management agency of the Military Region, Army Corps, Army Corps, or equivalent;

+ Valid and valid military driving license;

+ Health certificate of the road motor vehicle driver according to regulations;

+ 3 ID card-style photos.

2. Conditions for changing a civilian driving license to a military driving license in Vietnam

Pursuant to Point 4.4.3, Section 4, Joint Circular 27/2003/TTLT/BGTVT-BQP stipulates the conversion of civilian driving licenses to military driving licenses as follows:

- Before being assigned to drive a military vehicle, a person with a valid civil driving license must go through the procedure to change to a military driving license (except for the subjects mentioned in Clause 4.3 of Joint Circular 27/2003/TTLT/BGTVT-BQP).

- Dossier to change a civilian driving license to a military driving license includes:

+ Application to change a driver's license according to the form of the Department of Vehicle and Machinery Management, General Department of Engineering - Ministry of National Defense.

+ Decision on military enlistment and recruitment by competent authorities (state notarized copy);

+ Request letter and certificate of completion of the military driving training program from the Vehicle and Motorcycle Management agency at the Military Region, Army Corps, Army Corps, and equivalent levels.

+ Valid and valid civil driving license;

+ 3 photos taken in military ID style, size 2 x 3 cm.

3. Regulations for military vehicles participating in traffic

According to Section 2 of Joint Circular 27/2003/TTLT/BGTVT-BQP, regulations for military vehicles participating in traffic are as follows:

- When participating in traffic, military vehicles must have: registration certificate, registration number plate, inspection stamp, circulation permit, and vehicle work permit issued by a competent agency of the Ministry of National Defense.

- Military vehicles and drivers, when participating in traffic, must be subject to inspection and control by military vehicle inspection forces and forces ensuring road traffic order and safety.
within the scope of duties and powers according to current regulations.

- Tracked military vehicles, when participating in traffic under normal conditions, must comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Transport. In cases of emergency duty, comply with the regulations of the Ministry of National Defense and take measures to protect roads and bridges and ensure traffic safety according to the provisions of the law.

- Super-long and super-heavy military vehicles participating in traffic under normal conditions must comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Transport. In cases of emergency duty, comply with the regulations of the Ministry of National Defense and take measures to protect roads and bridges and ensure traffic safety according to the provisions of the law.

- Military vehicles used to teach civilian driving must comply with the Ministry of Transport's driving training regulations.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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